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NATION                                                                        JULY 09, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          11

        ing against COVID-19, starting  COVID-19 vaccine so that the  tinuously  in  touch  with  Pfizer,  company is in the final stages to
        14 days after the first dose. Dr  application is processed well in  but no decision has been taken  get approval for the COVID-19
        VK Paul, NITI Aayog member  time but Pfizer has not applied  particularly over granting pro- vaccine in India.
        health and Chair of the Nation- for the license yet, said sources  tection against legal liability.               The new phase of univer-
        al Expert Group on  Vaccine  on  Tuesday.  According  to  the                Notably, in June, Pfizer CEO  salization of COVID-19 vacci-
        Administration (NEGVAC) for  sources, the government is con- Albert Bourla had said that the  nation commenced from June
        COVID-19, said that the Mod-                                                                                  21, 2021. The vaccination drive
        erna vaccine will be adminis-                                                                                 has  been ramped  up through
        tered in two doses.                                                                                           availability of more vaccines,
            “New  drug  permission  has                                                                               advance visibility of vaccine
        been granted to Moderna, the                                                                                  availability to states and UTs
        first  internationally  developed                                                                             for enabling better planning by
        vaccine. This new drug permis-                                                                                them, and streamlining the vac-
        sion is for restricted use. There                                                                             cine supply chain.
        are four vaccines now Covaxin,                                                                                    As part of the nationwide
        Covishield, SputnikV and Mod-                                                                                 vaccination drive, Government
        erna. We will soon close the deal                                                                             of India has been supporting
        on Pfizer as well,” Dr Paul said.                                                                             the states and UTs by providing
            “These  four  vaccines  (Co-                                                                              them COVID vaccines free of
        vaxin, Covishield, SputnikV and                                                                               cost. In the new phase of the uni-
        Moderna) are safe for lactating                                                                               versalisation of the COVID-19
        mothers. The vaccine has no asso-                                                                             vaccination drive, the Union
        ciation with infertility,” he added.                                                                          Government will procure and
            Also, the Indian drug reg-                                                                                supply (free of cost) 75 per cent
        ulator  has  urged  Pfizer  twice     People wait to receive a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine outside a vaccina-  of the vaccines being produced
        in writing to apply for emer-                       tion centre in Gurugram on Tuesday. (ANI)                 by the vaccine manufacturers in
        gency use authorization for its                                                                               the country to states and UTs.

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