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BUSINESS EYE JULY 22, 2022 | The Indian Eye 41
Netflix to team up Apple’s OLED iPads to be
with Microsoft for ad-tier thinner and lighter in 2024
pple is rumoured to be bring-
merican subscription stream- ing OLED screens to its iPad
ing service and production Alineup in the coming years. Ac-
Acompany Netflix, which has cording to GSM Arena, Samsung and
been losing customers lately, to LG are widely regarded as the two
counter the trend is set to launch primary display suppliers, and both
an even cheaper, ad-supported tier are said to be developing new OLED
for their membership. According to panels specifically for Apple’s upcom-
GSM Arena, this development is con- ing 2024 iPads.
firmed as the streaming platform has will be available exclusively through
revealed Microsoft will be its “global the company’s platform. Marketers Dry etching is a new bit in the manu-
advertising technology and sales part- looking to Microsoft for their adver-
ner.” In a press release, Greg Peters, tising needs will have access to the facturing process in which manufac- Apple is also working on a spe-
COO, and CPO at Netflix revealed Netflix audience and premium con- turers use gas chemicals to remove cial display coating that will make the
that “Microsoft has the proven ability nected TV inventory”, continued the panel more durable. Apple is said to
to support all the advertising needs” statement. As per GSM Arena, both unwanted material layers from the TFT be testing the first prototypes of its
while working on an ad-supported companies revealed the partnership circuit pattern surface during man- OLED iPads internally, as reported
offering. Microsoft also offered “the is still in its early days and there’s a by GSM Arena.
flexibility to innovate over time on lot of work to be done. Both Netflix ufacturing. This process makes the OLED iPad suggests Apple will
both the technology and sales side”. and Microsoft assured that they are OLED panel thinner and lighter, reduc- use double-stacked OLED displays
Mikhail Parakhin, President of “excited to work together” as they with two layers of light-emitting di-
Web Experiences at Microsoft add- bring the new service to life, but did ing the overall footprint of the tablets. odes, resulting in increased bright-
ed that all advertisements on Netflix not reveal any particular timeline. ness output.