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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                   AUGUST 27, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          27

                                                 aapi congratulates

         dr. George m. abraham, the president of acp

          ACP is the Largest Medical Specialty Organization and Second-Largest Physician Group In U.S.

        Our Bureau                                                               ty of Indian physicians for all the  of AAPI, while offering fullest co-

        Washington, DC                                                           progress that we have made over  operation from the Indian  Amer-
                                                                                 the years,” said Dr. Kusum Punja- ican Physician community, said,
            t is matter of great pride for                                       bi, Chair of AAPI BOT. “In patient  “We at AAPI, look forward to work-
            all  of  us  that  Dr.  George                                        care, administration, leadership, or  ing closely with Dr. Abraham and
        IAbraham  has  been  elected                                              academics,  we  have  excelled  in  ACP, especially in our collective ef-
        president  of  American  College                                         the  respective  fields,  holding  im- forts to end this deadly pandemic.”
        of Physicians (ACP) the largest                                          portant positions across the United      George M.  Abraham, MD,
        association  of  American  inter-                                        States and the world.”               MPH, FACP, FIDSA, has been
        nal  medicine  physicians  with  a                                           Dr. Ravi Kolli, President-Elect  named President of the American
        membership  of  nearly  170,000                                          of  AAPI, that represents over  College of Physicians (ACP) rep-
        physicians,”  said  Dr.  Anupama                                         100,000 physicians of Indian ori- resenting nearly 170,000 internal
        Gotimukula, President of Amer-                                           gin in the United States, said, “We  medicine physicians (internists),
        ican Association of Physicians of                                         are proud of Dr. Abraham and his  related subspecialists, and medical
        Indian  Origin  (AAPI)  the  larg- he has volunteered with Mother        many accomplishments and look  students. His term began on May
        est ethnic medical association in  Teresa  and  the  Missionaries  of    forward to working with him and  2nd at the  conclusion  of  ACP’s
        the United States.                   Charity, and also has led medical   ACP, as the nation and the entire  Annual Business Meeting.
            A  resident  of  Shrewsbury,  mission trips to rural Louisiana       world seeks to find best possible        Dr. Abraham  earned  his med-
        MA, Dr. Abraham is a Professor  and Mexico, with his church.             solutions to tackle the pandemic  ical degree from the Christian
        of Medicine at the University of        Several  AAPI  leaders  and      that has taken the lives of millions  Medical College in India and has a
        Massachusetts  Medical  School,  past  Presidents  of  AAPI,  in-        of people around the world.”         Master’s Degree in Public Health
        Chief of Medicine and Emeritus  cluding Dr. Naresh Parikh and                Lauding Dr.  Abraham “who  from Johns Hopkins School of
        President of the Medical staff at  Dr. Narendra Kumar, who hails         has been a key advocate on Covid  Public  Health.    He  completed
        Saint Vincent Hospital, and Ad- from the same state of Kerala in          and infectious diseases,” Dr.  An- his  internal  medicine  residen-
        junct  Professor  of  Medicine  at  India as Dr. Abraham, have ex-       jana Samadder, Vice President of  cy  and  chief  residency  at  Saint
        Massachusetts  College  of  Phar- pressed their congratulations to       AAPI  said,  “Dr. Abraham’s  com- Vincent  Hospital  in  Worcester
        macy and Health Services.            Dr.  Abraham.  Dr.  Kumar  said,    mitment, ethics, quiet leadership  and then earned an MPH in In-
            Prior  to  his  term  as  Presi- “In  its  long  105  years  history,   style and impeccable credentials  fectious  Disease  Epidemiology
        dent-elect, he recently served as  George Abraham is the first phy-      make him the smart choice for this  from the Johns Hopkins School
        Chair of ACP’s Board of Gover- sician  of  Indian  origin  to  have      leadership role.”                    of Public Health. He is certified
        nors and as Governor of ACP’s  this honor and lead ACP. We ex-              “Dr.  Abraham represents the  by the American Board of Inter-
        Massachusetts Chapter prior to  press our congratulations, want          over 100,000 Indian  American  nal Medicine and the American
        that. Dr. Abraham is a Fellow of  to wish him the very best and of-      physicians,” Dr. Satheesh Kathula,  Board of Medical Specialties in
        ACP (FACP), an honorary des- fer our support in his endeavors.”          Secretary of AAPI said. “Having a  Infectious  Disease.  He  is  also
        ignation that recognizes ongoing        “The election of Dr. George      wide range of experiences and pas- certified by the American Board
        individual  service  and  contribu- Abraham to be the  President of      sion for science-based approach,  of Ambulatory and Urgent Care
        tions to the practice of medicine.  ACP is a testament to the leadership   Dr.  Abraham will bring in new  Medicine,  and  the  American
        Dr.  Abraham  had  served  as  a  qualities, vision and passion Indian   perspectives to the many health- Association  of  Medical  Review
        WHO fellow in HIV disease in  American physicians have come to            care issues that require immediate  Officers. Dr. Abraham’s areas of
        Uganda, as well as an ID fellow  be asscociuated with in the United       attention and concrete action plan  professional interest and expertise
        at  the  Communicable  Disease  States,” added Dr. Naresh Parikh.        to tackle the pandemic.”             include internal medicine and in-
        Center in Singapore. In the past,       “I am proud of our communi-          Dr. Krishan Kumar, Treasurer  fectious disease.

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