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CANADA Newsline                                                   SEPTEMBER 29, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 41

        Amrit Kaur celebrated                                               ‘Bargain’ is a South Korean

          as TIFF’s Rising Star                                                           Offering at TIFF

                                                                            MANSI M.                                    Courtesy – TIFF
                                                                                                                  The  film  is  filled  with  dark  hu-
        RENU MEHTA                            The film takes place in three time   argain is a thought provoking   mor, negotiations, scheming and
                                          periods and two countries.  In  the
        Toronto                                                                   thriller and indeed a cinemat-  struggles of No and Joo as they work
                                          film, Kaur performs two roles that of
              mrit Kaur, who starred in   Azra, queer Muslim grad student and   Bic experience that was pre-  their way to escaping the building.
                                                                                                              Amidst their escape, they come
                                                                            sented at the Toronto International
              Fauzia Mirza’s  The Queen of   her mother in her younger days.
        AMy Dreams at the Toronto In-         Mirza’s co-star Haq calls Kaur   Film Festival (TIFF).          across others who are also going
                                                                                Created by Byun Seungmin and
        ternational Film Festival (TIFF) was   absolutely ruthless when it comes to   directed by Jeon Woo-sung, the story   through their own struggles to sur-
                                                                                                              vive the crumbling building but also
        celebrated as part of the TIFF Rising   acting and says she has dedicated her   begins from a simple scene of a man   the circumstances of which brought
        Stars this year.                  life to it.  In his words to Collider “I   Noh Hyeung-Su (Jin Seon-kyu) ne-  them to the building. It brings to-
            Kaur is known as an artistic hy-  love her dearly and I can’t stand her.
        phenate: an actor, comedian, direc-  All she talks about is acting.  That is   gotiating down a price with a woman   gether the desperation of people in
                                                                                                              an unpredictable way.
                                                                            Park Joo Young (Jeon Jong-seo) for
        tor, and writer, who believes in acting   such a blessing to any story, any direc-  a previous agreement within a hotel   The film is continually entertain-
        as a humanitarian art form with the   tor.   She will say No we are not done   room setting. Joo Young is shown en-  ing, constantly evolving, and has the
        power to heal, transcend, and em-  yet and we go again and again regard-  tangled in a sex trafficking operation.   audience hooked from beginning to
        power. The actor is best known for   less of the emotional cost, because it   The movie shifts into scene two and   end. It is remarkable due to its irreg-
        her  breakout  role on  Mindy  Kaling   is worth it for the artistic process.”  paints a completely different picture   ularity and volatility.
        and Justin Noble’s HBO Max hit se-    Kaur worked very hard to pre-  where Joo, now shown as a business    In a setting where nobody is to
        ries, The Sex Lives of College Girls.     pare for her roles in the film.  woman, is leading an organ trafficking   be trusted, it’s every man for himself
        Off-screen, Kaur continues to main-    “I did a lot of life work,” says
        tain a strong connection to theatre.  Kaur.  “I did a five week intensive   event using Noh’s body. However, due   scenario. Buyers and Sellers scram-
        She is an ensemble member of Grac-  acting class right before and I was   to an unforeseen earthquake during   ble to survive in this high-powered
                                                                            the black market auction, it levels the
                                                                                                              Korean film. Noh and Joo captivate
        emoon Arts Company, which is build-  scared going into this film looking
        ing an off-Broadway theatre opening  at sexuality, looking at generation-  playing  field  between  Noh  and  Joo   the audience with their constant ad-
        in Brooklyn, NY later this year.  al abuse, connection to my home-  and the others trapped inside. Once   aptations to each scene and change
            Mirza’s first feature The Queen of  land, relationships with my moth-  again, Noh and Joo are negotiating so   of negotiation that occur throughout
        My Dreams also stars Hamza Haq and  er.  I also had to do lot of body   they can both escape the building.  the movie.
        Nimra Bucha. The film is a Canadian  character as I was doing two roles.”
        coming-of-age picture, tracing key    “There were so many things
        moments in the lives of a mother and  that I wanted to be true that I
        daughter born three decades apart.  hadn’t looked at during my life.
            The storyline follows a  Paki-  So this was a call to action looking.
        stani woman and her Canadian-born  If I had to do that all over again, I
        daughter as they come of age in two  would go deeper looking at it with
        eras.  In 1999, the sudden death of  sensitivity and love.”
        her father Hassan (Hamza Haq) Azra    The best part of the shoot, she
        flying back to her ancestral home in  says, is that the film was shot in Pa-
        Pakistan, where her stern mother  kistan.
        Mariam (Nimra Bucha) demands          “The fact that it was shot
        she play the role of the perfect griev-  in Karachi,” she says.  “I think
        ing daughter. But through flashbacks  there was so much activism by it-
        to Mariam’s own life in Karachi 30  self.   There are so many Pakistani
        years before, we see the connections  films that are not shot in Karachi
        uniting mother and daughter, starting  and there was so much pushback
        with their shared love of Bollywood  with insurance companies and so
        star Sharmila Tagore.             much political judgment.”

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