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SPORTS SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 | The Indian Eye 58
Visa row over Arunachal athletes leads
to tension between India and China
Ministry of External affairs announced that Sports Minister Anurag Thakur is
cancelling his visit to the Asian Games in Hangzhou as a mark of protest
hree Indian Wushu players
Nyeman Wangsu, Onilu Tega
Tand Mepung Lamgu have been
denied entry to China to compete in the
Hangzhou Asian Games. The Wushu
event in the Asian Game will begin
on Sunday. The trio were approved
to take part by the Hangzhou Asian
Games 2023 Organising Committee.
Two of the athletes were unable
to download their accreditation cards
- which act as visas to enter China.
The third athlete from Arunachal
who got her accreditation card was
informed that she would not be per-
mitted to travel beyond Hong Kong.
With the trio needing to be in
Hangzhou by September 24 the de-
lay in Visa has resulted in them being
forced out of the Asian Games. The
rest of the Wushu squad has left for
China. Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Singh Thakur at the unveiling of the Ceremonial Dress and Official Kit for Team India for the
The three Arunachal athletes 19th edition of the Asian Games, in New Delhi. Indian Olympic Association (IOA) President PT Usha is also present (ANI)
were to take part in individual events
of the martial arts sport.
Two of the Wushu players hail- its players by Chinese Authorities. open for all athletes. Earlier, the Interim President of
ing from Arunachal Pradesh, Onilu “Government of India has learnt that “As the host country, China wel- the Olympic Council of Asia, Rand-
Tega and Mepung Lamgu who were the Chinese authorities have, in a comes athletes from all countries to hir Singh in a press conference said
approved to take part by the Hang- targeted and pre-meditated manner, come to Hangzhou with legal doc- that they are taking up the matter to
zhou Asian Games 2023 Organising discriminated against some of the In- uments to participate in the Asian the Chinese government. “We had a
Committee were unable to download dian sportspersons from the state of Games” she said. meeting yesterday with the working
their accreditation cards - which act as Arunachal Pradesh by denying them Union Minister Kiren Rijiju who group as well and this has been taken
visas to enter China. The third athlete accreditation and entry to the 19th is also an MP from Arunachal criti- up in the meeting. They are taking it
Nyeman Wangsu, who managed to Asian Games in Hangzhou, China” cised the Chinese decision to deny the up with the Chinese government and
download her accreditation, was in- he said. athletes regular visas. “This violates we are also taking it up with the gov-
formed that she would not be allowed But after Sports Minister Anurag both the spirit of Sports & also the ernment. It is under discussion with
to travel beyond Hong Kong. Thakur cancelled his visit to China for Rules governing the conduct of Asian us. We are from the OCA side,” OCA
Following this, the Ministry of Ex- the Asian Games, the Chinese gov- Games, which explicitly prohibits dis- acting President Randhir Singh said
ternal affairs announced that Sports ernment adopted a belligerent stand. crimination against competitors from in a press conference.
Minister Anurag Thakur is cancelling Speaking on the denial of regular vi- member states” said Rijiju. However, the Olympic Council
his visit to the games as a mark of pro- sas to athletes from Arunachal, the “Arunachal Pradesh is not a dis- of Asia’s (OCA) vice president Wei
test. “As a mark of our protest against Chinese foreign ministry spokesper- puted territory but an inalienable part Jizhong claimed that China has al-
the Chinese action, the Minister of son Mao Ning claimed that China did of India. Entire people of Arunachal ready granted Visas to Indian athletes
Information and Broadcasting and not recognise Arunachal. Pradesh resolutely oppose any illegal which the players had not accepted.
Youth Affairs and Sports of India has “You mentioned this Arunachal claim of China on its land and people. The Asian Games in Hangzhou
cancelled his scheduled visit to China Pradesh, the Chinese government International Olympic Committee will see a 655-member strong Indian
for the Games. Government of In- has never recognised the so-called should reign in China’s illegitimate contingent in action in over 40 disci-
dia reserves the right to take suitable Arunachal Pradesh. The south Tibet- action” he added in a post on X. plines. Indian athletes will compete
measures to safeguard our interest,” an region is part of China’s territory” The three athletes from for medals across 39 different sports
the MEA spokesperson said. she said. Arunachal were to take part in indi- at the Asian Games 2023 in Hang-
The MEA spokesperson added The Chinese foreign ministry vidual events of Wushu which gets zhou. Hangzhou 2023 will be held
that India rejects this treatment of spokesperson said that China was underway on Sunday. officially from Saturday to October 8.