Page 22 - The Indian EYE 082622
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline AUGUST 26, 2022 | The Indian Eye 22
F-BIMA celebrates Independence Day with a
display of heritage, culture and tradition
IAPAC further establishes its unique niche for non-partisanship among Indian Americans
New York, NY
ith fanfare and excitement,
the Floral Park-Bellerose
WIndian Merchant Associa-
tion (F-BIMA) kicked off its 75th In-
dia’s Independence Day celebration
on Sunday, August 14, 2022. This
year’s event differed in its venue and
format in that, the focus was on the
celebration of 75 years of the world’s
largest democracy overcoming all ob-
stacles to remain a world superpower
while maintaining and promoting the
beauty of the longstanding Indian
heritage, culture and tradition.
The event started with a Pa-
rade where star-studded celebrities,
beauty queens, elected officials, and F-BIMA officials with dignitaries
various organizations along with the
crowd marched into the Gregorian by the Pledge of Allegiance and the
Hall, in Bellerose, Queens. The air American National Anthem sung
was filled with music and laughter by Ms. Riya Alexander. The Indian
as DJ, Padminder, Dhol and Chen- flag was then hoisted by Ms. Singh,
da Mela performers livened up the after the proper ceremonial rituals
crowd. Officials, such as Ms. Suman conducted by Mr. Bharat Parekh
Singh, Head of Chancery Consulate and Mrs. Kirti Shukla concluded by
of India Consulate, Congresswom- singing the Indian National Anthem.
an Grace Meng, Borough President Alongside F-BIMA’s Secretary Mrs.
Donovan Richards, State Senators Mary Philip, Chairman Subhash Ka-
John Liu and Anna Kaplan, Dep- padia, President Hemant Shah, and
uty Commissioner of Asian Affairs Vice President Koshy Thomas wel-
for Mayor Adams Office Mr. Dilip comed all and thanked each official,
Chauhan and many other elected Of- dignitary, organizations and attend-
ficials, walked proudly alongside the ees for their presence and participat-
NYPD Ceremonial Marching Unit, ing in this special program. Assem-
the Veterans Color Guard, NYPD blyman David Weprin acknowledged
Desi Society, 105 Precinct, IDP USA, and thanked the Military Nurses and
IALI, the Nurses Association, and presented them with Citations for F-BIMA officials unfurling the flag
Jain Temple of NY. The presence of their commitment, hard work and
Ms. Prachi Tehlan, the Bollywood ac- dedication to India and the health International Dance, the Chacko Sis- Many Sponsors made this F-BI-
tress, alongside Meera Matthew, Ms. system. The highlight of the event ters, Hamsaasya School of Dance, MA program possible, and deserve
India-New York 2022, and Mrs. Shli- was a ribbon cutting of a small bro- Krishna Arts, Premakalalayam recognition, they are: Flushing Bank,
pa Ajith, Mrs. Beautiful Smile India chure that was put together by Mr. Dance Academy, Shen Yun, Sadhana Fidelis Care, Diamond Home Inspec-
Worldwide 2022 added fun and flair Ashok Jain. The brochure was possi- Dance Academy, Saavitri Ramanand tion, Queens Chamber of Commerce
to the celebrations as the Masters of ble from the support of the commu- Dance Academy and Kamya Parikh. and Sarashiva. The program con-
Ceremonies, Dr. Ujwala Shah and nity with their advertisements and of The varied dances paid tribute to cluded successfully with many small
Mrs. Asha Mampilly kept the mo- course beautiful messages from the other dance forms (i.e., Thai) which packets of snacks and water that was
mentum of uplifting and engaging Office Bearers. can be traced back historically to distributed to all the attendees along
the crowd while promoting the pride The celebration continued with their Indian roots. Many were seen with thank you, shared hugs and ac-
and unity of the Indian heritage. 3 hours of non-stop cultural program clapping and singing along to other knowledgement that the upliftment
The ceremony began with the where the audience was held spell- performances by Ashwin Anthony, of the souls were deeply grounded in
prayer given by Fr. John Thomasa- bound watching the many traditional Virendra Banker, Gautam Chopra, the pride of having the Indian roots
chen, Vicar of St. Mary’s Orthodox and fusion dance performances from Dhurvi and Bhuvi Kumar, Dr. Jag and celebrating 75th Independence
Church in Jackson Heights followed the Aaja Nachle Dance Group, Arya Kalra and Kulbhushanji. Day of India in the USA.