Page 36 - The Indian EYE 092923
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           SEPTEMBER 29, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 36

                             Hari Om Mandir hosts annual

           fund-raiser dinner for community Services,

                      growth & future expansion projects

        OUR BUREAU                        Vipan Wadhera, Chairman Fund-
                                          Raising Committee, Anil Saxena and
        Chicago, IL
                                          Prem Salwan from Salwan Trading
               ari Om Mandir, Medinah, IL   lighted the lamp and the program
               hosted the Annual Fundrais-  was kicked off with a bang.
        Her Dinner, at the Pearl ban-         Emcees of the Evening, Pratibha
        quet, Roselle, on Sept 16, 2023. Pa-  Jairath and Mona Sharma welcomed
        trons, Founder Members, Devotees,   one and all and spelled out the grand
        Community Leaders from various    Entertainment lined up for the eve-
        Social Organizations, joined hands   ning. Classical Dance, Bollywood
        to raise Funds for the cause of Com-  Singing, Rajasthani Folk Dance-
        munity Services, Growth & Develop-  Ghoomer, and Punjabi Giddha, etc.
        ment, Future Expansion Projects of   was all included in the packed Vari-
        the Mandir.                       ety  Program.  Pratibha  Jairath  and
            The gala evening started off with   Dr Pradeep Sood were the Star Sing-
        a red-carpet Welcome for all the   ers of the evening, who enthralled
        Guests who attended the Program.   the audiences with their melodious
        A huge Backdrop with the Mandir   songs  –  all  time  old  favorites  down
        Logo was set up at the Entrance,   the memory lane, as well as the fast
        and it was an honor to be clicked   modern upbeat numbers. Very soon,
        there for a memorable evening. Pho-  Couples were on the Dance Floor
        tographers were ready to roll their   swaying on slow Vault Dancing   erosity to help Mandir in achieving   Camps etc, Mandir Growth &
        cameras and capture every guest   songs. Finally, just as Dr Sood sang   its goals.                   Dev Projects. He thanked all Mem-
        who walked in…exhibiting their best   the all-time hit Punjabi songs, the   Vipan Wadhera, President Ex-  bers of the Board and Devotees, who
        attire  and joyous  mood!  Very  soon   Floor was jam packed with people   ecutive Board, emphasized the sig-  helped him throughout the year for
        the venue became a hot favorite for   dancing away to glory!!!!!    nificance  of  the  Temples  today  as   organizing programs, celebrating all
        friends and families to take pictures    Anil Saxena, Chairman Fund   a source of preserving our roots of   Festivals with enthusiasm. No Dona-
        and make their presence at the func-  Raising, outlined the purpose of the   Indian spirituality, Values, Heritage   tion is Small – Every Penny Counts!!!
        tion, a day to remember.          evening and gave a brief update on   & Culture. Collective Prayers in   The fun filled evening concluded
            The program formally started   the ongoing Project from 2022 – Ha-  the Temples generate positive Vibes   with a sumptuous dinner and open
        with an  auspicious  Diya Lighting   numan murti. He shared the progress   and provide mental peace and solace   dance Floor. The President thanked
        Ceremony, amidst chanting of Man-  made on the project from last year,   to everyone who visits the temple. He   all the donors and finally announced
        tras by the Mandir Priests: Acharya   and the remaining funds required for   made  a  final  appeal  for  Donations   the success of the evening Target
        Ram Naresh Vajpayee & Shas-   completion.  He  thanked  everyone   to help the Mandir in conducting   Collection had been achieved and a
        tri Dharmender Bhatt. Chaiman     for their past donations and request-  Community Service Programs like   big thank you to all for attending.
        BOT, Brij Sharma, President EB,   ed people to continue with their gen-  Medical Camps, Food Drives, Yoga   --Asian Media USA

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