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IMMIGRATION                                                           AUGUST 25, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 50

                    Will United States

            v. Hansen Come Back

                          to Bite Trump?

        By CYRUS D. MEHTA and      ed States v. Hansen,  held that                                                      In our previous blogs, we
                                   speech constituting fraud  is                                                     noted the troubling implica-
        KAITLYN BOX*
                                   not protected under the First                                                     tions that Hansen could have
                                   Amendment.    Will  Hansen                                                        for immigration lawyers and
             ormer       President  come back to bite Trump?                                                         their ability to effectively ad-
             Trump was indicted
                                       In two previous blogs,
        Fon  August 1,  2023  by   here and here, we have dis-                                                       vise their clients, as the plain
                                                                                                                     language of the statute could
        Special Counsel Jack Smith   cussed  the  United  States                                                     be read to prohibit an immi-
        for his efforts to overturn   v.  Hansen  case,  the  cen-                                                   gration lawyer from advising
        the 2020 elections. Although   tral  question  of which  was                                                 an undocumented  client to
        Trump believes his actions   whether INA §274(a)(1)(A)                                                       remain in the U.S. to avail of
        were protected by the First   (iv), or the “encouragement                                                    an  immigration  benefit  that
        Amendment, a recent Su-    provision”, which prohibits                                                       would be unavailable to the
        preme Court case involving   individuals from “encour-  ag[ing] or induc[ing] an   Hansen and amici argued  client if he left the country.
        an immigration statute, Unit-
                                                                 alien to come to, enter,   that the encouragement pro-
                                                                  or reside in the United   vision could punish even a   We also noted that im-
                                                                  States, knowing or in   lawyer who provides certain
                                                                  reckless disregard of the   types of  legal advice to  a  migration lawyers might
                                                                  fact that such coming   noncitizen, or an aide worker   choose to adopt a prac-
                                                                  to, entry, or residence is   who advises an undocument-
                                                                  or will be in violation of   ed immigrant to take shelter  tice  of  advising  clients
                                                                  law” is unconstitutional-  in the U.S. during a natural   only about the risks and
                                                                  ly  overbroad.  Helaman   disaster.
                                                                  Hansen, who ran an or-     The government sought  benefits of remaining in
                                                                  ganization called Amer-  review by the Supreme     the U.S., though giving
                                                                  icans Helping America   Court, asserting among other
                                                                  Chamber  of  Commerce   arguments, that INA §274(a) elliptical  advice  of  this
                                                                  (“AHA”) purporting to   (1)(A)(iv) is not facially over-  kind might not always
                                                                  help undocumented im-   broad because the terms “en-
                                                                  migrants  become  U.S.   courage” and “induce” in the  constitute  competent
                                                                  citizens through adult   encouragement provision are   representation.
                                                                  adoption, had been con-  terms of art borrowed from
                                                                  victed of violating INA   criminal law that refer to   In its decision, however,
                                                                  §274(a)(1)(A)(iv)  be-  specific  and  egregious  con-  the Supreme Court read the
                                                                  cause he encouraged or   duct, namely facilitation and   encouragement provision to
                                                                  induced individuals who   solicitation.            narrowly  apply  only  to  in-
                     m of                                         participated in his pro-   The  Supreme  Court     tentional facilitation and so-
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          gram to overstay their   granted certiorari and, in its   licitation. By making it clear
                                                                                          decision issued on June 23,
                                                                  visas on two occasions.
                                                                                             Hansen’s  convic-  2023, held that the encour-  that the encouragement
             tions eventually were   agement provision is not un-  provision “stretches no fur-
                                                                  vacated by the Ninth    constitutionally  overbroad  ther than speech integral to
                                                                   unlawful conduct, which is
                                                   
             ­       Circuit, which held that   because it uses “encourage
              ‚                                                                                unprotected”,  the  Supreme
                                                                  the encouragement pro-  or induce” “in its specialized,   Court’s decision may allevi-
                                                                  vision is overbroad and   criminal-law sense—that is,   ate, at least in part, concerns
                                                                  unconstitutional, as it   as incorporating common   that upholding the provision
                                                                  prohibits a broad range   law liability for solicitation
          2              6th Floor                                of  protected  speech  .   and facilitation”.      would have a chilling effect
                                                                   on competent legal advice.

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