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SPORTS                                                               AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 46

                                                    INDIA IN OLYMPICS

           PM Modi meets medal winners as

            India aims to host Games in 2036

         Led by Harmanpreet Singh, the Indian men’s hockey team won back-to-back bronze medals for the

                        first time in 52 years at the Olympics following their 2-1 triumph over Spain

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
             rime  Minister  Narendra  Modi
             on Wednesday said that every
        Pplayer who went to Paris Olym-
        pics is a champion and the govern-
        ment will continue to support sports
        and work towards building top-quality
        sports infrastructure.
            The Indian contingent, which
        took part in the recently-concluded
        Paris Olympics, was invited to partic-
        ipate in the Republic Day celebrations
        at Red Fort.
            PM Modi met the Indian con-
        tingent at his residence on Thursday.
        During the meet, the Indian men’s
        hockey team presented him a signed
        jersey and hockey stick.
            PM Modi shared visuals of his
        meeting with hockey team and mem-
        bers of Indian contingent of the re-
        cently concluded Summer Games.
            “It was a delight to interact with   Prime Minister Narendra Modi poses for a group picture with Olympic medalists shooters Manu Bhaker, Sarabjot Singh, Swapnil Kusale, Wres-
        the Indian contingent that represent-  tler Aman Sehrawat, Hockey captain Harmanpreet Singh and goalkeeper PR Sreejesh during his meeting with Indian Contingent of the Paris
        ed our nation in the Paris Olympics.                             Olympics 2024, in New Delhi on Thursday. (ANI Photo)
        Heard their experiences from the
        games and lauded their feats on the
        sports field,” PM Modi posted on X.  event, Manu won a bronze medal, be-  2036 Olympics.              occasion of the 78th Independence
            “Every player who went to Paris  coming the first Indian woman shoot-  The Indian Olympic Association  Day celebrations, the Prime Minister
        is  a champion.  The Government of  er to win a medal in this event.  (IOA) has already taken the first step  congratulated the Indian athletes for
        India will continue to support sports   Alongside Sarabjot Singh, Manu  towards hosting the Olympics in 2036  making the country’s flag high at the
        and ensure that a top-quality sporting  secured her second bronze and India’s  by initiating the dialogue process with  Paris Olympics.
        infrastructure is built,” he added.  first-ever  medal  in  the  mixed  team  the International Olympic Commit-  The PM also extended his best
            India ended its campaign at the  10m air pistol event.          tee’s (IOC) Future Host Commission  wishes to India’s Paralympic contin-
        Paris Olympics with six medals that in-  She narrowly missed a hat-trick of  (FHC).                   gent. He further added that India has
        cluded five bronze and a silver.  medals, finishing fourth in the wom-  Earlier in the month, Union Min-  started preparations to host the 2036
            Led by Harmanpreet Singh, the  en’s 25m pistol shooting event at the  ister for Youth Affairs and Sports,  Olympics.
        Indian men’s hockey team won back-  Paris Olympics.                 Mansukh  Mandaviya,  confirmed  the   India will look to continue the
        to-back  bronze  medals  for  the  first   Swapnil Kusale added to India’s  development in a written reply in Lok  momentum of winning 19 medals at
        time in 52 years at the Olympics fol-  medal tally after he stood at the podium  Sabha, according to a press release  the Tokyo Paralympics and a histor-
        lowing their 2-1 triumph over Spain.  with a bronze medal in the men’s 50m  by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and  ic 111-medal haul at the Para Asian
            In shooting, Manu Bhaker etched  rifle 3P event at the Paris Olympics.  Sports.                   Games.
        her name into the history books. She   India’s javelin ace Neeraj Chopra   The allotment of hosting rights   India  has  fielded  its  largest-ever
        became the first Indian athlete in the  failed to defend his Tokyo gold med-  for the Summer Games is done by the  contingent of 84 athletes for the Par-
        post-independence era to win two  al but brought the silver home with a  IOC through a detailed host selection  is Paralympics starting from August
        medals in a single edition of the Olym-  throw of 89.45m.           process. The IOC has a dedicated  28. The 84 athletes will compete in 12
        pics. This  distinction was previously   During his speech at the Red Fort  body, the Future Host Commission  sports, including archery, athletics, bad-
        held by Norman Pritchard at the Paris  on the 78th Independence Day, Prime  (FHC), which deals with this subject.  minton, canoeing, cycling, blind judo,
        1900 Games.                       Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday    While addressing the nation from  powerlifting, rowing, shooting, swim-
            In the women’s 10m air pistol  said that it is India’s dream to host the  the ramparts of the Red Fort on the  ming, table tennis, and taekwondo.

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