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OPINION                                                              OCTOBER 13, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 16

                           Ukrainian Attack on

          Sevastopol: Key Takeaways


               n 13 September 2023, the port
               city of Sevastopol in Crimea
        Owas attacked by Ukrainian
        missile strikes. As per reports,
        Ukraine carried out this strike using
        Storm Shadow cruise missiles that it
        acquired from the United Kingdom
        (UK) earlier this year. Ukraine sup-
        posedly fired ten of these missiles, of
        which  three  managed  to  penetrate
        the Russian Air Defence Grids. Two
        Russian warships that were undergo-
        ing repairs in the dry dock sustained
        severe damage and were rendered
        inoperable. This included a large sur-
        face and submersible vessel that has
        been  identified  as  a  Landing  Ship
        (LST) and a submarine.
            The naval base at Sevastopol is
        the home to the Russian Navy’s Black
        Sea Fleet and has a storied history.
        As a warm water port with a natural
        harbor and extensive infrastructure,
        Sevastopol is among the best naval
        bases in the Black Sea region.     Trajectory and damage of the Missile Attack on Rostov-on-Don. Source: Steve Brown, “Destruction of Russia’s Kilo Class Submarine Unique in
            Sevastopol also played a criti-
        cal role in supporting Russia’s four-                            More Ways Than One”, Kyiv Post, 19 September 2023.
        month long occupation of Snake
        Island. During the initial weeks of   extent of loss that the Russian Navy   1 released by the Kyiv Post.   the various independent BDAs of the
        the War, many observers speculat-  incurred in this attack. Of the three   The  other  significant  target  of   Sevastopol attack, it would be safe to
        ed that Sevastopol would be the   missiles that had penetrated the Rus-  the  attack  has  been  identified  as   assume  that  both  these  significant
        staging point for potential Russian   sian air defence grid, one had struck   a Soviet Era Ropucha-class LST   assets of the Russian Navy are most
        amphibious  operations  on  Odesa.   the  submarine  while  the  other  two   named as Minsk. These class of ships   likely to be written off from service.
        On a regular basis, Russian surface   had hit the LST.              were designed for beach landings   Image 2 shared on Twitter by conflict
        ships and submarines employed in      The Submarine has been identi-  and  were  capable  of  transporting   correspondent Chuck Pfarrer illus-
        combat operations berthed in Sev-  fied as an improved Kilo-Class sub-  cargo up to 450 tons. The structure   trates the extent of possible damage
        astopol for re-arming, replenishing   marine called the Rostov-on-Don.   of these ships has been designed to   sustained by Minsk.
        and repair. The geographic advan-  This class of vessels are conventional   have both bow and stern doors, mak-  The  lateral  damage  of this at-
        tages and the infrastructure facilities   submarines (SSK) with a dual hull   ing it possible to load and unload ve-  tack has been on the dry docks where
        available in Sevastopol enabled the   design. The inner hull is called the   hicles easily. The Minsk was among   these two vessels have been under-
        Black Sea Fleet to make the optimal   pressure hull, designed to withstand   the six LSTs that entered the Black   going repairs. Since the beginning
        utilisation of its Operational Turn-  the immense pressure of the deep   Sea through the Turkish Straits in   of the war, the Sevastopol Shipyard
        around (OTR) and firepower against   sea and houses the crew and equip-  January 2022. In the initial weeks of   has been engaged in the repair and
        Ukrainian targets.                ment. While the outer hull is the   the war, it was expected that these   re-equipment of the Black Sea fleet’s
            Thus far, the attack on 13 Sep-  structural hull designed to protect   ships would serve as the backbone   ships and submarine. Experts have
        tember 2023 is the most successful   the inner hull from damage. The   of the much-anticipated Russian am-  opined  that  there  are  no  compara-
        attack considering the damage in-  photographs of the damaged subma-  phibious operations on the southern   ble facilities within the Black Sea
        flicted upon Russia’s naval assets in   rine released by Conflict Intelligence   coast of Ukraine.    capable of conducting major repairs
        Sevastopol. Since then, there have   Team (CIT) indicate that the missile   It is possible that Minsk, like Ros-  works on Russian warships. For ex-
        been several independent BDAs re-  had penetrated both the hulls and   tov-on-Don, has been damaged be-  ample, the nearest Russian port in
        leased by various Open-Source In-  the warhead has exploded inside the   yond repair. This is contrary to Rus-  Novorossiysk which is located about
        telligence (OSINT) platforms. The   pressure hull. The possible trajectory   sia’s claims that these vessels would   500 kilometers east of Sevastopol
        analysis of these BDAs provides a   and the damage inflicted on the sub-  be swiftly repaired and put back into   does not have facilities for servicing
        holistic  picture  of  the  nature and   marine has been illustrated in Image   service at the earliest. Considering   Continued on next page... >>

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