Page 34 - The Indian EYE 072922
P. 34

BUSINESS EYE                                                              JULY 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 34

            ADB cuts India GDP forecast for FY23 to

          7.2% on Covid, war impact amid inflation

              Private investment will soften due to higher cost of borrowing for firms as the RBI

                                      continues to raise policy rates to contain inflation

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            projection.  This  mainly  reflects  a
                                                                                                              modest downward revision to In-
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              dia’s forecast GDP growth due to
              sian  Development    Bank                                                                       higher-than  anticipated  inflation
             (ADB) on Thursday trimmed                                                                        since April and monetary tightening,
        AIndia’s economic growth  fore-                                                                       and Sri Lanka’s sharp GDP contrac-
        cast for current fiscal year to 7.2 per                                                               tion due to the country’s sovereign
        cent from 7.5 per cent as pandemic                                                                    debt and balance-of-payment crises.
        and war impact is weighing down                                                                           For India, it said net exports
        alongside  inflationary  pressures.  In-                                                              will shrink due to subdued global
        dia, however, will continue to surpass                                                                demand and a rising real effective
        China which is expected to grow by 4                                                                  exchange rate eroding export com-
        per cent in 2022 as against the earlier                                                               petitiveness despite a depreciating
        estimate of 5 per cent. In 2023 also,                                                                 rupee.
        China is expected to grow by 4.8 per                                                                      On supply side, higher commod-
        cent.                                                                                                 ity prices will boost mining industry.
            In April, the Manila-headquar-                                                                    But  manufacturing  firms  will  bear
        tered multilateral funding agency                                                                     the brunt of higher input costs due
        had forecast the Indian economy to                                                                    to rising oil prices.
        grow by 7.5 per cent. For India, ADB                                                                      The services sector, hit hard by
        also revised downwards the econom-    Rising prices have severely affected people’s purchasing capacity in India (ANI)  COVID-19 since 2020, will do well
        ic growth in fiscal ended March 2022                                                                  in FY2022 and beyond as the econ-
        to 8.7 per cent from 8.9 per cent esti-  er-than-expected inflation will erode   firms as the RBI continues to raise   omy opens up and travel resumes.
        mated earlier.                    consumer purchasing power,” ADB   policy rates to contain inflation.  “The economic impact of the pan-
           “India has been hit by the omi-  said in its supplement to the Asian   For South Asian region -- which   demic has declined across most of
        cron  Covid-19  variant  and  the  eco-  Development Outlook (ADO) for   includes India -- it has lowered the   Asia, but we are far from a full and
        nomic impact of the war in Ukraine.  2022 released on Thursday. Some   growth forecast from 7 per cent to   sustainable recovery,” said ADB
        Consequently, GDP growth for      of the impacts of this may be offset   6.5 per cent for 2022 and from 7.4   Chief Economist Albert Park.
        FY2021 is revised down from 8.9 per   by a cut in excise duties, provision   per  cent  to  7.1  per  cent  for  2023,   On India’s inflationary outlook,
        cent to 8.7 per cent and from 7.5 per   of fertilizer  and  gas  subsidies,  and   mainly due to economic crisis in Sri   ADB said for FY2022 it is revised up
        cent to 7.2 per cent for FY2022 (fis-  extension of a free food distribution   Lanka and high inflation and associ-  from 5.8 per cent to 6.7 per cent on
        cal to be ending in March 2023).  programme.                        ated monetary tightening in India.  higher-than-expected oil prices. The
           “Although   consumer    confi-     Private  investment  will  soften   South Asia’s economy is expect-  inflation  projection  for  FY2023  is
        dence continues to improve, high-  due to higher cost of borrowing for   ed to expand less than ADO 2022’s   raised from 5 per cent to 5.8 per cent.

                              Ashish Chauhan named new chief of NSE

                shish Chauhan, chief exec-                                  once  his  10-year  stint  at  BSE  ends   where  he  worked  from  1992  to
                utive of BSE Ltd, will be                                   in November, a person aware of the   2000.
          Athe new chief of the Na-                                         matter said.                          Under him, the Bombay Stock
          tional Stock Exchange of India                                        The appointment comes after   Exchange has taken the leader-
          Ltd (NSE), with the markets reg-                                  Vikram Limaye’s term as managing   ship position in setting up a small
          ulator approving his appointment                                  director, and chief executive officer   and medium enterprises platform
          on  Sunday. The  Securities and                                   ended on 16 July.                 and introducing offer for sale and
          Exchange Board of India (Sebi)                                        Chauhan is a mechanical engi-  mutual fund distribution through
          has  cleared  a  five-year  term  for                             neer from IIT-Bombay and an alum-  exchanges.
          Chauhan as managing director                                      nus of IIM Kolkata. He started work-  While at the NSE, he was also
          and  chief  executive  officer,  NSE,                             ing at the  Industrial Development   responsible for market operations,
          India’s largest stock exchange, said                              Bank of India (now IDBI Bank) in   membership, clearing and settle-
          in a statement.                                                   1991. Chauhan is credited with mod-  ment,  surveillance,  rules,  sales,
              The appointment is subject  ditions, including approval from the   ernizing financial derivatives in India   marketing, information technol-
          to Chauhan accepting the offer   shareholders of NSE, the statement   and screen-based trading. He is one   ogy, and property management,
          and fulfilment of terms and con-  said. Chauhan will take over at NSE   of  the founding  members  of NSE,   among others.

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