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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 | The Indian Eye 25
half of Congressman Sean Casten.
Mashtal Chicago also arranged
free seminars ranging on topics such
as the practicalities of breast feeding
to strategies for a successful career to
women’s mental health and tips on
overcoming exhaustion. DIY proj-
ects for children to enjoy and a variety
of food stalls with Indian street food
and traditional barbeque fare were
available. Members of the public ex-
perienced a wide range of vendors
of clothes, beauty products, jewelry
designers, and home décor, as well
as realtors and travel agents. Most
of the women-owned businesses at
the expo were operated by members
of the USA community of Dawoodi
Bohrs, but women-owned business-
es from India, Pakistan, Dubai, and
Canada also attended. Ongoing envi-
ronmentally friendly projects were on
display with demonstrations on how
to reuse, reduce, and recycle. There make it a recurring event. He spoke State Attorney Bob Berlin, who during the time when Pakistan had
were exciting prizes in a fun filled raf- about Maulatona Khadija, wife of has served DuPage for the past 30 started its War on Terror initiative,
fle. Overall, there were 70+ stalls, of the Prophet Mohammed. a success- years, shared that 60 percent of all and the event helped with the open-
which about 40 were local vendors, 12 ful businesswoman in her own right the attorneys in his office are women ing of business and trade between
out of country, 30 out of state! 1400 years ago, from whose strength and he firmly believes in empower- India and Pakistan and other neigh-
The VIP Reception was emceed and entrepreneurial spirit Dawoodi ing women and fostering a culture of boring countries. Using the platform,
by Shabbir Karimi. As is the tradition, Bohra women community worldwide women empowerment. he also took the opportunity to ap-
the program began with a recitation draw inspiration to this day. On Sunday, Sep 11, the Hon- preciate all the Flood Relief efforts
from the Holy Quran by 11-year old Cook County Clerk Karen Yar- orable Tariq Karim, Consul Gen- and help from the community. He
Tameem Al-Qamari, a Hafiz, fol- brough said, “A lot is going on out eral Pakistan in Chicago and Mrs. appealed to all Pakistani Americans
lowed by a beautiful rendition of the there in the world, but the one thing Aasma Karim were special guests at and the Muslim community at large
national anthem, The Star-Spangled we have to strive for in the world is Mashtal. He said, “First of all I am re- to come forward and to continue to
Banner, by Rashida Moosabhoy and peace. Peace, a simple word, but it ally thankful to organizers … and all help the victims of flood affected ar-
Amatullah Morbiwala. seems tough for us to get there. So I others who have contributed to this eas in Pakistan. He reiterated the
Congressman Raja Krishnamur- wish all of you peace today from me event - Mashtal.” He shared that he constructive and productive role of
thy applauded the tremendous efforts from the Cook County Clerk’s of- appreciates the two themes, business Pakistan’s Bohra community in Paki-
put forth by the Bohra community fice.” She presented a Certificate of and women, because both are criti- stan’s success.
women; he said, “Count me in as an Appreciation to the Bohra communi- cally important for us. He too spoke The team worked tirelessly to pro-
ally, resource and partner in every- ty from Cook County. about the role of Prophet Moham- mote the event through social media
thing that you are doing!” Greg Hart, running candidate mad’s wife Khadija as an inspiration. (IG, Facebook, and Twitter), Flyers,
Mansoor Broachwala, on be- for DuPage County Chairman, was He commended the entrepreneur- WGN news, and word of mouth. The
half of Dawoodi Bohra Community, also invited to speak. DuPage County ial spirit of the women of the Bohra expo was hosted by Burhani Wom-
welcomed all the guests to the first Sheriff James Mendrick in his speech, Community. en’s Association Chicago and Taale-
ever Mashtal Expo in the Midwest praised the community for being very He recalled the hosting of Ashara baat ul Mumenaat, the organizations
area, and expressed his hope to quiet, with zero crime. by the Bohra Community in Karachi of women students and young adults.