Page 32 - The Indian EYE 080924
P. 32

South                     The Indian Eye


         32                                                                                                                 AUGUST 02, 2024

                  Bollywood filmmaker-actor Rahul Mittra

         and MoS Pabitra Margherita join celebrations

                         of 203rd Independence Day of Peru

                 At the reception hosted by the Peruvian Ambassador to India, H.E. Javier Paulinich,

        special invitees were treated to Peruvian cuisine and a folk-dance performance by Peruvian artists

        OUR BUREAU                        to India, H.E. Javier Paulinich, saw   amongst those who were invited on   Independence Day of Peru along
                                          top diplomats, bureaucrats, media   this special occasion.          with the Peruvian Ambassador H.E.
        New Delhi
                                          professionals and corporate honchos   The special invitees were treated   Javier Paulinich, MOS External Af-
              he Republic of Peru celebrated   in attendance.                           to Peruvian cuisine and a special folk   fairs Sh Pabitra Margherita & my
              its 203rd Independence Day at   Well-known    filmmaker-actor   dance performance by Peruvian art-  diplomat/bureaucrat friends. Look
        Tthe Hotel ITC Maurya in the      & branding specialist Rahul Mittra,   ists. Later in the evening Rahul Mittra   forward to enhancing #IndiaPeru bi-
        capital city on Wednesday (July 25,   Minister of State for External Affairs   tweeted about the event, generating a   lateral ties between our two ancient
        2024). This well-attended reception,   Pabitra Margherita and ambassadors   massive response on his Twitter profile.   civilizations,” Mittra tweeted from
        hosted by the Peruvian Ambassador   of many countries were prominent    “Glad to celebrate the 203rd   his personal handle @rahulmittra13.

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