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BIG STORY                                                           OCTOBER 25, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    5

        Hardeep Singh Nijjar, the Ministry of                                                                 to deflect from his own problems and
        External Affairs said Justin Trudeau                                                                  troubles  regarding  Chinagate,”  he
        “only confirms” what India has been                                                                   said.
        saying “consistently all along.”                                                                          Reacting to the diplomatic row
            The MEA also held Trudeau’s                                                                       between Canada and India, Canadi-
        “cavalier behavior” responsible for                                                                   an security expert, Joe Adam George,
        damaging India-Canada relations.                                                                      has said that the problem lies with
        “What we have heard today only con-                                                                   Canadian Prime Minister Justin
        firms what we have been saying con-                                                                   Trudeau’s conduct  of  foreign poli-
        sistently all along - Canada has pre-                                                                 cy affairs, stressing that both he and
        sented us no evidence whatsoever in                                                                   Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister
        support of the serious allegations that                                                               Melanie Joly are terribly out of their
        it has chosen to level against India and                                                              depth when it comes to issues related
        Indian diplomats,” said MEA spokes-                                                                   to foreign affairs.
        person Randhir Jaiswal in an official                                                                     In an interview, he also  spoke
        statement last night in response to                                                                   about Canada’s stance on the ongo-
        Trudeau’s comment on Wednesday.                                                                       ing war between Israel and Hamas.
            The leader of the People’s Par-                                                                   He stressed that the Canadian gov-
        ty of Canada, Maxime Bernier, has                                                                     ernment, instead of supporting their
        said that Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who                                                                   long-time ally, Israel, often throws it
        was shot dead outside the gurdwara                                                                    out of the bus.
        in Surrey in 2023, was not Canadi-                                                                        When asked whether there will
        an but a “foreign terrorist who used                                                                  be a reset in India- Canada rela-
        fraudulent documents to claim asy-                                                                    tionship if Trudeau is voted out, Joe
        lum in Canada several times starting                                                                  Adam George said, “The problem
        in 1997.”                                                                                             fundamentally lies with Prime Min-
            In a post on X, Bernier said that                                                                 ister Trudeau’s conduct of foreign
        authorities should have deported                                                                      policy matters. Both him and For-
        Nijjar after his fake asylum claim, like   Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets Canadian PM Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of the G20   eign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly
        the hundreds of thousands of fake                      Summit, in New Delhi in 2023 (ANI)             are terribly out of their depth when it
        asylum claimants who are in Canada                                                                    comes to foreign affairs matters. We
        right now. He called for taking away   ing Canadian premier and the Water-  “China has been interfering in   saw it play out in the Middle East, in
        Nijjar’s citizenship posthumously to   gate scandal against former US Pres-  Canadian elections since 2019 and   the way they’ve treated Israel, which
        rectify the administrative error.  ident Richard Nixon. Sachdev said,   2021. There are huge controversies   is, again, like India, a long-time ally of
            He said that allegations made by   “Canada is not taking any actions,   on that. In order to divert and distract   Canada.”
        the Royal Canadian Mounted Police   Canada doesn’t have any empathy,   attention from Chinagate, in which   “But, in fact, just last week it was
        (RCMP) and the Liberal government   Canada is displaying no empathy with   Trudeau is being labelled as a weak   reported that Foreign Affairs Minis-
        regarding Indian diplomats engaging   regards to India. The reason being   leader, Trudeau very wisely thought   ter Joly said that she on writing got a
        in criminal activities in Canada are   Trudeau has fallen trap to a China-  to amplify, to play up India to distract   significant number of Arab Muslims
        “highly serious” and stressed that   gate. Just like Watergate, which was   attention within his own country on   who she needs to appease, because
        they need to be addressed decisively   a scandal of American democracy   his leadership failures. So, we can ex-  their support for Palestine and hence
        if proven true.                   brought by Nixon, similarly, China   pect more of this as Trudeau took a   they would often throw Israel on the
            “He was actually a foreign terror-  gate is a scandal brought by Trudeau.”  conscious decision of targeting India   bus instead of supporting them in the
        ist who used fraudulent documents                                                                     fight  against  Hamas,  Hezbollah  and
        to claim asylum in Canada several                                                                     the Iranian regime. This is exactly the
        times starting in 1997. His claims were                                                               same, and now we see the same case
        rejected  but he  was nevertheless al-                                                                with India,” he further said.
        lowed to stay in this country and was                                                                     Amid the escalating diplomatic
        somehow granted citizenship in 2007.                                                                  row between India and Canada, Con-
        Nijjar wasn’t a Canadian. We should                                                                   gress leader Pawan Khera on Thurs-
        perhaps posthumously take away his                                                                    day said that the opposition will stand
        citizenship to right this administrative                                                              with the government and speak in one
        error. He should have been deported                                                                   voice, adding that no country had ever
        after his first fake asylum claim, like                                                               dared to put such grave accusations
        the hundreds of thousands of fake                                                                     on India.
        asylum claimants who are in Canada                                                                        “No country had ever dared to
        right now,” he added.                                                                                 put such grave accusations on India.
            The allegations of Chinese inter-                                                                 This is unprecedented and we will not
        ference in Canada’s elections have la-                                                                tolerate it. When it comes to matters
        belled Prime Minister Justin Trudeau                                                                  of foreign policy and national securi-
        as a “weak leader” because of which                                                                   ty, the opposition will stand with the
        he took a “conscious decision” of tar-                                                                government and speak in one voice.
        geting India to distract public’s atten-                                                              The government needs to ensure this
        tion from the controversy as well as                                                                  by taking the opposition and the LoP
        other domestic issues, foreign affairs                                                                into confidence by briefing about the
        expert, Robinder Sachdev said.      Shiv Sena Dogra Front supporters protest against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau   happenings,” Khera said.
            He also drew a parallel between             over his alleged comment in Jammu on Tuesday (ANI)        At least on this issue, all Indian
        the ‘Chinagate controversy’ surround-                                                                 parties seem to talking in one voice.

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