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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               AUGUST 12, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 28

                Columbia varsity professor P Somasundaran is

                         elected Chair of Hoover Board of Award

        OUR BUREAU                                                          Foreign Fellow elected to the Royal   sion on decontamination of viruses to
                                                                            Society of Canada.  He was awarded   control Coronavirus.
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                            the “Ellis Island Medal of Honor” in   He  is  the  author/editor  of  15
               r.  Ponisseril  Somasundaran                                 1990. In March 2010, the President of   books  and  of  over  700  scientific
               has  been  elected  Chair  of                                India awarded him the Padma Shri,   publications  and  patents  and  editor
        Dthe Hoover Board of Award.                                         one of the highest civilian honors.  of  Encyclopedia  of  Surface  &  Col-
        The award, established in 1929, com-                                    He was appointed to the Board   loid Science and the Honorary Edi-
        memorates  the  civic  and  humanitar-                              of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) US   tor-in-chief of the international jour-
        ian  achievements  of  engineers.    The                            EPA in 2014 and chair of its Chem-  nal “Colloids and Surfaces”.   He has
        board consists of representatives from                              ical  Safety  and  Sustainability  com-  served  on  many  professional  com-
        the  American  Institute  of  Chemi-                                mittee as well as the Hazardous risk   mittees including National Research
        cal  Engineers;  American  Institute  of                            committee  and  reappointed  to  the   Council  Panels,  National  Science
        Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum                                Board in December 2017.           Foundation,  Department  of  Interi-
        Engineers; American Society of Civil                                    He was appointed as an Honor-  or,  Department  of  Energy,  Nation-
        Engineers; American Society of Me-                                  ary Professor at the Central Univer-  al Institute of Dental Research and
        chanical  Engineers;  and  Institute  of                            sity of Technology of China, an Hon-  National Institute of Environmental
        Electrical and Electronics Engineers.                               orary Research Advisor at the Beijing   Health Sciences Advisory panels. He
            Dr. Somasundaran is the La von    He  was  inducted  in  1985  into  Research Institute of Mining & Met-  was the Chairman of the Board of the
        Duddleson Krumb Professor of Min-  the National Academy of Engineer-  allurgy, Beijing, visiting professor/sci-  Engineering Foundation (1993-95).
        eral Engineering and Director of the  ing,  among  the  highest  professional  entist at the University of Melbourne   The award is named in honor of
        Langmuir  Center  for  Colloids  and  distinctions that can be conferred to  and at the Indian Institute of Science.  Herbert Hoover, who led the effort to
        Interfaces at Columbia University.  an engineer and later to the Nation-  His research has been concerned   feed  millions of  Belgian  and  French
            Professor  Somasundaran  re-  al  Academy  of  Inventors,  Chinese  with  a  wide  spectrum  of  environ-  refugees during World War I.  It recog-
        ceived his M.S. and Ph.D. from the  National  Academy  of  Engineering,  mental  problems  including  Greener   nizes  great,  unselfish,  non-technical
        University  of  California,  Berkeley.  the  Indian  National  Academy  of  Chemistry, pollution control and re-  services by engineers to humanity.  Past

        After 5 years with the International  Engineering,  the  Russian  Academy  mediation, controlled release in per-  recipients have included Jimmy Carter,
        Minerals and Chemical Corporation  of Natural Sciences and the Balkan  sonal  care,  sludge  treatment,  waste   Dwight Eisenhower, Lillian Gilbreth, A
        and  Reynolds  Industries,  he  joined  Academy of Mineral Technology Sci-  water  treatment,  and  nanotoxicity   P J Abdul Kalam, N.R. Narayana Mur-
        the Columbia University faculty.  ences. More recently he was the sole  and now, rising quietly to the occa-  thy, and Steve Wozniak.

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