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SPORTS                                                                  OCTOBER 15, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          56

        185 matches.                                                                                                  rose like a phoenix when the
            On-field, Eoin Morgan won                                                                                 team needed him most and his
        the toss and elected to bowl first                                                                            best  knock  came  in  Qualifier
        against MS Dhoni-led side. CSK                                                                                1 against Delhi Capitals. He
        has won the IPL title thrice and                                                                              scored 18 runs from six balls,
        after putting on a dismal show                                                                                rolling  back  time,  giving  fans
        in the 2020 season in UAE, the                                                                                a perfect nostalgia trip as the
        side made a remarkable come-                                                                                  Chennai franchise roared into
        back this year and some fearless                                                                              the  final.  His  innings  even  got
        cricket from the franchise has                                                                                Virat Kohli to label Dhoni as
        seen Dhoni’s men reach the fi-                                                                                the “greatest finisher ever”.
            On the other hand, KKR                                                                                        it came true but only
        was completely down and out                                                                                               partially
        in  India’s  leg  as  the  team  had
        won just two games out of sev-                                                                                       ormer England skipper
        en. However, travelling to the  Shubman Gill of Kolkata Knight Riders plays a shot during the final of the           Michael Vaughan on Fri-
        UAE brought about a change in                                  Vivo iPl 2021 (aNi)                            Fday predicted that Chen-
        fortunes.                                                                                                     nai Super Kings (CSK) will win
                                                                                                                      the Indian Premier League
            a new milestone for                                                                                       (IPL) 2021 and Ravindra Jadeja
           jadeja and du plessis                                                                                      will be the Man of the Match.
        C       hennai     Super    Kings                                                                             played in two parts this season
                                                                                                                          The  IPL  2021  has  been
                                                                                                                      due to the COVID-19 pandem-
                Ravindra Jadeja and
                                                                                                                      nal is finally here. The summit
        batter Faf du Plessis were play-                                                                              ic and after a long wait, the fi-
        ing their 200th and 100th Indian                                                                              clash will see MS Dhoni’s Chen-
        Premier League (IPL) match,                                                                                   nai Super Kings clash with Eoin
        respectively on Friday.                                                                                       Morgan’s Kolkata Knight Rid-
            Du Plessis has been a beast                                                                               ers (KKR).
        this season, scoring 547 runs in a                                                                                MS Dhoni-led CSK has won
        total of 15 matches. In his entire                                                                            the IPL title thrice and after put-
        IPL career, the South African                                                                                 ting on a dismal show in the 2020
        has gathered 2849 runs. On the                                                                                season in UAE, the side made a
        other hand, Jadeja has scored                                                                                 remarkable comeback this year
        227 runs and snatched 11 wick-                                                                                and some fearless cricket from
        ets in 15 matches this season. In                                                                             the franchise has seen Dhoni’s
        his entire IPL career, the Indian                                                                             men reach the finals.
        has scored 2386 runs and took                                                                                     Dhoni might have managed
        125 wickets.                                                                                                  to score just 114 runs from 15
            On-field,  Eoin  Morgan-led                                                                               matches this season, but he
        KKR choose to bowl first against     ravindra Jadeja of chennai super Kings celebrates the wicket of shakib al   rose like a phoenix when the
        the CSK in the final game. MS                          hasan of Kolkata Knight riders (aNi)                   team needed him most and his
        Dhoni-led CSK has won the                                                                                     best  knock  came  in  Qualifier
        IPL title thrice and after putting      CSK will square off against  relying on MS to score the runs          1 against Delhi Capitals. He
        on a dismal show in the 2020  Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR)  that he has done in the past but                   scored 18 runs from six balls,
        season in UAE, the side made a  in  the  IPL  2021  final  later  on  when the team needed him the            rolling  back  time,  giving  fans
        remarkable comeback this year  Friday at the Dubai Interna- most in the Qualifier, the great                  a perfect nostalgia trip as the
        and some fearless cricket from  tional Stadium. “MS Dhoni  man just stood up like he has                      Chennai franchise roared into
        the franchise has seen Dhoni’s  just knows how to continuously  done in the past,” he added.                  the  final.  His  innings  even  got
        men reach the finals.                bring an environment together           MS Dhoni-led CSK has won         Virat Kohli to label Dhoni as
                                             and get the best out of the play- the IPL title thrice and after put-    the “greatest finisher ever”.
        shane watson knows how  ers. That is why CSK has always  ting on a dismal show in the 2020                        Moving to KKR, Eoin Mor-
                 dhoni does it               had these different match-win- season in UAE, the side made a            gan’s side was completely down
                                             ners, it is not just about one or  remarkable comeback this year         and out in the India leg as the
               ormer             Australia two players,” said Watson on  and some fearless cricket from               side had won just two games out
               all-rounder Shane  Wat- the Super Kings show on Star  the franchise has seen Dhoni’s                   of  seven.  However, travelling
        Fson has said that Chen- Sports.                                         men reach the finals.                to the UAE brought about a
        nai Super Kings (CSK) skipper           “He just knows how to al-            Dhoni might have managed         change in fortunes.
        MS Dhoni knows how to get the  low people to get out of their  to score just 114 runs from 15
        best out of his players.             way and yes CSK has not been  matches this season, but he

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