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OPINION                                                                   JULY 14, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 10

                                  What Would be

                   PMC Wagner Group’s

                  Future Role in Africa?

           Yevgeny Prigozhin implemented Russia’s interests in Africa through a network which is often

         referred to as the ‘Company’. One such group belonging to the ‘Company’ is the private military

           company (PMC) known as the Wagner Group, which has conducted several paramilitary and

                           political operations in Libya, Sudan, Mozambique, the CAR and Mali


              frica has become an essential
              element of Russia’s geostra-
        Ategic posture in recent years
        as Moscow seeks to evade its inter-
        national isolation and sanctions.
        However, facing isolation and a con-
        tracting economy, Russia has come
        to the realization that cultivating an
        entry point into Africa through con-
        ventional means like foreign direct
        investment (FDI), trade, develop-
        ment assistance, or cultural and ed-
        ucational exchanges, is not its best
        option. Instead, Moscow has chosen
        the path of a disruptor to elevate its
        influence on the African continent.

        At every possible opportuni-
        ty, it has colluded with African
        elites, systematically attempt-
        ed to undermine democracy

        across every region in Africa,
        has enabled authoritarian re-
        gimes, while simultaneously
        conducting sophisticated dis-        Wagner boss Prigozhin’s brazen rebellion on 23 June 2023 and the deal he cut with President Putin to end it, clearly have implications for

        information campaigns infused                                        Wagner’s operations in Africa (File photo)
        with messaging on upholding
        non-interference and African      sit atop Russia’s state-controlled   military company (PMC) known as   However, Wagner boss Prigozhin’s
                                          natural resource conglomerates.
                                                                            the Wagner Group, which has con-
                                                                                                              brazen rebellion on 23 June 2023 and
        empowerment.                      A notable example is businessman   ducted several paramilitary and po-  the deal he cut with President Putin
                                          Yevgeny Prigozhin, who implement-  litical operations in Libya, Sudan,   to  end  it, clearly have  implications
            Most Russian activities in Africa   ed Russia’s interests through a net-  Mozambique, the CAR and Mali.  for  Wagner’s operations in Africa.
        from mid-2010 onwards have been   work which is often referred to as the   In recent times, Wagner has act-  The dissolution of Wagner in Africa
        conducted by President Vladimir Pu-  ‘Company’. One such group belong-  ed as a proxy for Moscow in extend-  would entail bad news for African
        tin’s close associates, many of whom   ing to the ‘Company’ is the private   ing Russian influence across Africa.   Continued on next page... >>

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