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BUSINESS EYE                                                          AUGUST 12, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 36

         Adani Enterprise makes record profit

                   Group to acquire Macquarie Asia Infrastructure Fund’s toll road portfolio

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            corridors  in  western  and  southern
                                                                                                              India, the group said in a statement.
        New Delhi
                                                                                                                 “Adani  Road  Transport  Ltd
              dani  Enterprises  Ltd  (AEL)                                                                   (ARTL),  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary
              on Thursday reported a 76.48                                                                    of Adani Enterprises Ltd (AEL), en-
        Aper  cent  rise  in  consolidated                                                                    gaged in the development, construc-
        profit at Rs 468.74 crore for the first                                                               tion, operations and management of
        quarter ended June on the back of                                                                     roads and highway projects in India,
        higher revenue from operations. The                                                                   has  entered  into  a  definitive  agree-
        company had posted a consolidated                                                                     ment  to  acquire  Gujarat  Road  and
        net profit of Rs 265.60 crore in the                                                                  Infrastructure  Company  Ltd  (GRI-
        year-ago period, AEL said in a reg-                                                                   CL)  (owned  56.8  per  cent  by  Mac-
        ulatory filing.                                                                                       quarie Asia Infrastructure Fund) and
            The  consolidated  revenue  from                                                                  Swarna Tollway Private Ltd (STPL)
        operations  during  the  April-June                                                                   (owned  100  per  cent  by  Macquarie
        quarter  increased  to  Rs  41,066.43                                                                 Asia Infrastructure Fund).
        crore from Rs 12,578.77 crore last year.                                                                 “ARTL will acquire 56.8 per cent
            In  a  statement,  Adani  Group                                                                   in GRICL and 100 per cent stake in
        chairman  Gautam  Adani  said  the                                                                    STPL subject to regulatory approval.
        group  intends  to  leverage  AEL’s  in-                                                              The transaction is expected to close
        cubation strategy model.                                                                              in September 2022,” it added.
            AEL’s high growth lays the foun-                                                                      The  acquisition  is  at  an  enter-
        dation for the Adani Group to accel-                                                                  prise value of Rs 3,110 crore, accord-
        erate the continued development of                                                                    ing to the statement. The enterprise
        new businesses like data centres, air-                                                                value of a company includes the eq-
        port ecosystems, road and water infra-                                                                uity value, debt as well as cash with
        structure, defense and aerospace, and                                                                 the company. Equity value measures
        digital  technology  services,  he  said.                                                             the value of a company’s shares.
            The  company  said  Adani  New                                                                        STPL  has  two  stretches  of  toll
        Industries  Supply  Chain  Ecosystem                                                                  roads  in  Andhra  Pradesh  --  Tada
        achieved  sales  volume  of  264  MW                                                                  to  Nellore  on  NH-16  connecting
        while  Adani  Airports  Holdings  Ltd                                                                 important  ports  like  Chennai,  and
        (AAHL - Airports) passenger move-                  Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani (ANI)            Krishnapatnam  in  Andhra  Pradesh,
        ment rose 35 per cent to 16.6 million                                                                 spanning  110  km;  and  Nandigama
        across  seven  airports.  Adani  Road   AEL is the flagship company of   portfolio in Andhra Pradesh and Gu-  to Ibrahimpatnam to Vijayawada on
        Transport  Ltd  has  started  construc-  Adani Group.               jarat for Rs 3,110 crore. The portfolio   NH-65, spanning 48 km, which con-
        tion activities in Azhiyur Vengalam,   Also, the Adani Group on Thurs-  of 972 lane km has a long concession   nects key southern metro cities and
        Kodad Khammam, Badakumari Kar-    day  said  it  will  acquire  Macquarie   life with established traffic in strate-  provides feeder traffic to NH 16, the
        ki and Panagarh Palsit road projects.  Asia Infrastructure Fund’s toll road   gically located and important traffic   statement said.

                       5G services in India to be launched by October

                he  fifth  generation  (5G)   51,236 MHz or around 71 per cent   launch 5G in the country by October.   800 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3300 MHz
                telecom services are likely to   has  been  sold  in  the  auction.  Total   The  ongoing  5G  spectrum  auction   and  26  GHz.  Bharti  Airtel  has
          Tbe launched in India by Oc-    40 rounds of bidding were conduct-  indicates that the country’s telecom   made bids worth Rs 43,084 crore
          tober this year as the government  ed in the past seven days. The total   industry has come a long way in 5G   to acquire 19867.8 MHz spectrum
          on Monday successfully completed  value of the bid stands at Rs 1,50,173   advancements,” the minister said.  in 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100MHz,
          the spectrum auction mopping up  crore.                               Vaishnaw said that better avail-  3300 MHz and 26 GHz frequency
          over Rs 1.50 lakh crore in bids by   Vaishnaw said the allocation of   ability of spectrum will improve the   bands. Vodafone Idea Limited has
          four companies including Reliance  the  spectrum  to  the  successful  bid-  quality  of  telecom  services  in  the   made bids worth Rs 18,799 crore
          Jio,  Bharti  Airtel,  Vodafone  Idea  ders  would  be  done  by  August  10   country.             to acquire 6,228 MHz spectrum in
          and Adani Data Networks.        and the 5G services are likely to be   Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited   1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2500 MHz,
              Addressing  a  media  briefing  launched in the country by October   has made bids worth Rs 88,078 crore   3300 MHz and 26 GHz.
          after  the  end  of  the  bidding  for  this year. “Auction has been complet-  accounting for 58.65 per cent of the   Four  firms  are  in  the  fray
          5G  spectrum,  Union  Minister  of  ed and in the next few days, till Au-  total value of Rs 1,50,173 crore re-  for  the  5G  auction.  Adani  Data
          Communications, Electronics and  gust 10, all formalities including ap-  ceived by the government in the 5G   Networks Limited has made bids
          Information  Technology  Ashwi-  proving and allocating the spectrum   spectrum auction.            worth Rs 212 crore to acquire 400
          ni Vaishnaw said out of the total  will be done,” he said.            Jio  has  made  bids  to  acquire   MHz  spectrum  in  26  GHz  fre-
          72,098 MHz of spectrum on offer,    “It  seems  we  would  be  able  to   24,740 MHz spectrum in 700 MHz,   quency band.

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