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SPECIAL FEATURE JULY 14, 2023 | The Indian Eye 14
The Indispensable Role of Mandirs:
Upholding Cultural Heritage &
Embracing Our True Identity
A Mandir Preserves And Protects Culture And Traditions
Bharatnatyam Showcase at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Bharatnatyam Showcase at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Intricate carvings at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Rob-
Robbinsville, New Jersey Robbinsville, New Jersey binsville, New Jersey
n our increasingly secular and ma- meshwar, the stunning gateway of serves to preserve the centuries-old nal and indestructible. Mandirs teach
terialistic world, it’s easy for the the Madurai Minakshi Mandir, the skills of our artisans. us that this life is one of countless
Irespect and reverence towards romantic Dwarka Mandir, the intri- In essence, mandirs represent the atma has lived in its search for
one’s own culture and traditions to cately and artistically sculpted BAPS the tangible bridges that connect us eternal happiness. By understanding
be overshadowed. Mandirs, or Hindu Swaminarayan Mandirs in USA and with the richness of India’s age-old the atma’s true spiritual nature and
temples, however, stand as a bastion the hi-tech Akshardham Complexes traditions, regardless of where we are attaching it to God, the atma attains
against this onslaught, preserving and in Gandhinagar and New Delhi - all in the world. They serve as perpetual ultimate liberation, eternal happi-
reviving the richness of our cultural represent the millennia-old culture reminders for every generation of In- ness and freedom from the cycle of
heritage. and traditions of India enshrined in dians—past, present, and future—of births and deaths.
Many Hindus living in the USA, stone. As marvels of art and archi- their eternal bond with God. More When this understanding is de-
UK, Australia, New Zealand and tecture, mandirs enhance the local than that, they call upon us to carry veloped, one’s life is seen in its true
other countries have become reat- landscape. forth the responsibility of preserving perspective - that physical existence
tached to Indian culture and tradi- As wonders of art and architec- and nourishing the unique cultural is merely temporary. This under-
tions as a result of their involvement ture, these mandirs do more than just and spiritual legacy of India. standing helps one to cope with the
in the mandirs built there. Mandirs enhance the local landscape. They Let us, as Indian Americans, cel- circumstances of one’s life - one is
built many decades ago by Hindus serve as vibrant hubs for the per- ebrate and take pride in these splen- not carried away in times of happi-
living in Guyana, Fiji and Mauritius forming arts, with BAPS mandirs in did edifices, which not only anchor ness and is able to tolerate and ad-
have helped to preserve traditional particular providing avenues for skill us to our roots but also inspire us to just in times of difficulty. This under-
values in their descendants. development in dance, drama, vocal strive towards nobler living. Through standing also helps one to rise above
For thousands of years, upto and instrumental music. These cul- mandirs, we can foster mutual re- the barriers of race, religion and na-
the present day, Vedic architectural tural centers also foster traditional spect, propagate our cultural heri- tionality and to contribute to the de-
science has guided the layout, de- arts, crafts, and cuisine, thereby nur- tage, and ensure its vibrant continu- velopment of a peaceful world.
sign and construction of thousands turing a living link with our heritage. ity for the generations to come. In essence, this is the profound
of magnificent mandirs, both in The resurgence of the haveli A Mandir Strengthens Belief In message that mandirs convey to us—
India and outside: the Surya Rath style of wood architecture, a tradi- Our True Identity the importance of embracing our
Mandir of Konark on the Wheels tion lost for over a century, is a com- Each person’s identity exists at true identity and understanding the
of Time, the soaring Shikhar of Tir- mendable outcome of the construc- both physical and spiritual levels. impermanence of our physical exis-
upati, the charming robustness of tion of BAPS mandirs in places like Physical identity is determined by tence, leading to personal growth,
Kedarnath, the delicate forms of Be- London, Nairobi, Chicago, and Los the circumstances of one’s birth, but resilience, and the cultivation of har-
lur-Somnathpuri, the majesty of the Angeles in recent years. The exten- spiritually, everyone is the same. The mony in the world around us.
Sarangpur Swaminarayan Mandir, sive use of intricately carved stone individual atma which resides in the Amrutvijaydas Swami
the stupendous pradakshina of Ra- and marble in these structures also body is one’s true identity. It is eter- BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha