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OP-ED                                                                OCTOBER 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 14

        Kharge, Congress after Gandhis and Nehru

                                   Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              his is perhaps the point to
              underscore, something that
        Tis missed by many observers,
        unknowingly or deliberately. Ra-
        hul Gandhi kept himself aloof from
        the election process and refused the
        fervent pleas of innumerable party
        leaders and cadres to take the pres-
        idency once again. The election thus
        became necessary. But this election
        does not decide who the undisputed
        leader of the party is and will remain.
        Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi will
        in different ways continue to provide
        leadership and guidance to the par-
        ty for the future even as the stature
        of Kharge grows. He will look after
        the routine organizational responsi-
        bilities guided by the top leadership
        that will have more time to work on
        the vision and outreach as we go into
        election 2024 mode. How things will
        be streamlined and the consultative
        process  fine-tuned  will  be  worked
        out at the top. People  who  do not
        understand the ethos and culture of
        our party should just wait to see how
        things at the top will be managed.
            It would suffice at present to un-  Newly elected Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge arrives to brief the media after his win, at his residence in New Delhi on Wednesday (ANI)
        derscore that for the past 20 years,
        through thick and thin, the party has
        been deeply attached to the Gandhis   did not happen. After all he had cam-  for the Gandhis. In fact, the Gandhis   not toe Nehru’s ideology as a free-
        and indeed, it was their decision and   paigned extensively touring states like   may be relieved that Tharoor did not   dom fighter.
        foresight to give this opportunity to   Maharashtra, Telangana, Tamil Nadu   poll more than 10 per cent votes as it   Do these legislative compromises
        evolve another model of leadership.  and UP. He was hoping to tap on the   does not rob them of the moral au-  indicate  Nehru’s  ideological  promis-
        It is important that we give it a chance.  latent discontent within the party.  thority to remote control Kharge. It   cuity? I argue not. Nehru was leading
        Time will tell how this helps the par-  That is why party MP Karti Chidam-  is possible 416 votes were deliberately   a young, massive, impoverished na-
        ty and the country. Instead of finding   baram, backing Tharoor remarked”  found invalid. Tharoor’s campaign   tion in the post-colonial world, raring
        fault with what we have done, it is   We are very pleased that we crossed   team had flagged “extremely serious   to forge its own identity by lending
        time for our critics to put their mon-  the four-digit mark – 1,072 votes”:  irregularities” in the conduct of the   itself to democracy with universal
        ey where their mouths are. Change     In 2000, when Jitendra Prasada   election in Uttar Pradesh.     franchise — a political system that
        by evolution is not to be devalued   contested against Sonia Gandhi, he                               had never been tried in India before.
        against change by revolution, because   had polled a paltry 94 votes failing   --Editorial, The Indian Express  All the while, the ghosts of Partition
        the cost of the latter can be very high   to reach the three-digit mark as So-  NEHRU THE LEGISLATOR   hung about like a dense winter smog.
        and unpredictable.                nia Gandhi polled 7, 400 votes. In                                  In Nehru’s mind, restricting the right
                                          1997, when Sitaram Kesri was elected    he first amendment to the Con-  to life was necessary to keep Assam
           --Editorial, The Times of India
                                          party president, he had polled 6,224′   stitution came within months   in the Union, restricting S.P. Mook-
             THE THAROOR CAMP             votes while Sharad Pawar got 882 and  Tof its original adaptation. It in-  erjee’s freedom of speech — he was
                                          Rajesh Pilot polled 354.Little wonder   serted a restriction to free speech that   unremittingly calling for war with Pa-
              lection of Mallikarjun Kharge   then that Tharoor who lost the elec-  could harm “friendly relations with   kistan — was necessary to avoid war
              as Congress President by a   tions felt that the revival of the party   foreign  states”.  In  the  same  amend-  and bloodbath, restricting the benefit
        Ecomfortable margin — he  “has truly begun today”. After all, win-  ment, the right to free ownership of   of reservations to Hindus and Sikhs
        polled 7897 votes against Shashi Tha-  ning trust and confidence of a 1000   property was trammelled too, por-  was necessary for his bigger audience.
        roor’s 1072 — was on predictable   plus party delegates spread across   tending the end of the centuries-old   --Kabeer Shrivastava,
        lines. His election was hailed as he   the country is no small achievement.  zamindari system. The abolition of   The Telegraph (India)
        became  the  first  non-Gandhi  presi-  Even if the entire voter list is some-  zamindari was the stated intention of
        dent to be elected after 25 years since   thing that had been hand-picked by   Mahatma Gandhi and the Congress   Every week, we look at what the top
        Sitaram Kesri. Kharge with blessings   the Congress high command The wa-  leadership since the mid-1930s and it   commentators in the Indian media are
        of the Gandhis was destined to win. It   ger in the party circles was that if Tha-  fit perfectly in line with Nehru’s Fa-  talking about and bring to you a slice
        is only that Tharoor had hoped to poll   roor had polled more than 25 % of the   bian socialism, but it added another   of their opinions and comments
        about 2000 to 2,500 votes and that   votes cast it could have spelt trouble   restriction to free speech, which did

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