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Op-Ed                                                                     AUGUST 06, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          14

           hockey bronze, male sterilization and hunger

                            Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              oor performances had
              gradually reduced India’s                                                                                        two tracks
        Phockey fan base over the
        years. The lowest point was the                                                                                         y attention was drawn
                                                                                                                                to this engineering
        men’s  team’s  failure  to  quali-                                                                            Mfeat by China because
        fy for the 2008 Beijing Games.                                                                                I was making enquiries about
        London  saw  a  lackluster  cam-                                                                              the completion of my favorite
        paign. A revival began in 2016                                                                                railway  line  between  Koder-
        with  India’s  victory  at  the  Ju-
        nior World Cup. In fact, the                                                                                  ma and Ranchi via Hazaribagh
        likes of Harmanpreet Singh and                                                                                in  Jharkhand.  It  is  my  favor-
        Nilakanta Sharma, who were                                                                                    ite railway line because ever
                                                                                                                      since I started my political ca-
        part of that junior squad, are                                                                                reer in Hazaribagh, I was told
        today members of the Olympic                                                                                  that  anyone  who  fulfilled  this
        bronze-winning team. A simi-                                                                                  long- cherished dream of get-
        lar comeback story played out
        with the women’s hockey team                                                                                  ting Hazaribagh connected by
        after Rio’s crushing disappoint-        Indian Women's Hockey players celebrate during India vs Great Britain   rail would be remembered by
        ment.  Tokyo  marked  the  first              match, at Tokyo Olympics 2020, in Tokyo on Friday. (ANI)        the people of Hazaribagh for
                                                                                                                      a long time. So, I took up the
        back-to-back Olympic qualifica-                                                                               challenge. I soon realized that
        tion. That women were ranked         ity, the Bill is unlikely to have  modities, problems of hunger  this dream could be turned into
        fourth from the bottom among
        Tokyo’s teams, and that they are     been drafted.)                      and food insecurity are grave  reality in three ways: first, there
        now in the top four, shows the          However,       India’s    fami- in India because of widespread  could be such a mass uprising
        dramatic scale of improvement.       ly-planning programme should  economic distress, high unem- for this line that the Govern-
                                             move away from trying to con- ployment and high levels of in- ment of India would be left
            Indian hockey, hugely pop-       trol men’s or women’s fertility  equality. A large proportion of  with no option but to give in
        ular now, needs sustained long-      and towards reproductive and  the poor is dependent on the  to the popular demand. The
        term corporate investment.
        The country owes a big thank         gender justice – through gender  informal economy in which in- people of Hazaribagh were not
        you to the Odisha government –       transformative policies that in- comes are too low and uncer- stirred.  They  wanted  the  rail-
        led by an ex-hockey goalkeeper       clude men. This shift is import- tain. Unemployment rates have  way line but wanted someone
        Naveen Patnaik – for sponsor-        ant because it is unfair to thrust  risen sharply over the last few  else to carry the can.
                                                                                                                          I am mentioning the ex-
                                             the onus of transforming gender  years.  High  (and  fluctuating)
        ing  both  the  men’s  and  wom-     norms and uprooting patriar- food  prices,  shrinking  public  ample of the two railway lines,
        en’s teams since 2018. But the       chy on women alone, especially  investment  and  the  econom- one in India and the other in
        sport needs more money, espe-        since the men predominant- ic slowdown have compound- China, to underscore the vast
        cially at the grassroots, if India
        is to sustain and build on its To-   ly  uphold  patriarchal  values  ed the distress among working  difference in approach of the
        kyo hockey performance.”             and directly benefit from them. classes and the peasantry. With  two countries as far as proj-
                                                A significant call to involve  low and uncertain incomes, fam- ect formulation and execution
                     editorial,              men in family planning was  ilies dependent on the informal  are concerned. I am not going
               The Times of India            made 25 years ago at the fourth  economy do not have assured  into  the reasons  for  the ram-
             population bomb                 World Conference on Women,  access to adequate and nutri- pant time and cost overruns
                                             in Beijing, a UN event. Attend- tious food. These longstanding  involved in the execution of
               orceful  male  sterilization  ees at the event highlighted the  problems were aggravated last  projects in India and, surpris-
               as a policy in India oc- need to promote equal rela- year because of lack of prepara- ingly, even material over-runs
        Fcurred  during the Emer- tionship and shared responsi- tion to deal with the pandemic.                       in many projects. India cannot
        gency in 1975-1977, with signif- bilities between men and wom-               The sharp increase in food  be a great country with such
        icant electoral repercussions for  en in matters of sexual and  insecurity  points  to  an urgent  lethargy in project execution.”
        the ruling dispensation. This is  reproductive behavior.”                need for the government to                    yashwant sinha,
        a big reason why controlling           saurabh rai and m. sivakami,      establish systems for regular                  The Telegraph
        men’s  fertility  –  largely  per-               The Wire                monitoring of the food security
        ceived to be emasculatory – isn’t                                         situation in the country and to         Every week, we look at what
        a popular policy measure. (In                 food crisis                universalize access to the pub-      the top commentators in the
        fact, if UP’s population control                                         lic distribution system, at least    Indian media are talking about
        policy had explicitly focused                espite  being  self-suffi- during the pandemic.”                 and bring to you a slice of their
        on men, and invoked coercive                 cient in the production               vaishali Bansal,           opinions and comments.
        practices to control their fertil-Dof major food com-                           The Indian Express

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