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OPINION                                                                   AUGUST 06, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          12

                   inter-state Border Disputes

                                      in Northeast india:

                           problems and solutions

           Several attempts at resolving these disputes have been unsuccessful indicating

                                  the collective failure of Union and state governments

        puShpita DaS                                                                                                  lation Act of 1873, should be the
        N       ortheast India has been                                                                               states in the Northeast are also
                                                                                                                      basis for delineating the border.
                                                                                                                         Apart from Mizoram, other
                border disputes since
                                                                                                                      with Assam. The longest and
        the early 1960s when the pro-                                                                                 embroiled in border disputes
        cess of carving out states from                                                                               the bloodiest of these is the bor-
        the undivided Assam com-                                                                                      der dispute between Assam and
        menced. The most recent in                                                                                    Nagaland.
        the series of border disputes
        that plagued the region is the                                                                                assam and  nagaland share
        Assam–Mizoram border, which                                                                                   a 434 km-long border. while
        has been witnessing violent in-                                                                               the border dispute between
        cidents since 2020. The situ-
        ation took a worse turn on 26                                                                                 the two states began right af-
        July 2021, when six policemen                                                                                 ter  nagaland attained state-
        from Assam were killed in a vi-                                                                               hood in 1963, it is important
        olent clash. It was alleged that                                                                              to  note  that  even before  In-
        the  Assam  Police  were  fired
        upon by the Mizoram Police.                                                                                   dia gained independence, the
        The situation, in fact, is a cul-                                                                             naga  national  council (nnc)
        mination of a series of allega-                                                                               had demanded the return of
        tions and counter-allegations                                                                                 the territories which formed
        of encroachment by Assam and                                                                                  part of naga Hills district. this
        Mizoram since June 2021.
            On  30  June  2021,  the                                                                                  demand was included in the
        Mizoram government accused                                                                                    nine point agreement signed
        the Assam government officials                                                                                between  governor of  assam
        of encroaching into an area                                                                                   sir akbar Hydari and the nnc
        called Aitlang hnar in Mizoram
        and destroying plantation crops.                                                                              in June 1947.
        On their part, the  Assam gov-                                                                                   Arunachal shares an 804.1
        ernment claimed that Mizo resi-                                                                               km long boundary with Assam.
        dents have encroached upon 6.5                                                                                The boundary dispute between
        km inside the Assamese territo-                                                                               the two states came to the
        ry and planted banana and betel
        nut saplings besides construct-               Congress Rajya Sabha MP from Assam Ripun Bora with              fore after the establishment of
        ing makeshift settlements.            poster 'Save Assam Save Mizoram, save India' at the Parliament House,    Arunachal Pradesh as a Union
            Mizoram was carved out                                 in New Delhi on Friday. (ANI)                      Territory  in  1972.  The  process
                                                                                                                      of demarcation of the boundary
        of Assam and established as a                                                                                 between Assam and Arunachal
        Union Territory in 1972 and as  in turn is based on Notification  as notified in 1933 arguing that            started in 1972 and by 1979, 396
        a full-fledged state in 1987. The  No. 2106 AP dated 9 March  it was a decision imposed upon                  km of the boundary was demar-
        two states share a 164.6 km-long  1933.                                  them  by  the  British.  Mizoram
        border. The boundary between            The dispute between As- suggests that the Inner Line Re-              cated. However, a number of
        the two states is defined in the  sam and Mizoram stems from  served Forest, as described in                  anomalies and disputes regard-
        North-Eastern  Areas  (Reor- the latter’s refusal to accept the  the 1875 notification under the              ing the border surfaced during
        ganisation) Act of 1971, which  present boundary with Assam  Bengal  Eastern  Frontier  Regu-                    Continued on next page... >>

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