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COMMUNITY OP-ED SEPTEMBER 22, 2023 | The Indian Eye 14
Slamming the Brakes on Car Theft
in the greatest city in the world
New Yorkers shouldn’t have to wonder whether their car will be where they left it.
Car thieves do not have a license to steal in this city. And they should know that the law and
New York City is coming for them
ot only is New York the great-
est city in the world, it is the
Nsafest big city in America.
Since day one of this administration,
public safety has been our priority.
And for the last 20 months, we have
delivered on our promise to drive
down crime. Our precision policing
model is working.
Our streets, neighborhoods, Each police precinct across the city will now have a vehicle dedicated to combatting car thefts that will be on patrol 24/7 (File photo)
and subways are safer. In almost ev-
ery major category, crime is down. our streets. on patrol 24/7. They will be able to some easy things to prevent it. It may
Shootings have declined 26 % for Especially our young people. flag vehicles that have been reported sound simple, but don’t forget to lock
the year, homicides are down nearly Since September 2022, 51% of those stolen or missing so that our officers your doors, never leave your keys in
10%, and transit crime is down over arrested for Grand Theft Larceny on patrol can respond swiftly. your vehicle overnight, and don’t get
4% for the year. have been under the age of 18, and We will also deploy additional out of your vehicle and leave the en-
This is a testament to the hard more than 88% are aged 25 and under. investigators to identify trends in ve- gine running.
work and dedication of the men and We want to protect our car owners hicle-related crimes and stop violent New Yorkers shouldn’t have
women of the NYPD. Every day, and prevent our young people from crimes that involve the use of a sto- to wonder whether their car will be
they are making our city safer—and going further down the wrong path. len vehicle. where they left it. Car thieves do not
New Yorkers can feel the results. That’s why we are taking action And we are partnering with car have a license to steal in this city. And
They feel safer. to slam the brakes on car theft. dealerships across the city to proac- they should know that the law and
But we can always do more and Last week, we announced a com- tively educate buyers about car theft New York City is coming for them.
one category we are zeroing in on prehensive suite of policies to tackle and how to better protect their vehi- We have recovered 99 percent
is Grand Larceny Auto, or as many car theft in this city. And just like we cle, as well as fixing the problem in of pre-pandemic private sector jobs
New Yorkers know it by, car theft. are doing with gun violence, we are Kia and Hyundai vehicles that has led lost, subway ridership is up, tourists
This year, Grand Larceny Auto has taking a holistic 360-degree approach. to social media car theft challenges. are filling our Broadway theaters,
gone up by 19%, and a whopping That means enhanced enforce- We are also extending our out- and spending money across the five
24% in August alone. ment along with education, part- reach to young people by working boroughs. This is progress. And this
This is not the video game nerships, and outreach to our com- with violence interrupters, school administration is making sure that
Grand Theft Auto, this is real life. munities. administrators, and others to deter New York City remains the safest big
Car theft has real consequences for Each police precinct across the them from car theft. city in America.
those stealing cars and poses a real city will now have a vehicle dedicated Car theft is often a crime of op- Eric Adams is
danger for innocent New Yorkers on to combatting car thefts that will be portunity, and New Yorkers can do the Mayor of New York City, NY