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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 20

                                                      FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS 2022

                           Diwali will be a public-school

                 holiday in New York City starting in

                                          2023: Mayor Adams

        OUR BUREAU                        versary Day, traditionally celebrat-  and antiquated day,” as compared   diet and meditation practice.
                                          ed on the first Thursday in June, for   to Diwali, which is celebrated by a   During the conference, Adams
        New York, NY
                                          Diwali in the public-school calendar.   “growing number of New Yorkers.”  called the decision a “long overdue”
               iwali, the  Hindu celebra-  Diwali is a major Hindu festival but   “People have said that there’s   acknowledgment of Hindu, Sikh,
               tion known as the “Festival   is also celebrated by some Buddhists,   simply not enough room in the New   Jain and Buddhist communities.
        Dof Lights,” will be a pub-       Sikhs and Jains. The date of Diwa-  York City school calendar to have a   “We are going to encourage children
        lic-school holiday in New York City   li fluctuates. This year, the five-day   Diwali school holiday,” the assem-  to learn about what is Diwali,” he
        starting next year. Mayor Eric Ad-  holiday will start on October 24, said   blywoman said in the CNN report.   said. “We’re going to have them start
        ams announced plans to include the   the CNN report.                “Well, my legislation makes the   talking about what it is to celebrate
        holiday in the public-school schedule   “The time has come to recog-  room.”                          the Festival of Lights, and how do
        at a press conference on Thursday   nize  over  200,000 New Yorkers of   The new school schedule will   you turn a light on within yourself.”
        morning, alongside state assembly-  the Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Jain   still have 180 school days, as is re-  “When we take this period to
        woman Jenifer Rajkumar and De-    faiths who celebrate Diwali, the Fes-  quired by the state’s education laws,   acknowledge Diwali, we’re acknowl-
        partment of Education chancellor   tival of Lights,” Rajkumar, who in-  Rajkumar added. The assembly-  edging the light that is within us, the
        David Banks, according to a CNN   troduced legislation to recognize Di-  woman also referenced lighthearted   light that clearly can push away dark-
        report.                           wali, said in the press conference. She   descriptions of Adams as “the Hindu   ness,” the mayor said, as quoted in
            Legislators swapped out Anni-  called Anniversary Day “an obscure   mayor” because of his plant-based   the CNN report.

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