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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 22

                                                      FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS 2022

            Dr. Dattareya Nori honored for excellence in

          medicine at Diwali gathering in Times Square

        OUR BUREAU                        South India and is an icon for the In-  He has published over 300 Sci-  physician award.
                                          dian-American community.          entific  Articles  in  major  academic   In 2014, Dr. Nori Received “The
        New York, NY
                                              Dr. Dattatreyudu Nori is an in-  journals. He has also trained over   Ellis Island Medal of honor” for his
               ew York Mayor Eric Ad-     ternationally acclaimed oncologist,   250 residents and fellows in the US   exemplary and outstanding Qualities
               ams honored Dr. Dr. Dat-   par excellence. A pioneering Phy-  who are now occupying leadership   in both his personal and profession-
        Ntareya Nori with Life Time       sician. He has pioneered numerous   positions around the globe. He has   al life. In 2015, the Government of
        Achievement award for excellence in   cancer treatment techniques that   extended his expertise and experi-  India recognized his contributions
        medicine at Diwali on Times Square   have  contributed  to  significant  im-  ence to various governments and   to Oncology with the “Padma shri
        event in New York - Times Square.  provement in the cure rates and sav-  private organizations around the   award. In 2018, the Indian cancer
            The founder of the event Nee-  ing lives of countless cancer patients   globe in establishing comprehensive   congress honored him with their
        ta Bhasin said Dr. Nori’s services to   around the globe.           cancer centers.                   highest recognition “Living Legend
        the world in the field of cancer treat-  He has held Major leadership   He has received prestigious   in Oncology award.”
        ment is unparalled. The board of   positions as Director and Chairman   “Tribute to life “ award from the   Last month, his autobiography,
        advisors for Diwali on Times Square   at world renowned Memorial Sloan   American Cancer society for his out-  “From Mantada to Manhattan: The
        Santosh Peddi and Rajender Dich-  Kettering Cancer center and New   standing service to cancer care in the   journey of my life” was released by
        pally said it is a matter of great pride   York Presbyterian Hospitals in New   US Memorial Sloan Kettering hon-  the Chief Justice of Supreme court
        that Dr. Dattareya Nori belongs to   York.                          ored with The Most distinguished   of India, N V Ramana.

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