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FUTURE this wEEk                                                        OCTOBER 15, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          52

          NumeROlOGy Prediction                                                                                           oct 15 to oct 21, 2021

                                    By Business Astrologer &                               NumBeR 5 (MercUrY)
                                    Astro strAtegist                                       (those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
                                                                                           Starting a business will be one of the most rewarding, exhilarat-
                                    HirAv sHAH                                             ing, and interesting opportunities you will get. If you’re aware
                                                                                           of the risks and you’re still dead-set on being an entrepreneur,
                                    Hirav  Shah  is  a  PIONEER  in  introducing  ASTRO    use the right strategies. You may consult a bonafide business ad-
                                    STRATEGY for Business revolution to increase certainty   visor too. Try to attend as many business conventions, you can.
                                    in business success. He is the top influencer and advisor   For seasoned players, this week will turn out to be productive.
                                    in the fields of Real Estate, Sports, Hollywood, Bollywood,
                                    Tourism,  Corporate  Business,  Politics  &  more.  He   • avoid wearing coffee Brown
                                    combines  Business  Principles  with  Astrology  and  brings   • lucky days: Sunday
                                    strategic solutions to the table while maintaining absolute   • lucky color: Gray
                                    confidentiality. Hirav has an astounding Global presence
                                    with his clients based across various business sectors.  NumBeR 6 (VenUS)
                                    [email protected] |            (those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)
                                                                                           All your long term business goals will start to materialise.
                  NumBeR 1 (SUn)                                                           You will be able to achieve most of your business targets.
                  (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)                You might get a few major contracts too. Legal complications
                                                                                           might occur, but those will be solved in the due course.
                  You will have a special contribution in solving any emergency            Travelling abroad for meetings can be expected. Most meet-
                  at work. This is an uplifting time for your business. There are          ings will be productive. Expect a backache, provided you over
                  chances that profits of some companies might sky-rocket.                 work. Don’t stretch yourself too much.
                  All of your business trips will be productive. All of your busi-
                  ness conferences will be constructive. Try to better your rela-          • avoid wearing yellow
                  tionship with your clients. Things will be okay healthwise.              • lucky days: Sunday
                  • avoid wearing red                                                      • lucky color: violet
                  • lucky days: friday                                                     NumBeR 7 (nePtUne)
                  • lucky color: purple                                                    (those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
                                                                                           This is the week to be careful. Yes, think twice before buying
                  NumBeR 2 (Moon)                                                          anything or signing a lease. To determine if your expenditure
                  (Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month)                is a necessary and good investment, refer to your business
                                                                                           plan and ask yourself how your purchase will contribute to
                  Partnership businesses will thrive. Those who are searching              the success of the business, as well as any additional costs you
                  for partners, are likely to get good partners to collaborate.            could be incurring, such as depreciation and maintenance
                  There might be some internal business disputes. Even if it               costs. Healthwise, things will be okay.
                  happens, try to solve them amicably.
                  Yes, travelling for business meets will get frequent. Hence,             • avoid wearing red
                  headaches might trouble you, therefore yoga in the morning               • lucky days: tuesday
                  will do good for your mind and your body.                                • lucky color: white
                  • avoid wearing Brown                                                    NumBeR 8 (SAtUrn)
                  • lucky days: monday                                                     (those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
                  • lucky color: Golden                                                    Your business vision might see the light of the day. Same
                                                                                           goes for your business mission too. It’s highly recommend-
                  NumBeR 3 (JUPiter)                                                       ed to take weekly training programs for your staff. Your
                                                                                           contemporaries might spread some rumour about your
                  (those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month)                business, in the market. Hence, it’s wise to be thick skinned
                  You might accept any new authority and will be able to fulfill           and “focus on your work”- that’s the trick. Do away with
                  your tasks too, with responsibility. You might earn a special            rich food items, since constipation might trouble you a bit.
                  identity in your company. You will find the solution to every
                  problem and difficulty, with your intellect and business acumen.         • avoid wearing Brown
                  Make sure all customers are happy with your services. Try and            • lucky days: monday
                  respond to all consumer queries. The one thing that might ir-            • lucky color: dark Green
                  ritate you, is fatigue and headaches. Don’t overstress yourself.         NumBeR 9 (MArS)
                  • avoid wearing orange                                                   (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
                  • lucky days: wednesday                                                  You might come up with ideas, products or services to solve
                  • lucky color: navy Blue                                                 problems for the world. But, you also need to be prepared for
                                                                                           failure and criticism as well. Try and improve your relation-
                  NumBeR 4 (UrAnUS)                                                        ship with your business partners. And one last thing is, find
                  (those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month)                out time to declutter your mind. That will really help you and
                  It’s time to strive for your entrepreneurial dreams and ambi-            your business.
                  tions. The old players can serve as an inspiration for young en-         • avoid wearing Green
                  trepreneurs. When it comes to client relationships, you have             • lucky days: thursday
                  to be very soft and humble.                                              • lucky color: red
                  It will be a wonderful period for traders. This week will gener-             CeleBRITIeS Of The week :
                  ally be a profitable one. Physically you will be fit and healthy.
                  • avoid wearing Silver                                            October 15 – APJ Abdul kalam        October 18 – freida Pinto
                  • lucky days: Saturday                                            October 16 – hema malini            October 19 – Sunny Deol
                  • lucky color: cream                                              October 17 – Simi Garewal           October 21 – Shammi kapoor

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