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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                 OCTOBER 15, 2021  |       The Indian Eye                          41

                             hindu university of america awards an

         honorary doctoral degree to padma bhushan anupam

                Kher, at a graduation ceremony in new york city

        our Bureau                           Chairman of the Board of Trust- class of MA Sanskrit students                Dr. Jashvant Patel, Mem-
        Orlando, FL                          ees, Padma Bhushan Prof. Ved  deeply appreciated the precious  ber of the Board of Trustees
                                             Nanda students.  He welcomed  gift  that they now  possessed,  of HUA, and the Chair of the
                 indu    University     of and commended  the gradu- i.e., a direct access to the Shas- Finance committee of HUA,
                 America awarded Mas- ating students as well as the  tras that contained the Hindu  conferred the honorary Doctor
        Hter of Arts in Sanskrit  chief guest of the event, . Shri  knowledge systems.                                of Philosophy to Shri Anupam
        Degrees, and other Masters  Anupam Kher. Dr. Nanda said                      Swami Sarvapriyananda, the  Kher, and recognized his ex-
        and Doctoral Degrees in Hindu  that America was very recep- resident Swami and head of the  traordinary contributions to the
        Studies and Yoga, to 12 of its  tive to Hindu ideas and thought,  Vedanta Society of New York  world of art, films, and culture,
        graduating students at a Grad- and that he was confident that  City, was also a featured speak- and in particular to world cin-
        uation Ceremony on Saturday,  Hindu University is on its way  er at the event.  He spoke about  ema.  Dr. Patel spoke of Shri
        September 18, 2021 at the Mar- to fulfilling the expectations of  the  need  for  the  ‘Hindu com- Anupam Kher’s courageous
        riott Marquis, Times Square,  not  only  the immigrant  Hindu  munity to build institutions that  and righteous stand for Hindu
        New York, In addition, Hin- community,  but  also  of  many  can transmit Santana Dharma  philosophy and thought, adding
        du University of America also  other Americans. The students,  systematically to the next gen- that ‘the world may not know
        awarded an Honorary Doctoral  who received their degrees to  eration  of  Hindu  Americans.’  this – but Anupam Kher began
        Degree in Hindu Studies to An- appreciative applause, spoke  He added that ‘Hindus in North  his life in great adversity when
        upam Kher.                           briefly  but  movingly  about  the  America have been great tem- he and his family had to leave
            The event began with Bha- gift of knowledge that they  ple builders… but the younger  Kashmir  valley  under  difficult
        jans and dignified Vedic chant- had received from their teach- generation is interested in the  circumstances and start life
        ing and was addressed by the  ers and guides. The graduating  meaning and philosophy behind  afresh in a new town. And his
                                                                                 the rituals… it is good that Hin- journey from Shimla to Chan-
                                                                                  dus have made large donations  digarh, to Mumbai, and then
                                                                                 to Harvard and Columbia, but  to USA, is a true inspiration for
                                                                                 when you make a contribution  millions of people worldwide.’
                                                                                 to Hindu University of Ameri-           Anupam Kher who attend-
                                                                                  ca, it is a matter of great merit,  ed the event in person in New
                                                                                 (punya), and you will be con- York City said ‘I am honored
                                                                                 tributing to the protection and  and humbled to be awarded this
                                                                                 transmission of this Dharma  honorary Doctoral degree from
                                                                                 - without making such invest- Hindu University of America
                                                                                  ments, we run the risk of losing  and I accept it with pride.’ He
                                                                                  an entire generation to mean- added that ‘I am a proud Hindu,
                                                                                 inglessness and rootlessness’.       because  in  thousands  of years,
                                                                                     The President of Hindu Uni- Hindus have never invaded any
                                                                                 versity of America, Shri Kalyan  other country – India has nev-
                                                                                 Viswanathan acknowledged the  er colonized any other country
                                                                                  graduating students of the uni- through military dominance
                                                                                 versity. He read out the Mission  – and even though many hun-
                                                                                  and Vision of the University,  dreds of thousands of my fellow
                                                                                 laying out the need for protect- Kashmiris were forced to live in
                                                                                 ing this small emerging universi- refugee camps, it is due to the
                                                                                 ty. He recalled how near his an- Hindu philosophy of non-vio-
                                                                                  cestral hometown, there is this  lence that no one picked up a
                                                                                  great temple for Shiva, called  gun or any weapon to settle any
                                                                                 the Brighadeeshwara Temple,  scores through violence. We be-
                                                                                 in Tanjore, Tamil Nādu. He said,  lieve in resurrecting our lives by
                                                                                 ‘This temple has stood for more  resurrecting our minds.’
                                                                                 than 1000 years and will proba-          Established in 1983, Hin-
                                                                                  bly stand for many 1000’s more’  du University of America is a
                                                                                  and wondered if ‘we too could  School of Theology, offering a
                                                                                 imagine building a university  Master’s and Doctoral Program
                                                                                 that could live for more than  in Hindu Studies, and a Master
                                                                                 1000 years?’                         of Arts in Sanskrit.

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