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NATION                                                                    JULY 21, 2023  |   The Indian Eye                     6

         Big-ticket defense deals and top French honor:

             Modi’s visit to France scripts a new chapter

              An Indian military contingent marched to the tune of ‘Sare Jahan Se Accha,’ while a
               squadron of IAF Rafale fighters participated in a flypast at the Bastille Day Parade.

        OUR BUREAU
        Paris/New Delhi
              rime Minister Narendra Modi
              attended Bastille Day Parade
        Pas Guest of Honor at the invi-
        tation of French President Emman-
        uel Macron on the Champs-Élysées.
        “To mark the 25th anniversary of
        the India-France Strategic Partner-
        ship, 241-member tri-service Indian
        armed forces contingent led by a mil-
        itary band also participated in the Pa-
        rade,” the PMO said in a statement.
            The Indian Army contingent was
        led  by  the  Punjab  Regiment,  along
        with the Rajputana Rifles Regiment.
            During the parade, the Indi-
        an  military  contingent  marched  to
        the patriotic tune of ‘Sare Jahan Se
        Accha,’ while a squadron of Indi-
        an  Air  Force  (IAF)  Rafale  fighters
        participated  in  a  flypast  over  the
        Champs-Elysees at the Bastille Day
            Rafale Jets of the Indian Air
        Force, from the 101 Squadron from
        Hashimara, formed a part of the fly   Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Emmanuel Macron, France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron and others witness the marching of Indian
        past during the parade. “A giant in
        world history, with a decisive role to                    Army personnel during the Bastille Day celebrations in Paris on Friday (ANI)
        play in the future, a strategic partner,
        a friend. We are proud to welcome   French soil during the World Wars,”   received by select prominent lead-  has been approved along with asso-
        India as our guest of honor at the 14   the Indian Army tweeted.    ers and eminent personalities from   ciated ancillary equipment, weapons,
        July parade,” President Macron said.  IAF’s  Rafale  jets  flypast  was   across the world. These include   simulator, spares, documentation,
            PM Modi and President Emman-  showcased during the parade. Later,   the former South African Presi-  crew  training  and  logistic  support
        uel Macron met notable dignitaries   PM Modi attended the lunch hosted   dent Nelson Mandela, King Charles   for the Indian Navy from the French
        during the Bastille Day Parade in Paris.  by the President of French National   - the then Prince of Wales, For-  Government based on Inter-Govern-
            July 14 marks the anniversary of   Assembly, Yael Braun-Pivet.  mer German Chancellor Angela      mental Agreement (IGA).
        the storming of the Bastille prison on   PM Narendra Modi has become   Merkel, and Former United Na-      It said price and other terms of
        July 14, 1789, during the French Rev-  the first Indian Prime Minister to have   tions Secretary-General Boutros   purchase will be negotiated with the
        olution, which symbolizes the demo-  been conferred with the Grand Cross   Boutros-Ghali,  among  others.  French Government after taking into
        cratic values of ‘Liberty, Equality and   of the Legion of Honor, France’s   Earlier, the Defense Acquisition   account all relevant aspects, includ-
        Fraternity’, the central theme of both   highest civilian and military honor, by   Council (DAC), chaired by Defense   ing comparative procurement price
        the Indian and French constitutions.  French President Emmanuel Macron.  Minister Rajnath Singh, granted Ac-  of similar aircraft by other countries.
            PM Modi and President Em-         It is the highest French honor   ceptance of Necessity (AoN) for the   Further, the integration of Indi-
        manuel Macron witnessed the Indi-  in military or civilian orders. With   procurement of 26 Rafale Marine   an-designed equipment and estab-
        an  tri-services  contingent  flew  over   this,  PM  Modi  becomes  the  first   aircraft for the Indian Navy.  lishment  of  a  Maintenance,  Repair
        the Bastille Day Parade in Paris,   Indian PM to receive this honor.    DAC, which held a meeting here   and Operations (MRO) Hub for
        showcasing the French national flag.   PM  Modi  thanked  French  Presi-  on Thursday, also granted the AoN   various systems will be incorporated
        They also saw French and Indian sol-  dent Macron for the honor on be-  for the procurement of three addi-  into the contract documents after
        diers  march  along  Paris’s  tree-lined   half of the people of India. The   tional Scorpene submarines under   due negotiations.
        Champs-Elysees  avenue, as  Rafale   award ceremony took place at the   Buy (Indian) category which will be   The release said that the DAC
        fighter planes purchased by India in   Elysee Palace where Macron host-  constructed by Mazagon Dock Ship-  also approved the proposal to lay
        2015 flew above the Arc de Triomphe.  ed PM Modi for a private dinner.  builders Limited (MDL). A Defense   down guidelines for achieving the
            “It reminds us of the valor &     In the past, the Grand Cross   Ministry release said acceptance of   desired indigenous content in all cat-
        courage of the Indian soldiers on the   of the Legion of Honor has been   Necessity for Rafale Marine aircraft   egories of capital acquisition cases.

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