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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline AUGUST 12, 2022 | The Indian Eye 26
Stamford City joining hands with GOPIO-CT
to celebrate India’s 75th Anniversary with
Flag Hoisting and India Festival
New York, NY
ndia got its independence from
the British in 1947. To mark the
I75th Anniversary of India’s inde-
pendence, the Connecticut chapter
of the Global Organization of People
of Indian Origin (GOPIO-CT) has
joined hands with Stamford City and
Mill River Collaborative to host India Honored guests and elected officials at the celebration - Indian Consul A.K. Vijayakrishnan, Stamford Caroline Simmons
Festival in Stamford to commemo- representing, CT State Senator Patricia Billie Miller representing Senate District 27, CT Rep. Harry Arora representing 151st District
rate Indian Independence, when the
then Prime Minister Pandit Jawa- and Matt Blumenthal representing 147th District
harlal Nehru raised the Indian flag at
the Red Fort in New Delhi on August
15, 1947.
The Indian Diaspora in Con-
necticut is a growing community con-
sisting generally IT and management
professionals. healthcare workers
and a large number of entrepreneurs
in hospitality and small businesses.
They will join for a celebration orga-
nized by the GOPIO-CT by hoisting
American, Indian and Connecticut
flags at the Government Center in
Stamford on Sunday, August 7th at
11.30 a.m.
Following the flag hoisting, at
12.00 Noon, there is an official cer-
emony to celebrate Indian Indepen- Yashasvi Jhangiani, Recipient of GOPIO-CT’s
dence Day at the adjacent Mill River
Park (corner Broad St. and Mill Riv- Liberty Award 2022
er St., Stamford). Honored guests are
Indian Consul A.K. Vijayakrishnan, Over the last 16 years, GO-
Stamford Mayor Caroline Simmons, PIO-CT, a chapter of GOPIO In-
CT State Senator Patricia Billie Mill- ternational has become an active
er and CT State Representatives and dynamic organization hosting
Harry Arora representing CT 151st interactive sessions with policy mak-
district and Matt Blumenthal repre- ers and academicians, community
senting 147th district. Dancers who would perform at the India Festival events, youth mentoring and net-
After the ceremony, the Mill working workshops, and working
River will witness Kite flying and an with other area organizations to help
India Festival with colorful Folk and Award for service to GOPIO-CT and at GOPIO, she gives her time and create a better future. GOPIO-CT
Classical Dances of India, Music, for community service. Yashasvi has actively raises funds for several oth- – Global Organization of People of
Magic Show and Bollywood Danc- been familiar face in the community er community-based service organi- Indian Origin – serves as a non-par-
es. There will be vendors for Indian in Connecticut for 20 plus years vol- zations. Yashasvi can be the driving tisan, secular, civic and community
food, Indian arts and crafts, Indian unteering her time wherever there is force and energy behind any event service organization – promoting
clothing and other items. Admission a need. A Homeopath by profession, that has a good cause as a motive and awareness of Indian culture, customs
is FREE for both events. Free limit- she is also a volunteer EMT with she loves to spread joy through dance! and contributions of people of Indian
ed Carousel rides will be provided for Westport EMS since 2003, on faculty The celebration is hosted by Mill origin through community programs,
small children. for their American heart association River Park Collaborative and the forums, events and youth activities. It
Norwalk resident Mrs. Yashasvi CPR AED-First aid program and a sponsors are investment firm 3Lines seeks to strengthen partnerships and
Mahesh Jhangiani will be bestowed member of the Norwalk Emergen- and the community organization IM create an ongoing dialogue with local
with Indian Independence Liberty cy response team. Besides helping of the Saree. communities.