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BIG STORY                                                            SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          6

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        as an “Asian NATO”, which was  It reflects globalisation and the             Zhao also said that any “re- spect the hearts of the people in
        vehemently opposed by the Ex- compulsion of countries to work  gional cooperation mechanism  the region, and do more things
        ternal Affairs Minister S Jais- together,” EAM Jaishankar said  should not target or harm the  that are conducive to promoting
        hankar at the inaugural 2+2  while  responding  to  a  question  interests of third parties.” In a  the unity and cooperation of re-
        ministerial meeting between In- on China referring to Quad as  veiled threat to Quad, he said that  gional countries,” Zhao added.
        dia and Australia.                   “Asian NATO”.                       they “should abandon outdat-             China has always seen Quad
            “Quad is a platform where           Citing various areas of co- ed zero-sum game thinking and  with suspicion. It had reacted
        four countries have  come  to  operation between  the Quad  narrow geopolitical concepts.” strongly  against  the  first  virtu-
        cooperate for their benefit and  nations, EAM Jaishankar spoke               “Relevant countries should  al meeting of Quad leaders in
        benefit  of  the  world.  I  think  a  against  the  misinterpretation  abandon outdated zero-sum  March. When the Quad leaders
        term like NATO (by China) is  of reality and said that there is  game thinking and narrow geo- meet  in  Washington,  DC  next
        a Cold war term, looking back.  no  relation  between  the  terms  political concepts, take a correct  week, China will be the main
        The quad looks at the future.  NATO and Quad.                            view of China’s development, re- menu on the table discussion.

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