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FUTURE this WEEK JULY 22, 2022 | The Indian Eye 38
ASTRO STRATEGIST (Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
Pause. Step back. You have come a long way since you first start-
HIRAV SHAH ed to walk this path. Your success deserves to be acknowledged.
The week ahead isn’t so much about planting the seeds of the
Hirav Shah is a PIONEER in introducing ASTRO new as it is about cultivating current projects. Try to wrap up your
STRATEGY for Business revolution to increase certainty in work earlier. For your mind, find the “time”. Indulge in your
business success. He is the top influencer and advisor in the hobbies when you get the “time”. Stay happy. Stay fit.
fields of Real Estate, Sports, Hollywood, Bollywood, Tourism, • Avoid wearing Gray
Corporate Business, Politics & more. He combines Business
Principles with Astrology and brings strategic solutions to the • Lucky Days : Monday
table while maintaining absolute confidentiality. Hirav has • Lucky Color : Blue
an astounding Global presence with his clients based across
various business sectors. NUMBER 6 (VENUS)
[email protected] | (Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)
NUMBER 1 (SUN) It’s been an unending hustle, one that has taken a lot out of you. The
great news is that the verdict you are seeking is close at hand. Trust
(Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month) that the scales of justice are going to tip in your favor. Time to address
But, what if things in business work out instead? What if all the your sugar issue. Find answers to why your sugar levels are fluctu-
ating, all the time. You may have to be on consistent medication for
puzzle pieces fall in place reminding you that the Supreme’s plan sometime. For non-sugar folks, there’s nothing to worry about, at all.
has always been at play? This week, the cards are encouraging you • Avoid wearing Green
to release the past and all the stories associated. To move into a • Lucky Days : Thursday
place of trust, a place of allowance and a space of surrender. • Lucky Color : Golden
Overeating is an absolute No-No. There are high chances of stom-
ach issues. Incorporate dry fasting- if that suits you. NUMBER 7 (NEPTUNE)
NUMBER 2 (MOON) (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
This week, you will be involved in group activities. There are
(Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month) chances to collaborate with friends on a project. Or you could be
Ah, the eternal conflict between things as they are in business and putting yourself out there, to meet new people. Time to put on
how you want them to be! How about choosing to change the lens your yoga shoes. If gymming suits you, then so be it. But, try to
instead? How about choosing to bring the gift of acceptance to the reduce your chronic stress. That’s very important.
table.Few health complications can be seen but with your smile • Avoid wearing Deep Green
and a positive outlook, you can come out of it. Keep smiling. Stay • Lucky Days : Monday
fit. Stay healthy. • Lucky Color : Silver
• Avoid wearing Violet NUMBER 8 (SATURN)
• Lucky Days : Monday
• Lucky Color : Yellow (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
Project delays can make you tense this week. Don’t let yourself
NUMBER 3 (JUPITER) be agitated by your external environment, though. Patience is the
(Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month) key. Self restraint is what is needed this week. Take up walking 30
mins each day, to start with. Eat good food. Think “well” about
Time to acknowledge the breakdown before the breakthrough for people. Health matters will get better and better.
it has prepared you for this massive moment. Over life’s most test- • Avoid wearing Gray
ing moments, it has rendered you with the strength and courage • Lucky Days : Wednesday
required to triumph. What you’re likely to experience this week: • Lucky Color : Light Blue
a big “wheel of fate” moment. Liver issues can happen. Do away NUMBER 9 (MARS)
with street food. Stop having packed food items. Adding black
pepper into your diet could be the best deal for you, now. (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
• Avoid wearing Black It’s time to climb the ladder of entrepreneurial triumph. It’s time
• Lucky Days : Sunday to be the change you want to see, in the business environment. It’s
• Lucky Color : White time to capitalize on your hard work, smart work, dedication and
devotion. Time to get your routine blood check-ups done. There
NUMBER 4 (URANUS) might be minor health issues. Don’t worry at all, with good food
(Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month) habits and a good lifestyle, you will recover and recover faster.
• Avoid wearing Black
You’re all fired up, Number 4. There’s so much you want to attain in • Lucky Days : Saturday
the coming days and you don’t know where to begin. Make sure you • Lucky Color : White
pace yourself. So that, you can grow your business in a sustainable
manner. Put a full stop to your cravings, especially the midnight ones. CELEBRITIES OF THE WEEK :
Focus on deep sleep. Better the sleep, the better will be your health. July 16- Dhanraj Pillay July 18- Bhumi Pednekar
• Avoid wearing Brown
• Lucky Days : Friday July 17- Ananya Birla July 20- Naseeruddin Shah
• Lucky Color : White July 18- Priyanka Chopra July 21- Mallikarjun Kharge