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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline OCTOBER 15, 2021 | The Indian Eye 43
first pErson
virginia is for lovers, and i love it back too!
ShuBhra Sinha to volunteer for the Democrats. crats raised the state’s minimum checks for gun sales are now
Here in the suburbs of DC, I put wage to $12 an hour–the first in- mandatory, and the landmark
hree years ago, I packed my energy into getting the Dem- crease since 2009. The last Re- Virginia Clean Economy Act
my bags, and drove across ocrats at the helm of the country publican governor left the state was enacted. With Coronavirus
Tthe country to Fairfax again, after four traumatic years economy in shambles. vaccine requirements, and mask
county, VA. I was changing the of megalomania, distrust and dis- I am a small business owner, mandates, COVID cases con-
priorities in my my fam- crimination. Watching Joe Biden and Democratic Virginia has tinue to plummet in the state.
ily, my health...and adopting a and Kamala Harris bringing my been a boon for my business. I love my blue state of Vir-
YOLO - You Only Live Once country back together is exciting! We Asians believe in edu- ginia, and want to make sure it
perspective. I knew it would not Let’s make sure that Virgin- cation...and hope our kids be- stays blue. The Governor, Lt
be easy...but I had hope and the ia continues to reap the bene- come doctors, engineers and Governor, Attorney General,
love of my siblings, now so much fits of the good governance we lawyers...yes? Virginia’s Demo- and House of Delegates are up
closer. When I moved into my currently have. During Dem- cratic leaders have made invest- for election on Tuesday, Novem-
new home, I was instantly wel- ocratic Governors McAuliffe ments in public schools, made ber 2, 2021. This is a close elec-
comed by loving neighbors who and Northam’s terms, Virginia’s community college free for low- tion–we need your votes. I hope
had known each other for 30+ economy has grown and CNBC and middle-income students - a that you, my fellow Asians, and
years. I quickly adjusted to a recently declared Virginia the huge benefit for those who need your friends and families, will
new daily rhythm. #1 state to do business! Virgin- the help. They expanded Med- see all the good that has already
In 2008, the euphoria of ia’s unemployment is well below icaid–especially valuable for our been done, and vote with your
Barack Obama motivated me the national average. Demo- parents and elders. Background heart to keep Virginia Blue.
www.TheIndianEYE .com