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OPINION                                                              OCTOBER 21, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 12

              China’s President Xi Jinping had tasked the PLA to implement the two systems    One of the reasons for creating a separate chain of command for combat is to let the theatre
                             of chain of command before 2020                             command focus on strengthening its combat preparedness

        commanders would have to compre-  of command mostly deals with army   atre. Since the responsibility of the   ferent sets of capabilities to counter
        hend and analyse vast sums of infor-  construction and administration.   theatre command is to prepare and   them. The command system facili-
        mation flow. This would require high   It was implemented to enhance   win wars, the command system would   tates it by making sure that the joint
        degree of intelligence and reasoning   the CMC’s  role  as  the supervisory   help in focusing on the types of war   command system is not bothered by
        to make accurate summations of the   manager, while the military services   being fought, the kind of command   administrative and management du-
        battlefield situation and the develop-  would exclusively focus on army con-  system to train, and increase the ca-  ties and exclusively plans for joint op-
        ment of the war. This in turn would   struction (development of the capa-  pability of the operational units with-  erations. They can train according to
        put pressure on the commanders to   bilities of the individual military ser-  in the theatre command to carry out   the requirement of their theatre and
        understand and  implement  strata-  vice branches).                 the instructions of the CMC.      come up with operational plans that
        gems, grasp the art of command and    The division of responsibility is   Within the structure of the com-  fit their threat perception.
        become  proficient  in  the  system  of   such that the theatre command can   mand system, the theatre command   Such  a  separation  of  the  re-
        joint operational command.        focus on combat-related issues. For   therefore takes a lead in forming   sponsibilities has made the PLA to
            In  their  view,  without  refining   instance, the theatre commands are   the entirety of the joint operational   focus exclusively on developing a
        the command structure, the PLA’s   charged with responding to security   command structure as they would be   joint combat capability. As a result,
        ability to wage war would be severely   threats in their respective strategic   involved in military forces allocation   the theatre commands are conduct-
        restricted.    Unless  one  has  an  effi-  directions, maintaining peace, con-  planning necessary for combating   ing exercises focused on improving
        cient combat command system, the   taining wars and winning wars. They   threats, evaluation of combat and   the joint operations’ capability and
        commander would spend 85 per cent   have  a  pivotal  role  in  safeguarding   support capabilities of the troops in   training is centered on joint training.
        of their time sorting through large   the country’s overall national securi-  the theatre, planning of joint oper-  The execution of such a capability is
        amount of information, and only 15   ty and military strategies.    ations and joint training planning   possible because of the structure of
        per  cent  related  to  combat  issues.   According to Xi Jinping, inte-  in accordance with the threat being   the leadership and command system.
        This trend has been reversed after   grated joint operations are the heart   faced by the theatre. Therefore, a   The leadership and command sys-
        achieving  the integrated  command   of future warfare and the PLA should   theatre command becomes more fo-  tem is able to ensure that the theatre
        information system.               grasp and comprehend the world    cused on the extent of its boundaries   command can achieve integration
            Since the focus is on improving   military trends. As a result, whereas   of areas of responsibility and can en-  between the different services and
        ‘command’ to attain  combat  readi-  before the reforms in the PLA, the   gage in combat missions accordingly.  different operational units deployed
        ness, the PLA has separated respon-  operational units were training in-  The two command systems are   in the theatre and achieve command
        sibilities such as capability-building   dependently and were unable to co-  considered as the nervous system of   efficiency by improving the situation-
        and other administrative issues from   ordinate their training jointly.  After   the military management and combat   al awareness of the theatre.
        the theatre command.  The PLA     the implementation of the joint com-  in the PLA. Unity of leadership, such
        therefore  created  a separate chain   mand system, the theatre command   as the control of the PLA through the   Dr M.S. Prathibha is Associate
        of command making the military ser-  coordinates  joint  operations  in  an   CMC, remains one of the goals for   Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar
        vices concentrate its leadership and   increasing fashion.          constituting the leadership system.   Institute for Defense Studies and
        management of the troops tailored     The joint operational command   The two systems divide the responsi-  Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi
        towards the CMC’s guidelines such   system ensures that all elements of   bilities such as joint operations com-  Views expressed are of the author and
        as the kind of capabilities that each   joint and multi-service commands   mand at the theatre level and army   do not necessarily reflect the views of
        service should be developing. On the   are  integrated. In  other  words, the   construction and management at the   the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        other hand, this leaves the theatre   theatre command achieves a pivotal   level of military service branches.  Government of India.
        command handling decisions regard-  position in the command chain as    The theatre command, for in-
        ing operational matters.          they would develop the capability to   stance, would only focus on devel-  This is the abridged version of the
            This system is the chain of com-  have an integrated command system,   oping joint operations capability   Introduction of the book which
        mand where the decision or orders   which would lead it to communicate   against the adversary they are facing   appeared first in the Comment
        from the CMC are communicated to   seamlessly between different com-  in their strategic direction. Each the-  section of the website ( of
        the individual military services and   mands from units from the military   atre command has different levels   Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense
        they, in turn circulate it to the troops   services and support forces, and raise   of strategic threats, faces different   Studies and Analyses, New Delhi on
        (CMC–Services–Troops). This chain   the situational awareness of the the-  kinds  of  adversaries  and needs  dif-  October 17, 2022

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