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NATION JULY 21, 2023 | The Indian Eye 8
Congratulations from abroad and
cheers across the country as India’s lander
heads to South Pole of Moon
Chandrayaan-3 is equipped with a lander, a rover and a propulsion module.
It weighs around 3,900 kilograms
Sri Harikota
he much-awaited moment
is over as the GSLV Mark 3
T(LVM 3) heavy-lift launch
vehicle lifted off successfully from
the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in
Andhra Pradesh’s Sriharikota as per
the scheduled launch time of 14:35
pm Friday.
The journey from Earth to the
moon for the spacecraft is estimated
to take about a month and the land-
ing is expected on August 23. Upon
landing, it will operate for one lunar
day, which is approximately 14 Earth
days. One day on the Moon is equal
to 14 days on Earth.
Indian Space Research Orga-
nization (ISRO) confirmed that the
spacecraft GSLV Mark 3 (LVM 3)
has successfully launched Chan-
drayaan-3 into the orbit. People wave the national flag as they celebrate the launch of Chandrayaan-3 mission from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, in Sriharikota on Friday (ANI)
ISRO scientists announce the
successful separation of the Satellite and wrote, “Congratulations to @ Chandrayaan-3 is equipped with a matic evolution, PM Modi stated.
from the launch Vehicle. The Satel- isro for a great launch!” “Destina- lander, a rover and a propulsion mod- The key scientific outcomes from
lite has now been injected into the tion: Moon Congratulations @isro ule. It weighs around 3,900 kilograms. Chandrayaan-2 include the first-ever
desired Orbit to begin its journey to on the successful launch of #Chan- July 14, 2023 will always be etched global map for lunar sodium, enhanc-
the Moon. “Chandrayaan-3, in its drayaan3!” the United Kingdom in golden letters in the annals of In- ing knowledge on crater size distribu-
precise orbit, has begun its journey to Space Agency wrote on Twitter. dia’s space sector history, said Prime tion, unambiguous detection of lunar
the Moon. Health of the Spacecraft is Chandrayaan-3, India’s third lu- Minister Narendra Modi, ahead of surface water ice with IIRS instru-
normal,” ISRO tweeted minutes after nar exploration mission, will make In- the launch of the much-awaited Chan- ment and more. The mission has fea-
the launch. Union Minister of State dia the fourth country after US, China, drayaan-3, India’s third lunar mission. tured in almost 50 publications.
for Science and Technology Jitendra and Russia, to land its spacecraft on “This remarkable mission will carry Extending best wishes for the
Singh congratulates ISRO Chairman the surface of the moon and demon- the hopes and dreams of our na- Chandrayaan-3 mission, PM Modi
S Somanath and his team for the suc- strate the country’s abilities for safe tion,” PM Modi had tweeted earlier. urged people to know more about
cessful launch of Chandrayaan-3. and soft landing on the lunar surface. “Thanks to our scientists, India this lunar mission and the strides In-
Greetings and best wishes poured Chandrayaan-3 is the IS- has a very rich history in the space dia has made in space, science and
in as India launched Chandrayaan 3 RO’s follow-up attempt after the sector. Chandrayaan-1 is considered innovation. “It will make you all very
on GSLV Mark 3 (LVM 3) successful- Chandrayaan-2 mission faced to be a path breaker among global lu- proud,” he added.
ly from Andhra Pradesh’s Sriharikota challenges during its soft landing nar missions as it confirmed the pres- K Sivan, former director of
on Friday. on the lunar surface in 2019 and ence of water molecules on the moon. ISRO, told ANI that the success of
NASA administrator Bill Nelson was eventually deemed to have It featured in over 200 scientific publi- mission Chandrayan-3 will give a
took it to Twitter and wrote, “Con- failed its core mission objectives. cations around the world,” PM Modi morale boost to programmes like
gratulations to @isro on the Chan- Chandrayaan-3 will be inserted wrote on Twitter. Gaganyan, India’s first manned space
drayaan-3 launch, wishing you safe into the Lunar Transfer Trajectory af- Chandrayaan-2 was equally path- mission. Former ISRO scientist Nam-
travels to the Moon. We look forward ter the orbit-raising maneuvers. Cov- breaking because data from the Or- bi Narayanan, who has been instru-
to the scientific results to come from ering a distance of over 300,000 km, biter associated with it detected the mental in the country’s space sector
the mission, including NASA’s laser it will reach the Moon in the coming presence of chromium, manganese innovation, said on Thursday the
retroreflector array. weeks. Scientific instruments on- and sodium for the first time through Chandrayaan-3 mission is going to be
European Space Agency board will study the Moon’s surface remote sensing. This will also provide successful and a game-changer event
(ESA) also congratulated ISRO and enhance our knowledge. more insights into the moon’s mag- for India.