Page 5 - The Indian EYE 091721
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BIG STORY                                                            SEPTEMBER 17, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          5

        to address the General Debate
        of the High-Level Segment of
        the 76th Session of the Unit-
        ed Nations General Assembly
        (UNGA) on 25 September 2021
        in New York.
            Ahead of a maiden in-person
        meeting called by US president
        Joe Biden in Washington later this
        month, India said Quad should
        not be perceived as a grouping
        with limited agenda as it has a
        broad and substantive agenda.
            Speaking to US-based aca-
        demician Ashley Tellis on the                       For Biden, the US policy towards China is the most important part of foreign policy
        Indian Ocean and its impact on
        regional security, External Af-                                                                               partnership called “AUKUS” to
        fairs Minister (EAM) S Jaishan-                                                                               deepen diplomatic, security, and
        kar said, “ Rebalancing, need                                                                                 defence cooperation in the In-
        to  treat  Indo-Pacific  in  a  more                                                                          do-Pacific region.
        integrated manner, the political                                                                                  As  the  first  initiative  under
        reflection  of  all  these  changes                                                                           AUKUS Australia in acquiring
        are expressed in Quad. Again                                                                                  nuclear-powered submarines for
        I want to highlight Quad has                                                                                  the Royal Australian Navy, add-
        agenda that extends to multiple                                                                               ed the statement.
        domains, much broader cooper-                                                                                     “First major initiative of
        ation. And to make it in a sense                                                                              AUKUS will be an 18-month ef-
        to give it a sharp edge and a very                                                                            fort to deliver a nuclear-powered
        limited agenda partly is games-                                                                               submarine fleet for Australia. We
        manship of critics. But it partly                                                                             will seek to determine the best
        also headlines kind of attitude            The tension between India and China are an important factor        way forward to achieve this. We
        and not a full understanding of                               in the emerging order                           intend to build these submarines
        really what is happening because                                                                              in Australia in close cooperation
        as we see later on in the month,  four corners of Indo-Pacific but           Meanwhile, the House For-        with the UK and the US,” said
        I think Quad has an increasing  are all impelled by a sense of re- eign Affairs Committee which               Morrison.
        agenda and a substantive agenda  sponsibility. Our duty towards a  is responsible for foreign pol-                The development of Austra-
        in multiple spheres of activities.”  global cause who have a comfort  icy legislation and oversight           lia’s nuclear-powered subma-
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi  towards each other. Each one of  on Thursday (local time) said                  rines would be a joint endeavour
        would be participating in the  us made an extra effort, it wasn’t  America is strongest and most              between the three nations, with
        Leaders’ Summit of the Quad- something  predestined.  In  fact,  effective when they work togeth-             a focus on interoperability, com-
        rilateral Framework in Washing- recent history was a little differ- er with their friends in reference        monality, and mutual benefit.
        ton along with his US, Japanese  ent. We all tried to overcome that  to the announcement of new de-               In a related development,
        and Australian counterparts on  approach of global responsibility  fence partnership AUKUS, fo-               China on Tuesday slammed the
        September 24.                        with a more open mind. There  cussing on Indo-Pacific.                   Quadrilateral Security Dialogue
            Remarks from Indian Ex- are other efforts East Asia Sum-                 The House Committee also         (Quad) upcoming summit on
        ternal  Affairs  are  significant  as  mit and ASEAN also add to this.” informed that US President Joe        September 24 saying that the
        it comes after China slammed            Jaishankar     said,    “Some Biden  will  be  hosting  the  first    group was “closed, exclusive,
        Quad and said the formation          weeks ago I had spoken at some  in-person Quadrilateral Security         and targeted small circles...un-
        of “exclusive cliques” targeting  length contrasting how Europe  Dialogue (Quad) leaders’ sum-                popular and have no way out.”
        other countries runs counter  has dealt with these challenges  mit comprising Australia, India,                   In  a  media  briefing,  when
        to the trend of the times and is  than  Asia.  The  fact  is  that  we  Japan and the US. “America            Chinese      Foreign     Ministry
        “doomed to fail”.                    in Asia are struggling for a vari- is strongest and most effective       spokesman  Zhao  Lijian  was
            When asked about frag- ety of reasons, a lot of it you are  when we work together with our                asked about the upcoming Quad
        mentation  and  unification  in  going to see now which you are  friends. In addition to #AUKUS               summit, he said, “The closed, ex-
        the region by the think tank  already seeing these are those  -  Australia,  UK  and  US,  next               clusive, and targeted ‘small cir-
        representative, EAM Jaishan- efforts.  It’s  a big  region. Very  week @POTUS will host the                   cles’ against other countries go
        kar emphasised on cooperation  complicated region. It will have  first  in-person  Quad  leaders’             against the trend of the times and
        reflected  by  Quad  nations,  he  many building blocks of many  summit,” tweeted House For-                  run counter to the aspirations of
        said, “Quad as an example it is  kinds and the right thing is to be  eign Affairs Committee.                  regional countries. They are un-
        an effort of cooperation, the ef- open to all of them rather than            Australia, the UK and the        popular and have no way out.”
        fort of cooperation between four  get into binary of with me against  US on Wednesday announced                   China earlier termed Quad
        countries who are located on the  me kind of thing.”                     an enhanced trilateral security         Continued on next page... >>

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