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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                    AUGUST 09, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 36

         10-10-10-10 Decision-Making Rule: Try Out in the New

               Financial Year - Your Future Will THANK YOU for it

          In a world where instant gratification often prevails, this decision-making rule offers a valuable

                     tool for navigating life’s complexities with wisdom, foresight, and intentionality

                                                                                                              • Consider All Options: Don’t limit
                                                                                                                yourself to just two choices. Explore
                                                                                                                all potential options and apply the
                                                                                                                10-10-10-10 framework to each one.
                                                                                                              • Don’t  Overthink:  While  reflection
                                                                                                                is important, avoid getting stuck in
                                                                                                                analysis paralysis. Trust your gut and
                                                                                                                make a decision within a reasonable
                                                                                                              Benefits of the 10-10-10-10 Approach
                                                                                                              • Holistic Decision-Making: By con-
                                                                                                                sidering the impact of your decisions
                                                                                                                across four distinct timeframes, you
                                                                                                                gain a more comprehensive under-
                                                                                                                standing of their consequences and
                    Hirav Shah            While reflection is important, avoid getting stuck in analysis paralysis. Trust your gut and make   can make choices that align with
                                                        a decision within a reasonable timeframe (File photo)   your long-term vision.
                                                                                                              • Reduced Short-Sightedness: Antic-
           n our fast-paced world, decisions   10 Minutes: Immediate Gratification  • Looking back from 10 years in the   ipating the long-term implications
           often demand quick responses.
        IBut how often do we consider the   •  How will I feel about this decision   future, will I be glad I made this de-  helps mitigate the risk of making
                                            in the immediate aftermath? Will I
                                                                                                                decisions based solely on immediate
        long-term ramifications of our choic-  feel relieved, excited, or regretful?  • Will it have a positive impact on my   gratification or short-term gains, fos-
        es?  The 10-10-10-10 decision-making   • Consider whether it addresses an   life trajectory?            tering greater clarity and foresight.
        rule offers a comprehensive frame-  urgent need or desire, but remem-  • Extend your perspective to a 10-  • Alignment with Vision: The 10-10-
        work to evaluate the consequences   ber to look beyond immediate grat-  year timeframe and contemplate   10-10 framework empowers you to
        of our decisions across four different   ification  to  ensure  alignment  with   the lasting impact of your decision.  make decisions that are congruent
        timeframes: 10 minutes, 10 weeks, 10   your broader goals.          •  How will it shape your life trajec-  with  your values,  aspirations,  and
        months, and 10 years.                                                 tory over the next decade? Consid-  long-term goals, leading to a more
        Let’s explore how this expanded tool can   10 Weeks: Medium-Term      er its implications for your career,   fulfilling and purposeful life journey.
        lead to wiser decision-making and a more   Consequences               relationships, personal growth, and
        fulfilling life.                                                                                      Conclusion
                                          • How will this decision impact my   legacy.
        What is the 10-10-10-10 Decision-   day-to-day life and progress towards   • This long-term outlook can help you   • In  a  world  where  instant  gratifica-
        Making Impact Tool?                 my goals in 10 weeks?             make choices that align with your vi-  tion often prevails, the 10-10-10-10
            The 10-10-10-10 tool is a frame-  • Will it create new opportunities or   sion for the future.      decision-making rule offers a valu-
                                            challenges in the near future?
        work that encourages you to consider   • Will it lead to sustained benefits or   3. Reflect and Analyze: After consid-  able tool for navigating life’s com-
                                                                                                                plexities with wisdom, foresight, and
                                                                              ering each time horizon, take some
        the potential consequences of your de-  improvements?                 time to reflect and analyze your an-  intentionality.
        cision across four distinct time horizons:  • Anticipate any potential challeng-  swers.              • By considering the impact of our
        • 10 Minutes: How will you feel about   es or complications that may arise   4. Make an Informed Decision: Based   choices across varying timeframes,
          this decision in 10 minutes?
        • 10 Weeks: How will you feel about   during this timeframe.          on your analysis, make a conscious   we empower ourselves to make de-
                                                                                                                cisions that not only satisfy immedi-
                                                                              choice that aligns with your long-
          this decision in 10 weeks?      10 Months: Long-Term Implications
                                                                              term goals and values.
        • 10 Months: How will you feel about   • How will this decision impact my   • Remember: The 10-10-10-10 tool   ate needs but also contribute to our
                                                                                                                long-term flourishing and legacy.
          this decision in 10 months?
                                                                                                                  So, the next time you face a de-
        • 10 Years: How will you feel about   overall well-being and goals in 10   is not a magic formula. It’s a frame-  cision, remember to apply the trans-
                                                                              work designed to guide you through
          this decision in 10 years?
                                          • Will it put me on the right track or   the decision-making process and en-  formative power of the 10-10-10-10
        How to Use the 10-10-10-10          create challenges?                courage thoughtful reflection.  framework and embark on a journey
        Decision-Making Impact Tool       • How will it shape your future path                                of informed, intentional, and empow-
                                            and contribute to your overall  Here are some additional tips
        1. Define Your Decision: Clearly artic-  well-being?                for using the 10-10-10-10 tool    ered decision-making.
                                                                                                                  Your future self will thank you for it.
          ulate the choice you need to make.  • Consider whether it aligns with your  effectively:
        2. Set the Timer: For each time hori-  values, aspirations, and long-term   • Gather Information: For complex   The writer is a well known Business
          zon  (10  minutes,  10  weeks,  10   goals.                         decisions, gather relevant data and   Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
          months, 10 years), set a timer and                                  research potential outcomes before     and BestSelling Author.
          consider the following questions:  10 Years: Vision and Legacy      using the tool.                      [email protected]

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