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BUSINESS EYE                                                              JULY 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 36

                                                              TECH T@LK

          WhatsApp allows iOS and Android                                     Oppo Watch 3 releases in August,

              cross-platform chat transfers                                        first smartwatch with latest

                 hatsApp had been testing     WhatsApp has collaborated       Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 processor
                 the entire feature of sync-  with Apple to piggyback its Move to
        Wing conversation histories  iOS software in order to successfully       he Snapdragon W5 and W5+  additional competition so badly.
        between Android and iOS and made  move WhatsApp data to an iOS de-       wearable  chipsets  were  un-    While we’re on the subject of
        it public on Thursday.            vice based on the instructions pro-  Tveiled by Qualcomm earlier  optimism, let’s also say that we’re
            According to GSM Arena, only a  vided.                          today, and just a few hours later, we  crossing our fingers that Qualcomm’s
        few third-party data transfer technol-  You may move your account in-  already know which smartwatches will  promises about the W5 and perfor-
        ogies have been able to move conver-  formation,  profile  photo,  individual   run on the two new platforms.  mance +’s and battery life come true.
        sation histories between ecosystems;  and group conversations, chat histo-  According to GSM Arena, the   With the release of its next-gen-
        however, these tools are typically ex-  ry, chat media, and WhatsApp set-  Oppo Watch 3 is compatible with  eration TicWatch flagship wristwatch
        pensive and difficult to use.     tings, according to the support web-  the  Snapdragon  W5,  and  it  will  be  this autumn,  Mobvoi will follow
            You’ll need to utilise the Move to  site. Peer-to-peer payment messages   released in August. Franco Li, asso-  Oppo in the smartwatch market.
        iOS tool on Android to accomplish  and WhatsApp call history cannot be   ciate vice president and head of IoT   The  first  wristwatch  powered
        this, as only the Android to iPhone  transferred.                   business at Oppo, is the source of the  by the Snapdragon W5+ will be the
        option is available on WhatsApp’s     Users who transition between   information.                     unidentified TicWatch, which is most
        help website as of now. On both the  ecosystems have long complained    We anticipate additional Watch  likely going to be dubbed TicWatch
        transmitting and receiving devices,  about not being able to bring their   3 models as he refers to the line as a  Pro 4. The source of this informa-
        WhatsApp must be updated to the  WhatsApp      conversations  with  series, but at least one of them should  tion is the business itself, in this case,
        most recent version.              them.                             be the first to use the W5 technology  Mobvoi CEO Zhifei Li.
            Additionally, you must keep       Unlike many messaging appli-  in a real product.                    There are no other official details
        your current phone number or switch  cations, WhatsApp can only be used   Whether or not this device will  about these two upcoming product
        it before moving. Also required is a  with a single phone number and a   be distributed internationally is still  lines, but a previous rumour claimed
        fresh or factory-reset iPhone for the  single smartphone device, as report-  up in the air, but we’re hoping it will  there will be three Oppo Watch 3
        recipient.                        ed by GSM Arena.                  because the wearables market needs  models, as reported by GSM Arena.

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