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OPINION                                                                       JULY 09, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          12

          CCp at 100: Xi Jinping’s Future

                         Foreign policy Manifesto

          As China becomes a leading power and competes for global supremacy against the US,

                                                         what does it mean for India?

        JaGaNNaTh p. paNda
                                                                                                                      not plan to exist in a US-domi-
                                                                                                                      nated world order. Although Xi
                 n 1 July 2021, the Chi-                                                                              stated  that  China  has  no  “he-
                 nese Communist Party                                                                                 gemonic  traits”  while  placing
        O(CCP) celebrated the
        100th anniversary of its foun-                                                                                peace  and  harmony  as  values
        dation.  The  CCP,  which  was                                                                                to be promoted under his aim
        established by 13 young per-                                                                                  to promote a “human commu-
        sons united under a communist                                                                                 nity with a shared future”, this
                                                                                                                      was accompanied by threats of
        agenda in the summer of 1921,                                                                                 a  “collision”  against  any  inter-
        now comprises nearly 92 mil-                                                                                  fering external forces.
        lion members (12.55 million of
        which are below the age of 30).
        In Chinese estimation, it has                                                                                 China’s designs to institute
        grown to be one of the world’s                                                                                itself as a global leader are
        largest political parties and has
        built China into a leading great                                                                              not entirely surprising; Bei-
        power, competing for global su-                                                                               jing’s response to the pan-
        premacy against the US.
            Addressing a  gathering  of                                                                               demic, particularly in its
        over seventy thousand in a be-                                                                                early stages and with the
        hemoth spectacle of pomp and
        grandeur, Chinese President                                                                                   vaccine diplomacy, were
        and CCP General Secretary, Xi                                                                                 clear manoeuvres to this
        Jinping, ushered in the highly
        anticipated     commemoration                                                                                 effect.
        event with words rife with stra-
        tegic posturing regarding Chi-                                                                                    In strategic circles, there has
        na’s future.                                                                                                  long been an ongoing debate on
            Xi delivered the speech at                                                                                China’s intent that is often diffi-
        Tiananmen Square, subtly re-                                                                                  cult to discern, with an emerg-
        claiming power over the historic                                                                              ing consensus that it wants to
        location whose namesake pro-                                                                                  cement its global hegemony or
        tests of 1989 marked the biggest      An exile Tibetan activist wearing a mask of Chinese President Xi Jinping   domination. Xi’s words were an
        civilian  unrest CCP  has dealt        sits in a tub filled with red fluid like blood during a protest against the   indication of China’s clear re-
        with in modern-day China.              100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, at   jection of the status-quo inter-
            Essentially, Beijing has, over                Mcleodganj, in Dharamshala on Thursday. (ANI)               national  order  and  intentions
        the course of the pandemic and                                                                                to remake it based on socialism
        leading up to the CCP centena- icy ambitions and directives of  the old world, but also building  with Chinese characteristics.
        ry celebrations, become more  Xi’s (and the CCP’s) China, and  a new one”. This statement has                     Notably, this could imply
        blatant in challenging the sta- what are the tactics that Beijing  clearly  highlighted Xi’s vision  a further breakdown in com-
        tus-quo world order, aiming to  will resort to in achieving these  of China’s future in the global  munication, consultation and
        “build a new type of internation- ambitions?                             order as a power intending to  compromise between the  US
        al relations” and indicating that       In terms of the CCP’s for- knock down and reshape a new  and China—something India
        the onset of a new era will, most  eign strategy, Xi’s speech re- world.  China’s  revisionist  an- must  be  mindful  of.  New  Del-
        likely, be shaped by Chinese ac- flected  a  strong  posture  rife  tics have marked a clear threat  hi remains committed to an in-
        tions. In this context, Xi’s recent  with  nationalistic  fervour.  Xi  to the United States’ (US) role  clusive, rules-based, free, open
        speech provides vital insight  stressed that the Party has  as the international status-quo  and prosperous Indo-Pacific or-
        into  China’s  strategic  thinking.  shown over time that China is  power, with Xi making it ex- der, wherein engagement with
        What are the future foreign pol- “capable of not only dismantling  ceedingly clear that China does               Continued on next page... >>

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