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SPORTS                                                                AUGUST 25, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 52

                                                         ICC WORLD CUP 2023

                           Countdown begins as

          experts express faith in Virat,

                                     Rohit and pacers

               The World Cup commences on Thursday, 5 October when 2019 finalists England

              and New Zealand clash at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, with the event
                         culminating in the final at the same venue on Sunday, 19 November

        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              endra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad
        Agra/New Delhi                                                                                        hosting the tournament opener and
                                                                                                              the  final.  The  event  will  feature  48
                 ith only 50 days remaining                                                                   matches to be played across 46 days.
                 for the highly anticipated
        WICC Men’s Cricket World                                                                                  The venues other than Ahmed-
        Cup, the prestigious trophy was                                                                       abad  and  Chennai  are  Bengaluru,
                                                                                                              Delhi, Dharamsala, Hyderabad, Kol-
        proudly displayed at the enchanting                                                                   kata,  Lucknow,  Mumbai  and  Pune.
        Taj Mahal in Agra, Uttar Pradesh on                                                                   While Guwahati and Thiruvanantha-
            The gleaming silverware,                                                                          puram will join Hyderabad in hosting
        set to be the ultimate prize                                                                          the practice games.
        when the tournament gets un-
        derway from October 5 to No-                                                                          Eight teams have qualified
        vember 19, radiated under the                                                                         for  the 46-day event  through
        sun  against  the  magnificent
        backdrop of the Taj Mahal—a                                                                           the Cricket World Cup Super
        true Wonder of the World. This                                                                        League while the final two spots
        recent visit to the Taj Mahal
        symbolized a harmonious blend       ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 Trophy brought to the Taj Mahal ahead of the tournament   were decided by the ICC Crick-
        of India’s rich cultural heritage and        that begins on October 5 this year in Agra on Wednesday (ANI)  et  World Cup  Qualifier  taking
        the pinnacle of cricket, offering an
        exquisite  spectacle  for  fans  as  the                                                              place in Zimbabwe. Sri Lanka
        tournament’s  excitement  continues   Pakistan was originally slated to take   stage, there are three changes with   and the Netherlands grabbed
        to  build.  The  ICC  Men’s  Cricket   place  in  Ahmedabad  on  Sunday,   the double-header  encounters  of
        World Cup 2023 Trophy Tour aims   October 15, but this clash has been   Sunday, 12 November being moved   the two final spots in the tour-
        to capture the festive and celebratory   moved a day earlier and will now be   a day earlier to Saturday, 11 Novem-  nament.
        spirit associated with Cricket World   held at the same venue on Saturday,   ber – Australia vs Pakistan in Pune
        Cups, presenting a series of grand   October 14.                    (10:30 AM) and England vs Pakistan    The top four teams will qual-
        events at some of the world’s most    As  a  result,  England’s  fixture   in Kolkata (02:00 PM).     ify  for  the  semifinals,  to  be  played
        iconic destinations.              against Afghanistan in Delhi will be   The World Cup commences on   in Mumbai on November 15 and in
            “50  days  to  go  for  #CWC23,”   moved from Saturday, October 14   Thursday,  5  October  when  2019  fi-
        tweeted ICC. On August 9, ICC re-  and will now be played 24 hours later   nalists England and New Zealand   Kolkata on November 16. The final
                                                                                                              will be on November 19 in Ahmed-
        leased a statement to announce the   on Sunday, October 15.         clash at Narendra Modi Stadium in   abad.  The  semi-finals  and  the  final
        revised schedule for the upcoming     Pakistan’s contest against Sri   Ahmedabad, with the event culmi-  will have reserve days.
        World Cup in India on Wednesday.   Lanka in Hyderabad has moved from   nating in the final at the same ven-
        The much-awaited encounter be-    Thursday, 12 October to now being   ue  on  Sunday,  19  November.  India   All-rounders will be decisive
        tween India and Pakistan in the ICC   played on Tuesday, 10 October and   will start its campaign with a match
        Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 has   Australia’s big match against South   against Australia in Chennai on Oc-  ormer India head coach Ravi
        been rescheduled to a different day,   Africa in Lucknow moved back 24   tober 8.                          Shastri asserted that pacers
        along with these eight other match-  hours  and  will  now  be  played  on   Ten teams will feature in this big-  Fwould be crucial to India’s
        es of the tournament have also been   Thursday, October 12 instead of Fri-  gest Cricket World Cup ever, to be   campaign and having four of them
        changed.                          day, October 13.                  played across 10 venues from Octo-  in the playing eleven would be an apt
            The clash between India and       Towards the end of the league   ber 5 to November 19, with the Nar-    Continued on next page... >>

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