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Business EYE                                                         SEPTEMBER 10, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          35

                                                                    Tech T@lk

            apple confirms Sept.14 event,                                                      Whatsapp may soon

             expected to unveil iPhone 13                                             let users hide last seen from

                 pple     recently     an-                                                        specific contacts
                 nounced that it will be
        Aholding an event on                                                            opular instant messaging  able last seen for specific peo-
        September 14. The company is                                             P      application     WhatsApp ple. However, you can set the
        expected to launch the iPhone                                                   might soon allow users to  option to “Everyone,” “My
        13 series during its event titled                                        hide their last seen and profile  Contacts,” and “Nobody”.
        ‘California Streaming’. As per          It’s  hard  to  pull  specific   picture  from  specific  contacts.       The new change is spotted in
        The Verge, it will be another  clues from Apple’s event invite,          According to WABetaInfo, us- the beta version of WhatsApp
        virtual event broadcast from  though the darkening sky might             ers will be able to hide their last  which will roll out in the near
        Apple Park. The tech giant typ- suggest we’ll see improved night         seen WhatsApp status from  future. As per Mashable, the
        ically announces the year’s new  mode photography. And the               specific people.                     new option to be part of the
        iPhones at the fall event, and  glowing Apple logo is maybe                  The last seen status rests at  mix is “My Contacts Except...”
        this year’s entry is expected to  hinting toward an always-on            the top of the conversation, be- which will allow users to specif-
        be called the iPhone 13.             lock screen for the iPhone. If      low the person’s name. It tells  ically choose who they’d want
            The new series of phones  Apple reveals the next iPhone              you the time when a person  to hide their “last seen” time-
        will apparently come in the  at  the  event  as  expected,  then         was last seen online or when he  stamp from.
        same sizes as the iPhone 12,  it seems likely the company will           or she was last active. At this          As usual, once you dis-
        but a headline feature for some  also share a release date for iOS       point in time, you have the op- able the last seen status on
        models could be high refresh  15. We already know that one of            tion available to disable the last  WhatsApp, you will not be
        rate  screens,  finally  delivering  its biggest features, SharePlay,    seen option altogether.              able to see their status as
        tech that has been available  won’t be included in the initial               However, this option is im- well. In addition, the same
        on many Android phones. The  public release of the software.             plemented for all of your con- option is also present under
        new phones are also expected  Apple has several other projects           tacts.                               WhatsApp’s privacy settings
        to have smaller display notches  in the works that could make ap-            Currently, there exists no  for a user’s profile picture and
        and improved cameras.                pearances at the event as well.     option that allows you to dis- “About” information.

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