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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                    AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 42

                      Kangana alleges boycott by

        industry as she prepares to release

                                   her film ‘Emergency’

              ‘Emergency’, a project helmed entirely by Kangana Ranaut, boasts a stellar cast including Anupam Kher,
         Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, and the late Satish Kaushik in pivotal roles

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            dolan, among others.
                                                                                                                 “INDIA is INDIRA & INDIRA is
                                                                                                              INDIA!!! The Most Powerful Woman
              t  the trailer launch event  for                                                                In The History of the country, The Dark-
              her  film  “Emergency,”  ac-                                                                    est Chapter She Wrote in its History!
        Ator-turned-politician Kangana                                                                            Witness ambition collide with tyr-
        Ranaut addressed the challenges she                                                                   anny. #EmergencyTrailer Out Now!
        faced while making the film, including                                                                #KanganaRanaut’s    #Emergency
        being boycotted by the film industry.                                                                 Unfolds In cinemas worldwide on 6th
        She expressed gratitude towards her                                                                   September,” Kangana wrote in the
        cast and crew for standing by her de-                                                                 caption.
        spite the obstacles.                                                                                      Earlier, Kangana treated fans
            While speaking to the media,                                                                      with a new poster along with the trail-
        Kangana said, “I have faced many ob-                                                                  er release date of her much-awaited
        stacles while making this film, which                                                                 film ‘Emergency’. Taking to X, Kan-
        is common with every film. Every film                                                                 gana updated fans with the latest de-
        faces a lot of obstacles and then many                                                                velopments  of  the  film.  The  poster
        people come into your life, like an-                                                                  intrigued fans with Anupam Kher,
        gels and they see you through. I want                                                                 Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair and
        to thank my cast. Everybody knows I                                                                   Milind Soman featuring in it along-
        have been boycotted by the film indus-                                                                side Kangana Ranaut, who is playing
        try. It’s not easy to stand with me, it’s                                                             ex-PM Indira Gandhi.
        not easy to be part of my film, and it’s                                                                  Sharing the poster featuring the
        definitely not easy to praise me. But                                                                 cast, she wrote, “Witness the Darkest
        they have done all of it.”                                                                            Times of Democratic Indian Histo-
            Kangana revealed that her team                                                                    ry & the lust For Power that almost
        advised her not to speak to the me-                                                                   burned down the Nation! #Kanga-
        dia, but she chose to do so openly. She                                                               naRanaut’s #EmergencyTrailer out
        claimed that some individuals in the                                                                  on 14th August. The Explosive Saga
        industry try to sabotage films and ruin                                                               of The Darkest Chapter of Indian
        careers, and that her team was con-                                                                   Democracy #Emergency Unfolds In
        cerned about negative publicity.                                                                      cinemas worldwide on 6th September.
            However,  she  decided  to  speak   Kangana Ranaut celebrating the 78th Independence Day, in New Delhi on Thursday (ANI)  Recently, makers unveiled the
        and answer their questions openly                                                                     new release date. The political drama,
        about her upcoming film, ‘Emergency.’  tremely  negative  to  sabotage  films  late  Satish  Kaushik  in  pivotal  roles.  which explores a significant and con-
            “My  PR  team  has  said  that  ‘we  and ruin careers. This is why I am a   Based on the period when emer-  troversial period in Indian democracy,
        will not open it to media. Aapko bolne  little hesitant otherwise I speak in  gency was imposed in the country in   is set to hit theatres worldwide on Sep-
        ki azaadi nahi hai (You don’t have the  the Parliament, so there is no issue...”  1975, it stars Ranaut as former Prime   tember 6, 2024.
        freedom to speak). Think about it. So   Veteran actor Anupam Kher  Minister of India, Indira Gandhi.      Produced by Zee Studios and
        Anupam Ji said, no, no, open it to the  praised Kangana and said, “Kangana   The trailer shows young Indira’s   Manikarnika  Films,  the  film  is  set
        media. They are our friends. There is  vo shaksiyat hai jisko dil see dekhkar  bond with her father, the late Prime   against the backdrop of one of India’s
        no need to put an emergency here.”  har insaan chahe to inspire ho sakta  Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, as she en-  most tumultuous political periods,
            Kangana added the reason be-  hai... I have been part of her journey..  tered politics. It then shows how she   and promises to be a portrayal of his-
        hind this suggestion by her team and  It’s  amazing  the  way  she  has  made  dealt with conflicts, political turmoil,   torical events.
        shared, “People who are waiting to  this film.”                     and other issues over her lengthy career.  With screenplay and dialogues by
        overwrite this product with negativity   ‘Emergency’,  a  project  helmed   It also gives glimpses into the   Ritesh Shah and music orchestrated
        will  invest in  the  PRs to malign  the  entirely by Kangana Ranaut, boasts a  various  issues  that  the  film  touches   by Sanchit Balhara, ‘Emergency’ aims
        film  and  to  unnecessarily  take  away  stellar cast including Anupam Kher,  including the Emergency period, the   to captivate audiences with its portray-
        from the film. That’s our only concern.  Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman,  Shimla  Agreement,  the  rise  of  the   al of a significant chapter in India’s po-
        People in our film industry can be ex-  Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, and the  Khalistan movement, and JP An-  litical history.

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