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OPINION SEPTEMBER 15, 2023 | The Indian Eye 14
change. For example, the tradition of
helping each other, or the principle
of equality, the direction of practical
cooperation, or the spirit of valuing
righteousness, will not change. With
a focus on practicability and effec-
tiveness, China aims to offer African
countries with an alternative model
for growth and development that is
different from the Western models.
Such form of ‘Chinese model’ aims to
coerce African countries into incor-
porating Chinese values, ethos, gov-
ernance system, and develop a similar
view of the global order. While these
lofty claims and ambitions may serve
to propagate Chinese interests, the
conference in practice achieved very
little apart from rhetorical commit-
Drivers of Chinese security
activism in Africa
here are both practical and
political factors that drive
TChina’s growing security en- China provides education and training to African military personnel to promote its governance model and build
gagement with African countries. a shared understanding of security (File photo)
Beijing’s security engagement is inex-
tricably connected to its other goals
such as expanding logistical foot- traditionally remained central to In June 2022, China sponsored ious levels like regional academies,
print, increasing political influence in China’s security outreach to Afri- a Horn of Africa Peace, Good Gov- command and staff colleges, or at the
multilateral forums like the United ca. Around 80 per cent of Chinese ernance and Development Confer- upper level at China’s National De-
Nations, professionalise its military, peacekeeping forces that are current- ence in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and fense Academy and National Univer-
improve operational readiness, gain ly deployed are in Africa in addition appointed a ‘Special Envoy’ for the sity of Defense Technology.
military access, and protect its com- to the 44 anti-piracy task force groups Horn of Africa region. Although this However, although the Chinese
mercial interests and investments. deployed to protect trade since 2008. conference achieved little in practi- PMEs are considered less prestigious,
With over 1 million Chinese citizens, However, there are some new cal terms, it did help Beijing signal cover limited subjects, and are less in
10,000 Chinese firms, loans worth areas of China’s security engagement to its African partners its willingness scale and scope than Western PMEs,
US$ 160 billion, and investments in Africa, most notably professional to host regional security dialogues to their applicability in an African con-
worth nearly US$ 300 billion in Afri- military education (PME) and po- broker peace in the future. The Afri- text is much higher. Most of these
ca, protecting its citizens and invest- licing and law enforcement coopera- can continent has emerged as sort of Chinese PMEs train African officers
ments is a top priority for Beijing. tion. China has been taking interest a ‘testing ground’ for Chinese security in China, rather than training them
in African security governance and is engagements abroad. Already, there within the continent. In essence, Chi-
An alarming trend in recent working to promote Chinese policing are reports of the possibility of China nese PMEs are working with African
militaries to engender, foster, and re-
norms within African police forces
brokering peace in conflict-ravaged
years is the increase in reports and governments. A paper released countries like Sudan. It is only a mat- inforce a similar understanding of the
of attacks and kidnappings of by China’s State Council Informa- ter of time before China looks to play concept of security through Chinese
a more consequential role in Franco-
tion Office in 2021 states that since
initiatives like the Global Security
Chinese workers in countries 2018, China has trained over 2,000 phone West Africa, a region that has Initiative (GSI), the security aspects
like Central African Republic, African police and law enforcement witnessed eight coups in the last three of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
personnel. In July 2023, the police
or the political architecture of de-
South Africa, Ethiopia, and chiefs of China and Ethiopia jointly Another important trend is the fence building.
Democratic Republic of Congo, decided to establish an ‘Ethio-China growing Chinese affinity to use the Dr Abhishek Mishra is an Associate
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to
Law Enforcement Cooperation Cen-
raising question about China’s ter’ in Addis Ababa, reflecting a rapid accommodate its political and ideo- Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Insti-
ability to protect its citizens increase in law enforcement engage- logical goals through professional tute for Defence Studies and Analyses,
military education (PME). China
ment in response to crimes targeting
New Delhi
overseas. The attacks have ex- Chinese citizens in Africa. provides education and training to Views expressed are of the author and
Conflict mediation is an area
posed the widening disconnect which has attracted Chinese atten- African military personnel to pro- do not necessarily reflect the views of
mote its governance model and build
between China’s economic am- tion. Buoyed by the remarkable and a shared understanding of security. the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
Government of India.
bitions and its security appara- unexpected success of brokering African military officers and students The full version of this article first ap-
rapproachment between Iran and
attend various PLA political schools
tus abroad. Saudi Arabia in March 2023, Beijing to receive training on how a ruling peared in the Comments section of the
is seeking to promote itself as a con- political party could use available website ( of Manohar Par-
Peacekeeping and the supply of sequential mediator in African peace mechanisms to exercise control over rikar Institute for Defense Studies and
small arms and light weapons have process. the military. This is conducted at var- Analyses, New Delhi on August 31, 2023