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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           SEPTEMBER 23, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 24

                 Mashtal –A Business Expo by

                          Dawoodi Bohra Women!!

        ASIAN MEDIA USA ©                                                                                         US Congressman Raja Krish-
                                                                                                              namurthy,   Representative  Jim
        Chicago, IL:
                                                                                                              Durkin, DuPage County Elected Of-
              he Dawoodi Bohra community                                                                      ficials,  the  Mayors  of  Willowbrook
              of  Chicago  hosted  a  two-day                                                                 and Glendale Heights were amongst
        Tevent, the Women Entrepre-                                                                           many local VIPs who attended the
        neurs Expo - or “Mashtal” - at their                                                                  formal opening ceremony. The names
        masjid, Burhani Park Complex, at                                                                      of some of the VIPs present: Karen
        Willow brook, IL from 10am to 6pm,                                                                    Yarbrough, Cook County Clerk, Bob
        Saturday September 10 & Sunday                                                                        Berlin, DuPage County State Attor-
        September 11, 2022.                                                                                   ney, James Mendrick, DuPage Coun-
            The Dawoodi Bohras of Chica-                                                                      ty Sheriff, Greg Hart, DuPage County
        go have lived and worked peacefully                                                                   Board Member, Frank Trilla, Mayor
        here since the 1950s. They are Mus-                                                                   of Willowbrook, Chodri Khokhar,
        lims who hail from South Asia under                                                                   Mayor of Glendale Heights, Lin-
        the leadership of His Holiness Dr                                                                     da Painter - DuPage County Forest
        Mufaddal Saifuddin; over 1,000 fam-                                                                   Preserve Commissioner, Greg Boltz
        ilies worship at Al-Masjid-al-Badri in                                                                - Downers Grove Assessor, Michele
        Willowbrook, IL.                                                                                      Bauman, Avon Township Supervi-
            The word “Mashtal” means nurs-  small scale and household businesses   ing  Decor, Food,  Accommodations,   sor, Asif Yusuf, Oakbrook Trustee,
        ery.  The expo seeks to nurture the   of  women  within  the community  to   IT/AV, PR, Marketing, Sponsorships,   Suresh  Reddy, Oakbrook  Trustee,
        business ventures of Dawoodi Bohra   use their skills to support their fami-  Infrastructure & Construction, and   Theresa Sullivan, Naperville Coun-
        women, enabling them to use their   lies and help them achieve excellence   Flow Management.  Because Mashtal   cilwoman, Quin O’Brien, Gurneee
        talents and skills to develop small-  in their respective fields.   is an international event, the Chicago   Trustee,  Saba  Khan,  Morton  Grove
        scale businesses.  The word “Bohra”   Over 50 committee members,    core committee was in constant com-  Trustee; Shia Imami Esmaili com-
        means traders, and Mashtal taps into   primarily women, came together for   munication with the central Mashtal   munity President Imran Dhatwani
        this deep-seated tradition. And their   over 6 months  of planning. Several   department  in  Mumbai.  Members   & Mrs Dhatwani, Mr. Sadruddin
        message is, “Mashtal - Nurture Your   committees were formed to distribute   of His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal   Noorani, Ms. Madison Signor on be-
        Venture!” Their aim is to develop   this immense amount of work includ-  Saifuddin’s family attended the event.

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