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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 | The Indian Eye 32
Dr. VemurI S. murthy:
a Global champion of resuscitation medicine
aJay GhOSh cator and Researcher, Advisor collaborated comprehensive does not utilize insulin efficient-
New York to Resuscitation Training Cen- Cardiac Care Projects. ly, resulting in Diabetes, which
ters, Champion of Community Quoting evidence-based stud- leads to a significant number of
orld Heart Day” is being Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ies done, Dr. Murthy, a past Pres- heart-related problems. Lack of
observed on September (CPR) and a Leader of US Or- ident of the Chicago Medical So- adequate exercise, stress, and
W29th this year with the ganized Medicine. His Mission ciety and current adjunct Faculty genetic predisposition are also
objective of raising awareness has been “Saving Lives” in Sud- in the Department of Emergency contributing factors,” adds Dr.
of heart disease and to promote den Cardiac Arrests. Global ev- Medicine at the University of Il- Murthy, a distinguished Chicago
“Healthy Heart” lifestyles. “Heart idence-based information has linois College of Medicine, Chi- Physician. Project SMILE pro-
disease is the number one Global proven that Bystander CPR is cago, Illinois, points to the fact grams are offered in Illinois at
Public Health problem,” says Dr. life-saving in sudden cardiac ar- that South Asians are at a four- various community events and
Murthy, an advocate of Commu- rest. The latter is recognized by times greater risk of heart dis- were commended by interna-
nity and Physician resuscitation sudden collapse of the person ease than their Western counter- tional dignitaries, Members of
education and training for more without any breathing, pulse or parts and have a greater chance the US Congress, Illinois Gover-
than three decades in USA and consciousness. of having a heart attack before 50 nor, and Legislators, and Indian
India. “It is disheartening to see According to the American years of age. Heart attacks strike Consul Generals.
patients with reversible health Heart Association, there are more South Asian Men and Women A Visiting Professor of Indian
conditions die suddenly due to than 356,000 out-of-hospital car- at younger ages, and as a result, Medical Universities, Dr. Murthy
lack of both Community Health diac arrests annually in the U.S. both morbidity and mortality are has been promoting resuscitation
Awareness and Timely Emergen- Nearly 90% of them are fatal. higher among them compared courses for nearly three decades
cy Care based on Evidence-based Cardiopulmonary Resusci- to any other ethnic group. They in India. With his guidance, thou-
Resuscitation Practices.” tation (CPR), if performed im- tend to develop heart disease ten sands of physicians, medical stu-
An alumnus of Guntur Med- mediately, can double or triple a years earlier than other groups. dents, and nurses were trained by
ical College, Guntur and All In- cardiac arrest victim’s chances of The Founder of Chicago the Indian Instructor Faculty. He
dia Institute of Medical Sciences, survival. In majority of cases, im- Medical Society’s Community pioneered an “Indian Medical
New Delhi (General Surgery), mediate Hands-only CPR may CPR Project Saving More Illi- University Resuscitation Educa-
and a former Chairman of An- have similar survival outcomes nois Lives through Education tion and Training Model” at Dr.
esthesiology Department at West comparable to the conventional (SMILE,) Dr. Murthy, who has NTR University of Health Sci-
Suburban Medical Center, Oak CPR performed with both chest taken upon himself the life-long ences, Andhra Pradesh (2012).
Park, Illinois, Dr. Murthy has compressions and breaths. mission of saving lives through He conducted simula-
been hailed as a “Pioneer of Re- Dr. Murthy is a guide effective preventive measures, tion-based advanced Resusci-
suscitation Medicine in India.” and co-investigator of a says, “Almost one in three among tation Workshops with interna-
A reputed leader of organized ground-breaking Indian Resus- South Asians may die from heart tional faculty and guided mass
medicine in the USA, Dr. Mur- citation Research Project and disease before 65 years of age. community CPR events. He
thy has served as the President of Cardiac Arrest Registry, Waran- In India, heart disease remains chaired several Resuscitation
the Chicago Medical Society and gal Area Out of Hospital Cardiac the number one cause of death. Conventions in India and orga-
the Indian American Medical Arrest Registry 2018, based on an Common risk factors are smok- nized workshops at prestigious
Association, Illinois. international format. He contrib- ing and a diet high in sugar, salt, Indian Medical Institutions
Affiliated with various US uted to “CPR” and “Women’s refined grains, and fat. A large such as AIIMS, New Delhi.
medical organizations and in- Heart Health” videos and educa- number of South Asians appear Indeed, Dr. Vemuri S. Mur-
stitutions, the soft spoken Dr. tional articles in news media and to have “insulin resistance”, a thy is truly a “Global Champion
Murthy is a Resuscitation Edu- is actively involved with Indo-US condition in which the body of Resuscitation Medicine!”
www.TheIndianEYE .com