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WELLNESS                                                              AUGUST 12, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 40

                                                               5 Easy ways to be

                                           Independent from joint pains:

                                                   hen  it  comes  to  times  of
                                                   good  weather,  our  joints
                                          Wtend  to  feel  a  lot  achier
                                          due  to  increased  physical  activity.
               DR NILESH SONI             Joint  pain  debilitates  millions  of
          Dynamic Physical Therapy Services  people annually and can play a sig-
            43-43 Kissena Blvd., Suite 110  nificant  role  in  your  ability  to  per-
                Flushing, NY 11355        form normal everyday tasks. If you
                                          understand  the  mechanics  of  your
                About Dr Nilesh Soni      joints a little bit, then there is a lot
                                          that  you  can  do  to  get  your  body
         Dr Nilesh Soni has been a clini-  moving faster and pain-free.
          cian for the past 32  years and     Our joints rely on the ability to
          is one of the leading industry   move properly, have adequate mus-
          experts  in  the  field  of  Physical   cle support and to be well lubricat-
         Therapy in New York. Dr Soni     ed. When any of these points suffer,
          founded   Dynamic    Physical   increased pressure is created in the
         Therapy Services in 2003. His    joint  causing  excessive  rubbing  of
          credentials include Doctorate of   the cartilage together. This can lead
         Physical Therapy from MGH In-    to  a  progressive  wear  down  of  the
                                          cartilage  in  the  joints  and  arthritis.
          stitute Of Health Sciences, Mas-  However,  those  suffering  with  ar-
          ters in Physical Therapy from   thritis  can  greatly  benefit  from  im-
         New York University, another     proved  joint  function  and  mobility.   especially the inner and back of the   exercising  your  joints  will  be  much
         Masters in Physical Therapy      A regular check up from a physical   thigh.  This  helps  blood  flow  to  the   more enjoyable than relying on the
                                                                                                              monotony  of  a  singular  experience
                                                                            knee.  Furthermore,  by  gently  mov-
          from University of Bombay, In-  therapist can make the difference in   ing  the  patella  (kneecap)  up  and   in a gym.
          dia , and he is a Board Certified   joint health for the long-term.  down and side to side, you can im-
         Geriatric Clinical Specialist by                                   prove joint fluid flow.                How physical therapy
          the American Physical Therapy      Use these 5 tips to beat
         Association. Dr Soni has men-              JOINT PAIN              3. Reduce your intake of inflammatory   relieves joint pain for the
          tored hundreds of Physical Ther-                                  foods and drinks.                           long-term
          apists and has conducted over   1. Improve your joint mobility.       You are what you eat and many     Physical  therapists  are  medical
         1000 lectures to educate com-        Whether  it  is  your  knee,  your   processed or high fat foods cause in-  experts that have the unique skill of
          munity dwelling older adults. At   fingers or your shoulders, make sure   flammatory reactions in the body. To   analyzing body motion and function.
         Dynamic Physical Therapy, Dr     that  your  joints  can  move  freely.   help you feel your best, limit the in-  Think of us like the mechanics for
         Soni has implemented innova-     Many  people  experience  joint  pain   take of high fat and processed foods   your body. When your body hurts, it
          tive programs such as the Com-  when  their  joints  are  simply  tight.   as well as alcohol. Focus on natural   is because it is not moving properly.
                                          The muscles and tissues around the
                                                                            foods,  fruits,  vegetables,  and  lean
                                                                                                                  An expert physical therapist can
          prehensive Osteoporosis Man-    joint  will  become  tighter,  the  less   proteins. Increase your intake of wa-  determine  the  limitations  of  your
          agement program and hands-on    that they are used. In addition, as we   ter to help your tissues become bet-  joint  movement  and  then  provide
          treatment protocols focused on   age, our tissues become more inelas-  ter lubricated and hydrated.  a  comprehensive  plan  that  will  re-
          myofascial release procedures   tic.  Therefore,  a  regular  stretching   4. Improve your core muscle strength:   store  the  movement  and  function
          for pain management. Outside    routine can go a long way to feeling                                of your joint to the best of its abil-
          of his work, Dr Soni enjoys play-  your best. If you want to know the   Strong  core  muscle  strength   ity. Through gentle hands on tech-
          ing various sports, travelling and   best types of stretches to handle your   generates adequate support for the   niques, including massage, a physi-
          photography                     joint pain, speak to one of our physi-  weight  bearing  limbs  and  you  can   cal therapist can improve the blood
                                          cal therapists today.             sustain  physical  demands  on  your   flow and joint fluid flow to the joint.
                                                                                                                  If you find that your joints aren’t
                You can contact at :      2. Improve blood and joint fluid flow.   knees and hips with ease. Consistent   moving like they used to and pain is
                                                                            and regular exercise of core muscles
               718 395 2393                   A  squeaky  wheel  needs  some   is the key to healthy lower extremity   creeping  into  your  day,  then  take
                                          grease, so why don’t you improve the   joints.                      the  time  to  contact us (deep can
                    or email at:
                                          lubrication of your joints? Massage                                 you please put a link to our website
               [email protected]       your  muscles  and  tissues  around   5. Making joint exercises fun:   here)  Speak to one of our physical
                                          the joint and above it. This will help   join a walking group or stretch-  therapists to discover what is caus-
                 or visit website at:     blood flow and joint fluid flow to the   ing class with your friends who are   ing your pain and the natural ways
                joint. For example, with knee pain,   interested  in  physical  activity.  Hav-  that  you  can  alleviate  pain  for  the
                                          take the time to massage your thigh,   ing  fun  while  moving  around  and   long-term.

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