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ImmIGRATION                                                                   JULY 16, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          42

                        Wang v. Blinken Nixes

               any hope for excluding the

            Counting of Family members

                     in the Green Card Caps

        CyruS D. mehTa and  are a group of EB-5 in- primary argument was  ation” language as it per- comes as a deep disap-
                                     vestors who would have  that nothing in the lan- tains to derivative family  pointment to the many
        KaiTlyN BOx
                                     been able to adjust sta- guage of INA § 203(d),  members appeared in a  immigration attorneys

                 n July 9, 2021,     tus long ago if not for  which states that “[v] section describing which  who had hoped that the
                 the U.S. Court      the lengthy backlogs in  isas shall be made avail- immigrants “are subject  Biden                  administration
                                     the EB-5 China, and  able, in a number not  to the numerical limita-
                                                                                                                             could reinterpret INA §
        Oof Appeals for              subsequently Vietnam,  to  exceed 7.1  percent  tions”,  but  in  1990  this  203(d) to support either
        the  D.C.  Circuit  issued   categories caused by  of [the 140,000 employ- provision was shifted to  not count derivatives at
        its opinion in Wang v.
        Blinken,  No.  20-5076       counting derivative fam- ment-based] worldwide  a new section entitled                  all or counting family
        (D.C. Cir. 2021), inter-     ily members against the  level, to qualified immi-             “Treatment of Fam- units as one.
        preting INA §  203(d)        EB-5 cap.                     grants seeking to enter  ily Members”. Plaintiffs
                                         In  a  previous  blog,  the United States for  argued that this change
        to include the counting      we discussed the case  the purpose of engaging  indicated an intent on                  We have long taken
        of derivatives toward        at the District Court  in  a  new  enterprise….. the part of Congress to  the position that not
        the EB-5 investor cap.       Level, where Plaintiffs’  in  which  such  alien  has  subject only EB-5 in-
        The Plaintiffs in the case                                                                                           counting derivatives
                                                                   invested” a qualifying  vestors, and not their
                                                                   amount of capital, and  spouses and children, to  under the preference
                                                                   which will create at least  the numerical cap.            quotas would be con-
                                                                   10 jobs for U.S. work-           The Court, however,
                                                                   ers, requires derivative  disagreed with this rea- sistent with  ina §
                                                                   family members to be  soning. Judge Walker,               203(d). See, for ex-
                                                                   counted against the cap.  who authored the opin-
                                                                   Instead, spouses and  ion, interpreted the key  ample, our blogs on
                                                                   children, under INA  phrase “same status” to              The Tyranny of priori-
                                                                   203(d) are “entitled to  mean that because an
                                                                   the same status and the  EB-5 investor’s family  ty dates in 2010, how
                                                                   same order of consid- members get the same                president         obama
                                                                   eration provided in the  type of visa as the prin-
                                                                   respective subsection, if  cipal, they must also          can erase immigrant
                                                                   accompanying or follow- be counted against the            visa Backlogs With
                                                                   ing to join, the spouse or  cap, and reasoned that
                                                                   parent.”                     “same order of consid- a Stroke of a pen in
                                                                      Plaintiffs also argued  eration provided in the
                      m of                                         that Congress intend- respective subsection,”             2012, and The Way
           CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          ed to exempt derivative  which refers to the  We  count in 2013.

                                                                                              family members from  worldwide cap on em-

                                                                   the numerical caps when  ployment-based           visas,      The Biden admin-
                            it changed the relevant   further indicates that  istration solicited rec-
                                                    
              ‚                                                     regulatory  language  in  spouses and children of  ommendations on how
                                                                   the Immigration Act of  EB-5 investors are sub- to  remove barriers  and
                                                                   1990. Prior to 1990, the  ject to the cap.                obstacles to legal im-
                                                                   “same status, and the            The Court’s deci- migration, and unitary
          2              6th Floor
                 same order of consider- sion in Wang v. Blinken  counting of derivatives,

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