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SPORTS JULY 16, 2021 | The Indian Eye 46
followers & team members.” will be seen portraying the role
Yashpal Sharma passed away of the late athlete in the upcom-
due to cardiac arrest early on ing sports drama ‘83’, took to
Tuesday morning. He was also his Instagram handle to mourn
an umpire and a national selec- the demise of the cricketer.
tor. Jatin posted a picture fea-
Lok Sabha Speaker Om Bir- turing himself with the late ath-
la and Sports Minister Anurag lete and captioned it as, “This
Thakur condoled the demise of is not done sir, no not fair and
former Indian cricketer Yash- god you too not fair. Yashpal
pal Sharma on Tuesday. Birla sir can’t believe, you can not
said Yashpal gave many “gold- leave so soon abhi toh paari
en moments” to Indian cricket baaki thi, I was yet to meet you,
and added that his death is an I had to come to your house
“irreparable loss” to the crick- to meet you, we had to see the
eting world. film together, I had to see your
The Sports Minister said the expressions. Had to shout Yash
contribution of Yashpal won’t Pah Yash Pah, everyone had to
be forgotten. “Saddened by the supporters. peace,” Amit Shah chitects from that historic win, know who this lion is @yash-
passing away of ace cricketer & tweeted in Hindi. he also had an illustrious crick- palsharmacricketer you will be
1983 World Cup winning mem- Meanwhile, Punjab Chief eting career and will fondly be remembered, History will nev-
ber Sh Yashpal Sharma. He had Minister Captain Amarinder remembered for being a great er forget you #83thefilm.”
an illustrious career & was In- Singh also mourned the demise servant of Indian cricket. The Ranveer Singh, who will es-
dia’s second-highest run getter of the cricketer. Board shares the pain and grief say the role of Kapil Dev in the
at the 1983 World Cup. He was In a condolence message, of the family and prays for the movie, also paid his condolenc-
also an umpire and national se- the Chief Minister described departed soul,” said Yashpal es by posting a picture of the
lector. His contribution won’t Yashpal as an outstanding in an official release issued by late cricketer on his Instagram
be forgotten,” Anurag tweeted. cricketer who brought laurels BCCI. handle with a heartbroken
Prime Minister Narendra to the country as a member of Expressing grief over Yash- emoticon. Tahir Raj Bhasin,
Modi and Union Home Minis- the 1983 World Cup-winning pal Sharma’s demise, BCCI who will portray Sunil Gavas-
ter Amit Shah condoled the de- team. President Sourav Ganguly said: kar in the upcoming film, also
mise of former India cricketer “Being a son of the soil, “I am deeply saddened by the expressed his grief over the de-
Yashpal Sharma on Tuesday. Sharma would always be re- demise of Yashpal Sharma. We mise of Yashpal.
PM Modi termed Yash- membered by one and all es- have lost one of our cricket- He said, “Saddened by the
pal an “inspiration” for team- pecially Punjabis as a fine bats- ing heroes. He was a valuable demise of Yashpal Sharma. A
mates, fans and said he is “an- man besides National Selector middle-order batsman, a sharp story of sheer grit and incred-
guished” by the passing away of Indian cricket team,” added fielder and an affable person ible sporting spirit in the his-
of the former cricketer. “Shri Captain Amarinder Singh. off the field. His contribution tory books of Indian cricket.
Yashpal Sharma Ji was a much The Board of Control for to Indian cricket shall always Yashpal Sir was a rock on the
beloved member of the Indian Cricket in India (BCCI) Presi- be remembered. I extend my pitch and a major reason for
cricket team, including the leg- dent Sourav Ganguly on Tues- condolences to his family in this India’s 1983 World Cup win.
endary 1983 squad. He was an day condoled the demise of hour of grief.” Today I remember his accom-
inspiration for teammates, fans former India cricketer Yashpal Sharma, who represented plishments and immense con-
as well as budding cricketers. Sharma. the country in 37 Tests and 42 tributions that made the coun-
Anguished by his passing away. “Sad to hear the news of ODIs, scored 2,489 runs in in- try proud. Condolences to his
Condolences to his family and Yashpal Sharma ..had the op- ternational cricket. He also had friends, family and fans. May
admirers. Om Shanti,” PM portunity to work with him as 2 hundreds and 13 half-centu- he rest in peace.”
Modi tweeted. captain, player and then on TV. ries to his name. Saqib Saleem, who will por-
Amit Shah hailed Yashpal’s A very important part of the He played 160 first-class tray the role of Mohinder Am-
contribution to India’s historic 1983 win which showed young matches and scored 8,933 runs arnath in the movie, took to his
victory in the 1983 World Cup players like us dream of tro- in addition to 1,859 runs in List Instagram Story and posted a
and said his demise is a great phies. RIP,” tweeted Ganguly. A cricket. He also served as a monochrome picture of the
loss to the cricketing world. The Board of Control for national selector from 2004 to cricketer. Mourning the demise
“Yashpal Sharma was a great Cricket in India (BCCI) on 2005 and later from 2008 to of the athlete, he wrote, “Rest
player of cricket who contrib- Tuesday condoled the demise 2011. In Peace Sir. Love and strength
uted significantly to India’s of former India cricketer Yash- The sudden demise of crick- to the family”.
historic victory in the 1983 pal Sharma. eter Yashpal Sharma has shat- The cricketer was eagerly
Cricket World Cup. His thrill- “Yashpal Sharma will be re- tered everyone. Celebrities awaiting the release of Kabir
ing innings will always be in our membered by all for his batting from the film industry as well as Khan-directorial ‘83’ where
memory. His death is a great heroics in India’s 1983 World the sports fraternity are mourn- his contribution helped in
loss to the cricketing world. My Cup winning campaign. Apart ing the demise of the iconic the portrayal of his on-screen
condolences to his family and from being one of the key ar- athlete. Actor Jatin Sarna, who character.
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