Page 24 - The Indian EYE 082622
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline AUGUST 26, 2022 | The Indian Eye 24
Spectacular Indian Flag Hoisting held at the
Daley Plaza organized by FIA, Chicago
Rakesh Malhotra FIA Chicago President with Anil Kumar CGI Chicago
OUR BUREAU Brad Schneider stated that the Indi-
an American community plays a cru-
Chicago, IL
cial role in America and is involved in
ederation of Indian Associa- virtually every walk of life. Congress-
tions. (FIA) in Chicago cele- man Schneider described India and
Fbrated the 76th Independence the USA as strong economic allies
Day of India with patriotic fervor and and the two countries’ largest trading
festivity at the Daley Plaza in Down- partners. “At the stroke of midnight
town Chicago on August 15th, 2022. on this day 75 years ago, the great na-
Mr. Amit Kumar, the Consul Gen- tion of India was born”. Cook Coun-
eral of India in Chicago and Rakesh ty Treasurer, Maria Pappas read this
Malhotra, President of the FIA Chi- proclamation and presented it to the
cago hoisted the Indian National flag President of the FIA.
at the Plaza, followed by singing of Alderman Debra Silverstein and
the United States and Indian Nation- Raymond Lopez also greeted the Indi-
al Anthems. an American people on 76th Indepen-
United States Congressman Rakesh Malhotra FIA Chicago President and Anil Kumar CGI Chicago with young Indians dence Day. IL State senator Darren
Brad Schneider, Alderman Debra Bailey highlighted the contribution of
Silverstein, Alderman Raymond Lo- the Indian diaspora to the socio-eco-
pez, IL State Senator Darren Bai- nomic progress of the United States
ley, Cook County Treasurer, Maria Nimrit Dholakia of Sadhana
Pappas, and candidate of IL State School of Indian Music led the me-
representative Kevin Olickal were lodious patriotic medley of “Vande
amongst the dignitaries who attend- Mataram” by middle school students
ed the spectacular ceremony. Close followed by a stunning kathak dance
to three hundred people, represent- performance by renowned dancer
ing Indian American Community, Madura Sane. FIA Trustees Hina
local government officials, Executive Trivedi was the anchor, Sohan Joshi
members and Trustees of FIA, and and Banquet Chair Iftekhar Shareef
members of American, and local me- also greeted the people on the 76th
dia attended the iconic flag hoisting Dignitaries watching the ceremony Independence Day celebrations.
ceremony, organized by the FIA. Hemant Patel, Executive VP re-
Amit Kumar, India’s Midwest global challenges. Welcoming the aries”. He applauded India’s success- calls the selfless sacrifice of freedom
Consul General extended his greet- dignitaries, guests and wishing all es and the many achievements under fighters. Rajesh Patel Past president,
ings to Indian American people and those marking India’s Independence Prime Minister Narender Modi. He Treasurer, Vijender Doma, Jt. Trea-
dwelt on the wide-ranging India-US Day a wonderful celebration, Rakesh extended his gratitude to the Indian surer, Nirmala Reddy, Vice Presi-
strategic partnership encompassing Malhotra, said “this is a special day American community for their con- dent Amar Upadhyay and Director
almost every facet of human develop- commemorating the birth of a free tribution and for acting as an import- Rohit Joshi marched around the Da-
ment including The Quad for securi- nation after selfless sacrifice and re- ant link between the two great na- ley Plaza with Indian and American
ty in the Indo-Pacific as well as other lentless efforts of infinite freedom tions. Wishing the people of India on Flags and colorful balloons.
multilateral agreements to confront fighters, soldiers, and revolution- the 75th anniversary, Congressman --Asian Media USA