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BUSINESS EYE OCTOBER 28, 2022 | The Indian Eye 34
Big Tech applauds India’s Net connection,
regulations and opportunities it offers
YouTube says they have a clear policy for 2024 Lok Sabha election where they remove
the content of misinformation and their approach is comprehensive
New Delhi
ndia’s digital revolution is not
limited to social media and inter-
Inet services, rather it has trans-
formed into big businesses and creat-
ing vibrant opportunities in the field
of startups, entrepreneurs and trans-
actions through high-quality internet
Social media giant Meta India’s
Vice President and Managing Di-
rector Ajit Mohan at a Delhi-based
think tank event on Thursday lauded
the Indian government and its policy,
regarding the Internet and its securi-
ty. “We welcome government regu-
lation. In India, the government has
been vocal about holding companies
accountable for internet safety and
we are fully aligned with this agenda,”
Ajit Mohan said.
Meta owns Facebook, Instagram,
and WhatsApp, among other prod-
ucts and services. It was formerly
known as Facebook Inc. companies are complying with the internet was a challenge and if gov- olence, incitement to violence, hate
“The way the Indian government laws. “We look at content moderation ernments and tech companies which speech, etc., to making sure that
has promoted internet services in the through two lenses: Adhering to pub- are part of this ecosystem and users elections happen in a peaceful man-
country and practically digital ser- lic guidelines suited to local condi- continue that conversation that, “the ner so that people will feel safe when
vices... it is a remarkable work and it tions and compliance with local laws. internet needs to be open I think, you they’re voting.”
is a matter of recognition,” the head Our economic incentives are aligned know, we’ll always find a way to work Responding to a question that
of Meta India mentioned in his con- with safety and security; marketers together”. YouTube reach has become an in-
versation that is how India is the pow- don’t want to advertise on unsafe In another important develop- tegral part of our daily lives, even in
er of wireless. platforms,” he said. ment, YouTube on Thursday said politics, he said, “How does a plat-
“What we have seen in India is the In his last comment, he said how they have a clear policy for 2024 Lok form that was beneficial for so many
power of wireless. The digital trans- Meta was making it more transpar- Sabha election where they remove the creators and for other economic and
formation in India had started even ent for its consumers and had clearly content of misinformation as quickly communication purposes navigate
before the Covid-19 pandemic. Low- mentioned about transparency policy. as possible and their approach is com- with this highly polarized and po-
cost 4G has been the key catalyst for He said there was value in mov- prehensive. litical future of 2024 election?” He
the digital revolution,” he said. ing towards more transparent algo- Speaking in the CyFy 2022 event added, ‘YouTube is a place where
“The pandemic exposed people rithms and allowing for more explicit virtually. Neal Mohan, Chief Prod- that discourse is happening, which
to a more digital way of living. We choices from consumers. “We are try- uct Officer, YouTube, and Senior happens around election cycles that
are now at a stage where more than ing to work out mechanisms to allow Vice-President, Google, said, “Our happens throughout the year. It is a
a billion people in India have access for more transparency,” he said. approach is comprehensive. Our ap- place where people come and share
to high-quality internet which will The future of the open internet is proach is making sure that we have ideas, share their perspective, share
change the way we experience most a challenge. If governments and tech clear policies around election integ- differing opinions, in terms of politi-
services. The digital economy has led companies become a part of the eco- rity or potentially misinformation re- cal outcomes they desire, in terms of
to a boom in entrepreneurship and the system and continue the conversation lated to elections. policy outcomes they desire.
way business is conducted in India,” that the internet needs to be open, How to vote, where to vote, can- He also said, “Millions of times
Ajit Mohan said during the discussion. we will find ways to work together, didate liability, all of those types of over and over on YouTube on a reg-
Recently, several social media said Samiran Gupta, Senior Director, things which come into play during ular basis and maintaining that open
giants have faced criticism across the Public Policy and Philanthropy, India elections.” He also said, “We have platform and making sure it’s a place
country regarding data compromise and South Asia, Twitter India, while policies where we remove that type where that type of dialogue interac-
and hate speeches, with the Meta In- speaking at CyFy 2022 here on Thurs- of content as quickly as possible. We tion can happen is of paramount im-
dia chief clarifying how Meta and its day. Gupta said the future of the open have context, policies around the vi- portance.’