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BIG STORY                                                        SEPTEMBER 27, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    6

        family.”                          hospitality during a visit to his home
            “While being PM, I have re-   in Delaware, stating that it “touched
        ceived immense love and affection   my heart.”
        from you. Wherever we go, we treat    “I salute you all, the Indian dias-
        everyone as family and mingle with   pora. Wherever I go in the world, I
        them. Understanding diversity, liv-  hear praise for the Indian communi-
        ing it, implementing it in our lives...   ty from every leader. Yesterday, Pres-
        it is in our values. Someone speaks   ident Biden took me to his home in
        Tamil... someone Telugu, someone   Delaware, and his warmth and hos-
        Malayalam, someone Kannada...     pitality touched my heart. This hon-
        someone Punjabi, someone Marathi,   or belongs to 1.4 billion Indians, it’s
        someone Gujarati... There are many   your honor, your achievement, and
        languages, but the feeling is one...   the honor of the millions of Indians
        and that feeling is - Indianness,” said   living here. I express my gratitude to
        PM Modi.                          President Biden and to all of you,”
            Praising the Indian diaspora,   said PM Modi.
        Prime Minister recounted his old      Following his historic address to
        days and how interested he was to   the Indian diaspora at Nassau Coli-
        connect with them.                seum in New York, Prime Minister
            “Your love is my great fortune.   Narendra Modi expressed his grat-
        I remember those days when I was   itude to the city on Monday. In a
        not even the PM, not even the CM   post on social media platform X, PM
        and not even a leader. At that time,   Modi thanked the New York crowd
        I used to come here as a curiosity.   who  were  present  at  the  event  and
        Even before I was not holding any   shared glimpses from the memorable
        post, I had visited about 29 states of   community programme.
        America. After that, when I became    “Thank you,  New York! These
        CM, the process of connecting with   are glimpses from the memorable       A glimpse of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address to the Indian diaspora
        you through technology continued,”   community programme. Grateful to                          in New York (ANI)
        said PM Modi.                     all those who joined,” he said.
            Speaking on the diversity of In-  Later on, Sunday, Prime Minis-
                                                                                As Prime Minister Narendra
        dia, PM Modi said, “We are residents   ter Modi interacted with the CEOs   Modi delivered his address to the In-  have many expectations from him
                                                                                                              like on the issue of immigration,” a
        of  a  country  where  there  are  hun-  of leading US-based companies to   dian community at the historic event   member of the Indian community,
        dreds of languages and dialects, all   foster greater collaborations between   in New York on Sunday, the diaspo-  who is in Nassau Coliseum in New
        the religions and sects of the world.   the two countries in the cutting-edge   ra members said that they were very   York, Long Island, said prior to his
        Still, we are moving ahead united and   areas of AI, quantum computing,   happy to be at the event, and are   diaspora event.
        noble. This is our biggest strength to   semiconductors, and biotechnology,   proud to be Indians.        “I am super excited to listen to
        connect with the world. These values   among others. PM Modi emphasized   After addressing the gathering   Modi ji. We have come from Con-
        naturally bind us to the world.”  India’s  growth  prospects  and  dis-  at Nassau Coliseum Arena in New   necticut,” another member, Jaideep
            PM Modi also expressed his    cussed initiatives to foster collabora-
        heartfelt gratitude to United States   tions and innovation across diverse   York, US, Prime Minister Modi   Shah, had said.
                                                                            greeted members of the Indian di-
                                                                                                                  On Saturday, PM Modi took
        President Joe Biden for his warm   sectors.
                                                                            aspora. At Nassau Coliseum in New   part in the Quad Summit and held
                                                                            York, Long Island to attend PM    bilateral meetings with US President
                                                                            Modi’s address, an Indian diaspora   Joe Biden, Australian Prime Min-
                                                                            member dressed as Goddess Yellam-  ister Anthony Albanese, and Japan
                                                                            ma Devi said,”...I am so proud to be   Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.
                                                                            an Indian, and I am very happy to be   Quad has emerged as a key
                                                                            here. Wherever we go, we should be   group of like-minded countries to
                                                                            proud of our country.”            work for peace, progress and pros-
                                                                                “I am so happy to be here...We   perity in the Indo-Pacific region.
                                                                            respect him. They are going to take   At the UN, PM Modi also held
                                                                            such  happy memories... I am so   talks with Kuwait’s Crown Prince,
                                                                            proud to be an Indian,” another dias-  Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad
                                                                            pora member said.                 Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah on how both
                                                                                In  his  address,  PM  Modi  said   countries can strengthen their ties in
                                                                            that the Indian Diaspora has always   sectors like pharma, food process-
                                                                            been the country’s strongest brand   ing, technology and energy, among
                                                                            ambassadors.                      others. PM Modi also thanked
                                                                                The diaspora crowd gave a     the Crown Prince for ensuring the
                                                                            standing ovation to PM Modi, as he   well-being of the Indian community
                                                                            entered the event venue, and took   in Kuwait, which is the largest di-
                                                                            the stage. Talented artists from the   aspora group in the country. “The
                                                                            Indian community took the stage,   meeting between the leadership of
                                                                            setting the perfect tone for PM Mo-  the two countries is expected to im-
           Prime Minister poses for a selfie with members of the Indian diaspora after addressing    di’s address to the Indian diaspora in   part a fresh momentum to bilateral
                              the gathering in New York (ANI)               the US.                           ties between India and Kuwait,” the
                                                                                “We are here to see Modi ji. We      Continued on next page... >>

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